(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Meet Gracie and Jasmine, English Springer Spaniels, who are 9 weeks old today! Just as with any babies we are up in the middle of the night and early mornings. We are counting sleeping in at 5:00! Jasmine is the one with the caramel eye brows.
Photo by Don Johnson
Photo by Don Johnson
Photo by Laurie Palace
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Here is your bonus video from Herbert.
Here is your bonus video from Herbert.
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
While my home is now Scottsdale my heart is still in Carefree. I follow with great interest and approval the leadership of Mayor Les Peterson and the accomplishments of the Council and staff.
I concur with your voting recommendations. I’d like to ask Carefree voters to give special consideration and vote for Tony Geiger. Mr. Geiger’s background and expertise in water issues are impressive. With water remaining an important issue to Carefree, the addition of Mr. Geiger seems prudent.
Thanks for your continued support of an informed citizenry. KGDS!!
Ed Morgan
Are all the candidates running for council and mayor?
John Nimsky
(Lyn's note: The Mayor and the Council are voted for separately. Les Peterson is the only one running for Mayor this time, but still needs the required minimum of 50% plus one of the votes cast in order to be elected in the Primary election on April 4th, as do the candidates for the Council. Anyone who doesn't receive at least the minimum number of votes must proceed to the General Election on November 3rd.)
I will not be voting for Cheryl Kroger. I feel spending THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on the ugly Arches just for the words KEEP CAREFREE CAREFREE was waste of Carefree’s tax money. Now we do not have the money coming in because of the coronavirus.
Margaret Hasselbusch
(Lyn's note: I was surprised when you wrote that the signs cost thousands of dollars. I called Jim Keen, the Town accountant. He looked back in his records to find the amount the oval signs on the butterfly wings cost. The total for all of those added signs was $1500, not thousands.
The arches were installed before Cheryl Kroyer was on the Council. They were sponsored by Melissa Price and Glenn Miller, both of whom tried to push for 4 arches, with 4 additional roundabouts to go with them. The 2 arches were what cost thousands of dollars, and the price would have gone up dramatically if Ms. Price and Mr. Miller had prevailed. Glenn Miller is running for Council again this time, so if you think the arches that did indeed cost many thousands of dollars are ugly, you might want to keep that in mind.
Mr. Keen also told me that the sales tax revenue for the 2019/20 fiscal year was only down 5% due to the fact that much of our sales tax revenue is generated by Carefree businesses that are considered essential, so were not closed during the lock down. Also, online sales are now charging sales tax, and Carefree saw revenue from that source. As we all know, internet shopping has been way up during the pandemic. All of this helped, thank goodness!)
Issue #842 just irked me.
Let me guess – Ms. Rawles isn’t a Trump supporter either. “Libertarian-Republican” sounds suspiciously similar to Socialist-Democrat. I think the definition of a Libertarian Republican means one sides with the Swamp Republicans over the Swamp Democrats.
She didn’t have anything better to do than to sit outside in a nearly all-white town with a ill-advised sign that said “Black Lives Matter,” counting honks as if it was some sort of official poll? She might was well had a sign that said “It sure is Hot,” or “Bikers Lives Matter.” Just think of all the honks she would have gotten then.
Contrary to her elitist attitude and fancy title to differentiate herself from the great unwashed, most white people think black lives matter - just like they think the rest of the lives on this rock we call Earth matter too. That fact is so plainly obvious that most of us don’t feel the need to broadcast it.
She was stirring crap and asking for as much attention as the “vigilantes” she is bemoaning. She sounds like a busy-body with a fancy degree, painting all bikers with one brush.
Thank you!
Alan N. Webber HKU (Hard Knocks University alumni)
So here we have a letter from Linda Rawles in which she complains about the Sheriff's Dept not having enough staffing to take the time to ticket speeders, loud motorcycles and ATVs, people out of their homes during a curfew, etc., but she stands out in traffic holding signs to support a radical Marxist organization which demands the de-funding of the police? Am I the only person who finds this rich?
Mary Iversen
Is this letter from the same person who is opposed to saying the Pledge of Allegiance?
Catherine Zindell
(Lyn's note: Yes, Linda and Tom Rawles are both opposed to saying and standing for the Pledge)
Thank you for your publishing this. There are a lot of folks in our community that go out of the way to help and be civil to others. Your article has prompted a lot of discussions and I don’t mind if you print my response.
First and foremost I am proud of the leadership in both Carefree and Cave Creek
Our Sheriffs go to great lengths to support our rights, especially when it comes to the 2nd amendment. Sounds like Linda would be comfortable with a government in Oregon,Washington or Chicago.
I was particularly amused when she said got thumbs up 10 to 1. A rumor had started that Black Lives Matter folks were coming to town in residential and business to create chaos etc., local passers by thought that was a rallying point and so the rumors started. A network of local business communications was established and security measures were put in place and continues today. So Linda can take credit for that.
