"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #954, October 1, 2021
Issue #954, October 1, 2021
Carefree considered entering into a lease with Rural/Metro (R/M) to temporarily store and house on a month-to-month basis their vehicles, equipment and employees, moving them from the Cave Creek fire station to the Carefree fire station beginning in October. This request was brought to Carefree by R/M.
Gary Neiss reported that the Town of Cave Creek is exploring starting their own fire program and looking at owning their assets and contracting for the labor, similar to what the Town of Carefree does. This was motivated by the 2 regional fires a little over a year ago that came through Cave Creek, both of which required a regional response. Many of the municipalities that responded questioned the use of their taxpayer funded resources being used when Cave Creek had no "skin in the game". So Cave Creek hired Assistant Deputy Fire Chief Jim Ford, from the Scottsdale Fire Department. Mr. Neiss, who used to work for the City of Scottsdale, has known Mr. Ford for decades and has a good relationship with him, so has had excellent communications with him throughout this process.
Cave Creek looked at several potential sites for fire stations, as well as the existing site which is currently occupied by R/M. This is important to Carefree because this site contains the engine company that responds to the west side of Carefree. It also serves the R/M subscribers within Cave Creek and the County islands to the south of Carefree and Cave Creek.
The offer to acquire the existing fire station in Cave Creek was accepted, and R/M will vacate it in October. Cave Creek's contract will most likely go to an entity outside of R/M, most likely Daisy Mountain Fire Company. A significant investment is required to join Daisy Mountain and the Automatic Aid program with surrounding municipalities.
Carefree has a good relationship with R/M that dates back to the late 1960s, so Mr. Neiss is confident that R/M will continue to serve Carefree well. But they now need a place to keep their assets that were in the fire station in Cave Creek. There is an extra bay in the Carefree fire station. R/M would pay Carefree $5000 per month and they will pay for the utilities until they can relocate to another station locally. This arrangement would also provide redundancy for Carefree if our equipment is out on a call. It would elongate the response time for calls from west Carefree to 5-1/2 minutes, but that is still within the 6 minute maximum response time in the contract.
When work was being done on the fire station in Cave Creek in the past, R/M relocated to the Carefree fire station for a few weeks, so this has been done before. The community room was turned into a bunk room and the extra bay was utilized then. R/M is looking for a new site on the west side to quickly respond to service calls from west Carefree and the County islands. Carefree will continue to enjoy the Mutual Aid pacts with Phoenix and Scottsdale. The service level will not change.
The R/M contract expires next summer. The Safety Advisory Committee is a committee made up of Carefree citizens that has been meeting approximately twice a month since April. They are exploring options for the Council to consider. These options will be presented in the next couple of months.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked if there would be an advantage to Carefree to keep those extra assets at the Carefree fire station long term. Mr. Neiss replied that R/M is interested in locating the assets back to the west side, along Cave Creek Road, in order to best serve west Carefree and the County islands.
Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer got conformation that the $5000 revenue stream flowed towards, not from, Carefree.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio called the temporary housing of the R/M "a goodwill gesture between our communities and a way for us to ensure that the residents on both sides are safe". Mayor Peterson agreed that it is a seamless way to make sure the coverage is continued to those who are now serviced by R/M out of the fire station in Cave Creek.
Councilman Tony Geiger, not seeing any, asked if there was any downside to Carefree in this arrangement. Mr. Neiss said there could be some additional noise and lights as engines left the station, but on the plus side, there would be additional engines and personnel available if the others are out on a call. Mr. Geiger noted that it is a temporary situation where the Town is working with our service provider.
Mr. Hatcher asked if there is a state statute dictating how many fire stations are required per population. Mr. Neiss replied that there is a federal standard for the level of service based on population density and intensity. Intensity relates more to urban areas with taller buildings, necessitating larger equipment such as ladder trucks.
Mayor Peterson pointed out that this solution provided continued fire and ambulance coverage for the people on the west side, with some temporary increased noise to those who live in proximity to the fire station. It fits in with Carefree's governing axiom about the greatest benefit to the most people, and the least detriment to the fewest.
