"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #826, May 11, 2020
Issue #826, May 11, 2020
During Current Events, Vice Mayor John Crane announced that the Carefree Memorial Day program was scheduled for Monday, May 25th, at 8 AM in the cemetery. A decision would be made on Monday, May 10th, about whether or not to move forward. It's a great program, and everyone is on board to be there. But there is a need to be sensitive to the risk associated with the corona virus, especially given the audience.
The keynote speaker is Winnie Fritz, a nurse who served in Vietnam, after which she was a nursing manager at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the Presidential Wing. She took care of presidents. She has had quite an impressive nursing career.
She speaks weekly with hundreds of nurses on Zoom calls, advising them on the care of Covid 19 patients. The Town couldn't ask for someone better to consult with when deciding whether to hold the Memorial Day ceremony. As of the Council meeting, it was still a go. The American Legion Riders have committed to providing masks and gloves. Stay tuned to COINS and the Carefree website www.carefree.org for a final decision.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio asked if the ceremony could be livestreamed via Zoom for those who were sheltering in place at home. Vice Mayor Crane said that could be investigated. Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer asked how Ms. Fritz felt about them congregating on the 25th. The Vice Mayor replied that she had been cautiously optimist when he spoke with her on Saturday, but her advice was to wait and see how things were shaking out before making a final decision.
Vice Mayor Crane said that, on a positive note, the Veterans Memorial Monument was moving forward. Should the Memorial Day program be cancelled, all the people involved are willing to participate and support a dedication program for the Monument later in the summer.
Mayor Les Peterson noted that an ad for the Memorial Day program is running in the CitySunTimes. If the program is cancelled, the Town will need to run a communication program so people don't show up, only to find that it was cancelled. Vice Mayor Crane agreed.
John Crane just called me to let me know that the Memorial Day ceremony will be held on May 25th at the cemetery at 8 AM, but will be limited to the playing of Taps. People who wish to attend will be supplied with masks and gloves, and may walk around to visit the graves.
Mayor Peterson noted that the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) had an entire task force set up to monitor Bike Week. Bike Week was cancelled due to Covid 19. However, MCSO gave their assurances that it will be on the docket for upcoming Bike Weeks.
The Mayor also noted that the fire danger is great again this summer. We are still in a state of drought. Due to Covid 19, the road crews have not been working, and are now playing catch-up. The summer is portending to be hot and dry. Fire could be the next big issue.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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