We have all seen what the Marxist organization “Black Lives Matter” has been doing to our country. A black man carrying a gun is much safer here than other parts of the country.
All lives matter, especially our law enforcement who protect us everyday.
Have a good weekend.
Rich Christopher
I am the current detective assigned to the Carefree and Cave Creek areas and take care of these towns as if it was my own back yard.
Making a difference is on the forefront along with protecting those who can't, could not or would not protect themselves. I do risk it all if the duty calls to protect, help in many ways and rescue those in need.
Commonly, people who wish to lash out are those who haven't a clue about what we do each and every day. The complaints have little or no merit. These people should take the time to ask questions before passing judgement or defund anything.. Educating oneself has its benefits. It keeps them from arguing invalid points and from the backpedaling when they find out their opinions were off base and just outright wrong.
While our constitution is what we swear to uphold, it is our rules put in place over 200 years ago. These amendments are not taken lightly. They are adhered to which protect the people from foreign and domestic.
These values are used when enforcing state and local laws.
Freedoms are protected. Just as someone's freedom of speech, so is the riding a motorcycle in through and around Cave Creek and Carefree. We protect against bullies who think all should be as they see fit without consideration for others. We enforce the laws and often times give warnings to change bad behaviors. Warnings work and other times, warnings are not an option.
Speeders through town are addressed. The town Marshall of Cave Creek and current towns council members put in place new signs, cross walks, markers and lane dividers to assist while Deputies give our citations and warnings for such. Traffic citations are to assist in preventing accidents by changing the driving habits. Deputies write between 30 to 130 citations each month while making a third more stops without giving citations, and provide warnings.
For Example: Traffic car assigned to the area makes about 200 stops in a month and writes 130 citations.
We are also required to complete all reports prior to the end of shift. The report forms can be extensive and a written story of a burglary may take half a shift along with processing evidence and photographs of the crime scenes. Having two or three or four reports back to back will be his or her shift.
Time consuming but not wasted. We patrol each night whilst the community sleeps restful. We know the general population support first responders and realize putting a life on the line for a total stranger is what we signed up for.
Voiced opinions are welcomed and I support an open forum as we work though our differences.
BLM movement seems to be another form of segregation which was abolished. All lives matter, period.
Before I judge another man's position or occupation, I would learn what it is he does first then make suggestions to create quality service. Not tell a Mason how to lay block, or an architect to design, or an electrician to wire a building or even tell a doctor how to perform surgery and how many people nurses and equipment he or she should have to perform the task.
I also never let school get in the way of my education. Living with a Phoenix Bomb Technician (my father) till I was 18, becoming a deputy sheriff at 24, being a Detective investigating for 30 out of almost 35 years, I have learned on the street. I have had to draw my weapons in dark buildings concerned about an ambush from a suspect we can only react to. Risking it all for a total stranger, running toward trouble not away from it. Being there for victims of crime.
We stand tall and proud 24/7.
It has been my experience all good people love having a police officer as a next door neighbor.. just saying...
Detective Steve Horath #759
Don’t know this Linda lady but she seems to have a lot of issues. I am out at 5:15 in the morning for my daily 2 + mile hike, then one hour of swimming plus one hour of swimming in the evening from around 6-7 pm. Most noticeable thing is how quiet it is and hardly ever hear a motorcycle.
I am sure the merchants in Cave Creek and Carefree would like a little noise when it reflects in business to stay alive.
Tom Surrency
A good write! A good opinion stating what is bothering her! I hope they do something about it!
Just my feelings.
Marlys Weber
Hi Lyn,
I just read your most recent Carefree Truth. What is this curfew Linda is talking about?
Mark Jameson
Once again, I find something to be confused about. What is the “curfew” to which she refers in her email? Does Cave Creek, Carefree, Maricopa County or the state currently have a nighttime curfew?
Dennis Lewin
(Lyn's note: It was an 8 PM curfew imposed by Governor Ducey after the rioters busted up and looted Fashion Square mall and the surrounding stores on Scottsdale Road. It was imposed because more of the same was expected that week and the following weekend. There were a lot of exceptions, including people like restaurant workers on their way home, and peaceful people out walking their dogs or taking walks. It was aimed at preventing large groups from rioting after dark. It was removed after the following weekend.
This was a Call to the Public comment from the early June Council meeting.)
How’s this for an idea for those dangerous crosswalks? We could be leaders in establishing something like this.......should meet requirements for grant requests, and put us on the map!