Temporary storage and housing of R/M equipment and employees was unanimously approved.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
Gary Neiss reported that the Town of Cave Creek is exploring starting their own fire program and looking at owning their assets and contracting for the labor, similar to what the Town of Carefree does. This was motivated by the 2 regional fires a little over a year ago that came through Cave Creek, both of which required a regional response. Many of the municipalities that responded questioned the use of their taxpayer funded resources being used when Cave Creek had no "skin in the game". So Cave Creek hired Assistant Deputy Fire Chief Jim Ford, from the Scottsdale Fire Department. Mr. Neiss, who used to work for the City of Scottsdale, has known Mr. Ford for decades and has a good relationship with him, so has had excellent communications with him throughout this process.
Cave Creek looked at several potential sites for fire stations, as well as the existing site which is currently occupied by R/M. This is important to Carefree because this site contains the engine company that responds to the west side of Carefree. It also serves the R/M subscribers within Cave Creek and the County islands to the south of Carefree and Cave Creek.
The offer to acquire the existing fire station in Cave Creek was accepted, and R/M will vacate it in October. Cave Creek's contract will most likely go to an entity outside of R/M, most likely Daisy Mountain Fire Company. A significant investment is required to join Daisy Mountain and the Automatic Aid program with surrounding municipalities.
Carefree has a good relationship with R/M that dates back to the late 1960s, so Mr. Neiss is confident that R/M will continue to serve Carefree well. But they now need a place to keep their assets that were in the fire station in Cave Creek. There is an extra bay in the Carefree fire station. R/M would pay Carefree $5000 per month and they will pay for the utilities until they can relocate to another station locally. This arrangement would also provide redundancy for Carefree if our equipment is out on a call. It would elongate the response time for calls from west Carefree to 5-1/2 minutes, but that is still within the 6 minute maximum response time in the contract.
When work was being done on the fire station in Cave Creek in the past, R/M relocated to the Carefree fire station for a few weeks, so this has been done before. The community room was turned into a bunk room and the extra bay was utilized then. R/M is looking for a new site on the west side to quickly respond to service calls from west Carefree and the County islands. Carefree will continue to enjoy the Mutual Aid pacts with Phoenix and Scottsdale. The service level will not change.
The R/M contract expires next summer. The Safety Advisory Committee is a committee made up of Carefree citizens that has been meeting approximately twice a month since April. They are exploring options for the Council to consider. These options will be presented in the next couple of months.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked if there would be an advantage to Carefree to keep those extra assets at the Carefree fire station long term. Mr. Neiss replied that R/M is interested in locating the assets back to the west side, along Cave Creek Road, in order to best serve west Carefree and the County islands.
Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer got conformation that the $5000 revenue stream flowed towards, not from, Carefree.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio called the temporary housing of the R/M "a goodwill gesture between our communities and a way for us to ensure that the residents on both sides are safe". Mayor Peterson agreed that it is a seamless way to make sure the coverage is continued to those who are now serviced by R/M out of the fire station in Cave Creek.
Councilman Tony Geiger, not seeing any, asked if there was any downside to Carefree in this arrangement. Mr. Neiss said there could be some additional noise and lights as engines left the station, but on the plus side, there would be additional engines and personnel available if the others are out on a call. Mr. Geiger noted that it is a temporary situation where the Town is working with our service provider.
Mr. Hatcher asked if there is a state statute dictating how many fire stations are required per population. Mr. Neiss replied that there is a federal standard for the level of service based on population density and intensity. Intensity relates more to urban areas with taller buildings, necessitating larger equipment such as ladder trucks.
Mayor Peterson pointed out that this solution provided continued fire and ambulance coverage for the people on the west side, with some temporary increased noise to those who live in proximity to the fire station. It fits in with Carefree's governing axiom about the greatest benefit to the most people, and the least detriment to the fewest.
Temporary storage and housing of R/M equipment and employees was unanimously approved.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.