Carefree Truth
Issue #708, December 11, 2018
After Empire's attorney, Brennan Ray, finished his presentation, it was time for questions from the Council members. Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked why there was interest in a car wash. Mr. Ray replied that a car wash is a great accessory use, drawing people to the center and providing revenue to the Town. The neighbors' concern was noise, but there are ways to mitigate that. The only viable location is along Carefree Highway, which further removes it from the residences. Mr. Hatcher noted that it would emit sounds all day like a vacuum. He felt it was odd after all the things Empire had done to work with the neighbors.
Mr. Hatcher asked why a proposed emergency medical center (EMC) was placed in the northern triangle. Mr. Ray replied that it was done as a result of talks with the neighbors, who did not want retail uses in that section, so Empire restricted it to medical office uses. The audience erupted with cries denial that they agreed to an (EMC). "Not at all!" Mr. Ray said the level of care would dictate if ambulance
lights and sirens would be warranted. He thought they would not, but since no one was signed up, he didn't know what the level of care would be. Empire wanted that flexibility if they got a concrete user. He stressed that the Council has the ability to say no through the Special Use Permit (SUP) process.
Mr. Hatcher agreed that offices in the northern triangle would be preferable to address nighttime noise and lights, but this proposal would be 24/7. Mr. Ray disagreed, repeating that they don't know who the end user would be. It could be normal medical offices with dentists, doctors and chiropractors that don't require 24 hour care or ambulatory services. It could be an Urgent Care center with extended hours beyond normal business hours. Because Empire didn't know, they thought it was reasonable to keep to keep the SUP option open. "Your guess is as good as mine to see whether or not that user will come there. Again, I agree that the majority of uses up there will be 9-5, 9-6 normal type of business that doesn't have late hours."
Mr. Hatcher wanted the 9' differential in grades stipulated. He had a relative who had a bad experience with a similar situation. Mr. Ray explained that the existing grade differential was an estimate and would be determined by the final engineering study, which would also take into account issues like drainage and retention. The 9' estimate came from the original analysis. The question was shifted to the Planning Director. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak explained that the current plan is conceptual, but that the Town will monitor the construction to assure that the lower level is not artificially raised. Empire needs to substantially comply with the grading and drainage plan already submitted. Mr. Hatcher asked if the water from the wash area would go over the whole parking lot. How would that be addressed? Mr. Ray explained that the water would go underneath the road through culverts.
Councilman Mike Krahe questioned the location of the requested car wash. Mr. Ray replied that none is specified now, but Stipulation 5B prohibits "service stations" at the immediate corner. He guessed that it would be located on one of the pads closer to 56th Street. Dr. Krahe responded, "Closer to the houses". Mr. Ray said, "Technically yes", but there is significant buffering with other buildings, landscaping, and the 8' wall that would extend along the eastern side of the property.
Vice Mayor Crane questioned the anticipated traffic increase on Carefree Highway going from east to west. Mr. Ray replied that according to their traffic study there are now approximately 17,000 vehicles daily in both directions. Ultimately, Carefree Highway will be widened to 4 lanes, and that is what the traffic study considered. The capacity of a typical 4 lane road is 37,900 vehicles per day. The Vice Mayor responded that it is a 2 lane road today and will probably still be a 2 lane road 6-8 years from now. Mr. Ray replied that is under Scottsdale's control.
Vice Mayor Crane questioned the proposed full access point to the far west on Carefree Highway. Mr. Ray said the access point to the far east nearest to the intersection had been full access but was now restricted to right in/right out by stipulation. The Vice Mayor noted that the plans now showed the one by 56th Street was now being proposed as full access. Mr. Ray agreed that was correct and that the access movements for the 2 points had been switched.
Vice Mayor Crane asked about the ratings associated with the westernmost access point. Empire's traffic engineer explained that ratings are based on the exit wait time. She was under the impression that the access point in question was a right in/right out restricted movement point. The Vice Mayor pointed out that it was now being proposed for full movement access. The engineer explained that Service Levels are defined by the wait time for a vehicle to exit onto the road at a stop sign controlled access point. The report estimated a Level of service C, a 15- 25 second wait to turn left. Vice Mayor Crane expressed concern about crossing the traffic lanes when making the left turn. The engineer replied that there would be a "harbor" center turn lane in which cars could wait. The Vice Mayor asked if this turn lane would also accommodate traffic at the Carefree Highway/Cave Creek Road intersection, and the traffic engineer confirmed that it would.
Vice Mayor Crane said he would feel more comfortable if the western access point were right in/right out. Mr. Ray said he understood the concerns. The same concerns were expressed by the Planning & Zoning Commission. He said that ultimately the safe use would be determined by Scottsdale. The Vice Mayor asked if Carefree could define it instead of leaving it up to Scottsdale. Gary Neiss said, yes, a stipulation could address the concerns. Vice Mayor Crane asked about the rating for the access point on Cave Creek Road, across from Lowe's. Mr. Ray said he would have to find it and would address it later.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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