"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth-Letters from Readers: 11/25/23
Thank you for publishing the videos and text / narrative of Veterans Day. You did a great job pulling it all together.
Best regards,
John Crane
Thank you, Herbie and Lyn! Excellent job!
Betsy Lynn
From one vet to all. Thank you.
Syd Gordon
Wonderful celebration!
Christine PauseImage
Hello Lyn,
I am a member of the Upscale Singers community choir, based out of the CCC area. Mary Kay Thurston, one of our members, suggested your newsletter might be a good place to submit our upcoming holiday concert information to since you have a large readership. I don’t know if this is the sort of thing you publish, but I have attached the flyer for the concerts as well as some information about the choir itself. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for publishing the videos and text / narrative of Veterans Day. You did a great job pulling it all together.
Best regards,
John Crane
Thank you, Herbie and Lyn! Excellent job!
Betsy Lynn
From one vet to all. Thank you.
Syd Gordon
Wonderful celebration!
Christine PauseImage
Hello Lyn,
I am a member of the Upscale Singers community choir, based out of the CCC area. Mary Kay Thurston, one of our members, suggested your newsletter might be a good place to submit our upcoming holiday concert information to since you have a large readership. I don’t know if this is the sort of thing you publish, but I have attached the flyer for the concerts as well as some information about the choir itself. Please let me know if you have any questions.