(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Check out the superstition mountain lion shadow. It can only be seen during the 3rd week of March and September.
Photo by Deborah Danowski
Photo by Deborah Danowski
While Tori, Brandon, and their kids were camping in the White Mountains, they picked these wonderful lobster mushrooms to use in their dishes at Confluence. Confluence was rated Best New Restaurant in the Valley in 2018 by Phoenix Magazine. It is located in the Bashas' center at 36889 N. Tom Darlington Dr., Carefree. 480-488-9796 www.restaurantconfluence.com
Photos by Brandon Gauthier
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
Photos by Brandon Gauthier
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
The inside of a dried pumpkin, illuminated and with mice, by Ray Villafane
This has since become the head of the scarecrow in the Pumpkin Festival ads and on the banners.
This has since become the head of the scarecrow in the Pumpkin Festival ads and on the banners.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
Can’t wait!
Vicki Bobo
(Lyn's note: The Pumpkin Festival)
Sounds like Speedy was just exercising the rights granted under her License to Chill, except Mother Nature had a different plan for the Autumn Equinox and let it rain.
The lesson learned is that when there are lots of people that love you, leave a note before you go off the grid so no one worries!
Speedy the Tortoise. My kinda gal...
Phil Corso
Hi Lyn,
Thanks for continuing to post the news about needing Van drivers. We still are in need.
(Lyn's note: Foothills Food Bank)
Hi Lyn,
I have a question. Perhaps I missed it in one of your Carefree Truth Issues, but what happened to the hotel that was to be built next to the post office?
Best regards,
Vic Santoro
(Lyn's note: I referred this question to Gary Neiss. Below is his reply.)
Due to the complexity of the hotel development and outside approving entities, it has taken a little longer than the developer originally suggested. The developer has submitted their grading permit and building permit to the Town. The grading of the site should begin in the near term. The Townhomes are also moving forward and working out some design elements to address building code requirements.
Good Morning Lyn;
Herb's morning pictures are simply beautiful. Thank you for sending them, and thank Herb for taking them.
Himself 'Joseph L Corpora