(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Susie Charveaux at Scottsdale Bead Supply
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
And here is your bonus round from Herbert:
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
And here is your bonus round from Herbert:
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
(Lyn's note: After last night's budget meeting, I emailed Gary Neiss to say that it had been a very informative presentation by the staff members, letting everyone know exactly what they do in their jobs, often wearing multiple hats. That meeting will be highlighted in the next Carefree Truth newsletter. It was almost 2 hours long and packed with valuable information. My text will be the bones. For the meat, please take a look at the videos. It is interesting stuff. Below is Gary's response to my email.)
Always good to have a refresher course. The additional value is, you have recorded it and its available for the general public to review and understand the workload and value of staff, which is always a good thing to communicate. Thank you for all you and Herbie do!!
Dear Lyn,
May I please make use of Carefree Truth to thank Greg Crossman and the Carefree Water Company for choosing the Desert Foothills Library as the recipient for the donations from the Block Party Dunk Tank. The Library provides service to over 750 Carefree residents and the number is growing.
David Court
Executive Director
Desert Foothills Library
That looks like it was a blast!
Laurie Palace
Looks like fun, let me know when Carefree has something going on. Could use some fun.
Lynn Irasible
(Lyn's note: The Block Party)
Thanks Lyn. After a visit to the vet and multiple calls to the chip folks and FAR I have finally tracked down the owner and am waiting for her to come and get her dog. Thanks for putting this up. Sweet little one who would never had made it overnight in my part of the desert.
Debbra Determan
Sorry, I don't know why people are jumping up and down for this small hotel...it looks like any other motel/hotel in Scottsdale/Phoenix. I thought we were going to have a boutiquey-look for Carefree. Wrong again.
Lois Treacy