"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1098, July 18, 2024
Good morning Lyn,
Thank you for publishing my note regarding slates and endorsements. It sounds like my message did not resonate with you, based on your comments. I am running independently and should I be elected, I will make decisions based on my own knowledge and experience. I will also listen to the residents and make certain they have a voice.
I would also like to clear up your other statements regarding my views on the town staff. I have never said I would like to fire staff or review their compensation. What I do believe is that residents would like staff to be accountable and transparent. Residents deserve to know if projects are meeting budget expectations and if if not why are there cost over-runs? Lyn, in my 43 years of business experience I have always operated transparently and insisted on accountability. Goals for employees or staff need to be established. These goals also must be clear, concise and measurable with agreed timelines. This method allows for a yearly review of staff by council, removing emotion and or feelings providing a clear picture of job performance. This process should also include input from residents, since staff and council are elected or hired to serve their interests.
Lon Johnson
(Lyn's note: You obviously do not know Carefree's staff personally. They go above and beyond the call of duty to the town and its residents. What you and others who are so critical are saying is hugely insulting to people who don't deserve those slings and arrows. The "residents" who regularly slam the staff and Council with unwarranted insults into their performance, and who are so eager to provide their "input", are a tiny percentage of the approximately 3800 citizens of Carefree. Because of the insults spewed by this very small but loud percentage of residents, the Town already had a consultant do a study to compare our staff's salaries with those of other towns. Our staff is paid at the same or lower rates than others, and we have one of the smallest staffs in the state, which is why they wear multiple hats, meaning they do more work than most staffs. This is something of which you are obviously unaware, but it was discussed at a Council meeting and reported in Carefree Truth, had you been "engaged" at that time.
I was on the Subdivision Committee for 2 years in 2005, and have been on P&Z from 2007 until this year, so I have worked closely with the staff for many years and I know them well. They do NOT need anyone breathing down their necks to make them do their jobs. They do their jobs very diligently and well. The staff recommends a budget each year. That budget is comprehensive, with line items for each of their requests, along with the reasons for the requests. This is done at 3 public meetings each spring. The bottom line has never been exceeded. An outside accounting firm does an annual audit that is discussed at a public Council meeting each fall. Carefree's Court, the Carefree Water Company, and the Town finances pass each year with flying colors. Is that transparent enough for you?
I was the vice president of the largest tool steel warehouse on the East coast for many years, yet I knew nothing about how government ran. When I got involved in our local government, it was all new to me. Your 43 years of business experience does not qualify you to know anything about government, and does not qualify you to judge those about whom you know nothing. It is not the job of the staff to make sure projects come in on time and on budget. That is the job of the Council. The staff, P&Z Commissioners, committees, and consultants only make recommendations to the Council. But you are correct about one thing. Your message does not "resonate" with me at all.)
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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