"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #904, March 8, 2021
Issue #904, March 8, 2021
During Current Events, Mayor Les Peterson announced that the formation of the Carefree Resident Safety Advisory Committee was proceeding. The Town conducted a series of advertisements and communications over the past 3 weeks soliciting participation. There were nearly a dozen responses and some excellent people have volunteered. If any others would be interested in joining this committee, please contact Town Hall. The committee will deal with the safety aspects of fire, ambulance, and police service, all of which will have a long lasting impact on the town.
Vice Mayor John Crane noted that Carefree's Communications Coordinator, Alex Orozco, is working with the Central Arizona Conservation Alliance to put together a presentation dealing with the removal and control of invasive plant species and wildfire control. Rural/Metro Fire Chief John Kraetz will be there. The program will take place in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion on March 18th at 5:30 PM. More information about it will be published in COINS and on social media closer to the time. This valuable information will help to protect you and your neighbors.
During Call to the Public, a request was made, in order to clarify a Town Ordinance and promote unity, to revise a Zoning Ordinance. It is not clear why political signs must be removed after an election but political flags and banners can remain at any time. The requested revision was to disallow commercial, and political flags and banners, and to allow only one political sign, flag, or banner per lot per candidate.
The next one was from a couple who had received a parking violation. They had parked a new travel trailer in front of their home for a few days while they loaded it, familiarized themselves with its operation, and checked out the systems to verify that everything was working. They left on a 12 day trip. When they returned, they parked it for approximately 36 hours to unload it and prepare it for storage. The violation involved parking on the street between midnight and 5 AM, and was reported by a neighbor. They believe that relying on unverified complaints from people with unknown motivations is not an equitable way to enforce violations. There should be a way for Carefree residents who cannot store RVs on their property to temporarily park overnight, if necessary, on the street while loading and unloading. A temporary overnight parking permit would seem to be a workable solution. Due to Covid and the exploding use of RVs, they were unable to find suitable storage within a 40 mile radius. They are storing it in Wickenburg.
The third one was from the Scout Patrol Leader of a Boy Scout Troop in Cave Creek. An American flag belonging to an unknown party has been placed at the top of Black Mountain on and off for the last number of years. Mr. Roberts said his Troop would like to place solar lighting at the base of the flag to light it. Mayor Peterson said this raises a number of issues. Who owns the property? The Town only accepts applications such as this from the property owner. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the land is owned by Maricopa County and is listed as a preserve. The first step would be for Mr. Roberts to contact the County and request their agreement, then come to the Planning & Zoning Commission with the request.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
Vice Mayor John Crane noted that Carefree's Communications Coordinator, Alex Orozco, is working with the Central Arizona Conservation Alliance to put together a presentation dealing with the removal and control of invasive plant species and wildfire control. Rural/Metro Fire Chief John Kraetz will be there. The program will take place in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion on March 18th at 5:30 PM. More information about it will be published in COINS and on social media closer to the time. This valuable information will help to protect you and your neighbors.
During Call to the Public, a request was made, in order to clarify a Town Ordinance and promote unity, to revise a Zoning Ordinance. It is not clear why political signs must be removed after an election but political flags and banners can remain at any time. The requested revision was to disallow commercial, and political flags and banners, and to allow only one political sign, flag, or banner per lot per candidate.
The next one was from a couple who had received a parking violation. They had parked a new travel trailer in front of their home for a few days while they loaded it, familiarized themselves with its operation, and checked out the systems to verify that everything was working. They left on a 12 day trip. When they returned, they parked it for approximately 36 hours to unload it and prepare it for storage. The violation involved parking on the street between midnight and 5 AM, and was reported by a neighbor. They believe that relying on unverified complaints from people with unknown motivations is not an equitable way to enforce violations. There should be a way for Carefree residents who cannot store RVs on their property to temporarily park overnight, if necessary, on the street while loading and unloading. A temporary overnight parking permit would seem to be a workable solution. Due to Covid and the exploding use of RVs, they were unable to find suitable storage within a 40 mile radius. They are storing it in Wickenburg.
The third one was from the Scout Patrol Leader of a Boy Scout Troop in Cave Creek. An American flag belonging to an unknown party has been placed at the top of Black Mountain on and off for the last number of years. Mr. Roberts said his Troop would like to place solar lighting at the base of the flag to light it. Mayor Peterson said this raises a number of issues. Who owns the property? The Town only accepts applications such as this from the property owner. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the land is owned by Maricopa County and is listed as a preserve. The first step would be for Mr. Roberts to contact the County and request their agreement, then come to the Planning & Zoning Commission with the request.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.