Kris Strike
(Lyn's note: Carefree is applying for grants to improve crosswalk safety. The Town has gotten grants whenever possible, and does apply for them when they are available for projects undertaken. When times were better, Carefree used to give 3% of it's budget in grants to local non profits that applied. I was on the committee that heard the applications and gave recommendations to the Council. It was a lovely thing to do, but it ended when the economy crashed back in 2008. Our local non profits do so much good work. We are truly blessed with an abundance of volunteerism in this area.)
Submitted by Vince D'Aliesio
Non profit info
Cave Creek Museum is coming off a successful 2019-2020 season from celebrating the legacy of Gerry Jones, the man who built Carefree. Over the course of the 2019-2020 season, a dream renovation of the Pioneer Wing came to fruition. Coming Fall 2020 in the celebration of Cave Creek's 150th Sesquicentennial Year, the Pioneer Wing will be completely renovated. The Ansbaugh Auditorium will honor the vast history of Cave Creek and Carefree Desert foothills. Please stay tuned for updates and we hope to see you through our doors October 1st, 2020! For more information, please call the museum at 480-488-2764, check out our website www.cavecreekmuseum.org, Instagram page @cavecreekmuseum, Cave Creek Museum Facebook page, or email info@cavecreekmuseum.com.
Remington Pettus, BA I Administrative Assistant
Cave Creek Museum
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jen Miles – Tech 4 Life
Phone: 480-477-0773
Email: Jen@techfourlife.com
[July 17, 2020, Cave Creek, AZ] The Scholarship Committee awards college scholarships and merit awards to local high school seniors. Since its inception in 1986, the Scholarship Committee has awarded over $2 million in scholarships and merit awards to college-bound seniors. Over 60 students in the classes of 2019 and 2020 have benefited from the generosity of Kiwanis. Scholarship and merit award for these two classes total over $490,000 in scholarship and merit awards.
Typical scholarships include both 2-year or community college scholarships and 4-year college scholarships. Additionally, the merit awards focus on achievement in areas such as Arts and Humanities, Athletics, Foreign Language, Key Club, Math, and Science. Awarded scholarship distribution is equal installments divided over 4 or 8 college semesters (depending on the type of scholarship). For example, a $4,000 4-year scholarship equates to 8 equal payments of $500 payable to the college. In contrast, the merit awards are a one-time award, also payable directly to the college, that also assists students with defraying the high cost of college tuition.
In addition to funds provided by the Foundation, private donors have also contributed monies to support the scholarship program. Scholarship donations for the past five years have totaled approximately $62,000. The contributions from donors have increased the available funds for the scholarship committee. As a result, the Committee can provide financial assistance to more worthy students. Private donor contributions to the scholarship fund are always welcomed and appreciated. Donors can elect to remain anonymous or have a scholarship awarded in their name.
The Committee’s task is to identify area high school seniors who are eligible for one of the many available awards. The Scholarship Committee invests approximately a month thoroughly reviewing all applications to determine the most deserving recipients. Qualifying criteria include living within the service area of the Kiwanis Club of Carefree or attending high school within the service area. In 2019 scholarship and merit recipients were students who attended five area high schools (and all reside in the Cave Creek area). In addition to the three Arizona state universities and Grand Canyon University, our scholarships have assisted with college tuition at over 35 colleges and universities across the country. As a point of interest, a few of the colleges include Stanford, MIT, Cal Poly, Georgetown, and Notre Dame.
Applicants in the class of 2020 were the first to utilize the new online applications for the scholarships and merit awards. Fortunately, paper applications are now a thing of the past as there were over 200 applications to review this year! Students were able to access the applications from any device (smartphone, laptop, iPad, etc.). Streamlining the application process has not compromised the quantity or quality of information sought from students. In addition to submitting the transcripts needed, the applications require students to identify notable academic achievements, school activities, and community service.
Once the application is submitted, the software provider redacts the student’s name and assigns a unique number in its place. Throughout the review process, the Committee only knows the applicant by number. Numbering the applications eliminates the possibility of bias while also providing a more efficient manner to organize the applications.
Ron Bell, Scott Brown, Charlie Civer, Mariaelena Rizzo, and Jim Shaw make up the Scholarship Committee with Janet Busbee serving as committee chair. Each member of the Committee brings a unique perspective to the vetting process, which allows for a great deal of objectivity when reviewing the applications. Janet has been the chair of the Scholarship Committee for four years. Additionally, she has been a Kiwanis member since 2010. Janet is a Purdue graduate (Go Boilers!).
About the Kiwanis Club of Carefree
“Serving the Children of the World” is the mission of Carefree Kiwanis, a 501 (c) (3) service organization, and the larger Kiwanis International. Locally we demonstrate our passion for helping children recognize and develop their full potential by giving scholarship and merit awards, sponsoring Key Club, “Bringing Up Grades” (BUGs), summer art programs, and mentoring to establish a thriving and supportive community in the Desert Foothills area.