Carefree Truth
Issue #805, December 27, 2019
Issue #805, December 27, 2019
Christmas in Carefree
Friday night concert and tree lighting
On Friday, December 6th, MCed by Councilman Mike Krahe, Carefree hosted the CCUSD choirs from various grades.
Friday night concert and tree lighting
On Friday, December 6th, MCed by Councilman Mike Krahe, Carefree hosted the CCUSD choirs from various grades.
During the concert, Santa arrived on his "special sleigh", the Carefree fire truck.
After the concert, the Christmas tree under the sundial was officially lit.
Then those in attendance were welcomed back to the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion to watch the movie "Elf".
Saturday morning Breakfast with Santa
Saturday morning Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa was served by the Rural/Metro firefighters and was accompanied with music by Kevin Glenn and his CCUSD student singers.
Carefree Desert Gardens Christmas lights & decorations.
Unfortunately, the planned Christmas entertainment events for Saturday night and Sunday afternoon were cancelled due to rain.
Chanukah in Carefree
In partnership with the Town of Carefree, the 3rd Chanukah in Carefree, from December 22nd-29th, was organized once again by Karen Acker.
On the first night, about 250 people attended to listen to Temple Chai Cantor Ross Wolman speak and to hear the Temple Chai Adult Choir, led by Choir Director Dan Kurek.
Chanukah in Carefree
In partnership with the Town of Carefree, the 3rd Chanukah in Carefree, from December 22nd-29th, was organized once again by Karen Acker.
On the first night, about 250 people attended to listen to Temple Chai Cantor Ross Wolman speak and to hear the Temple Chai Adult Choir, led by Choir Director Dan Kurek.
Press release:
From 1942-1945, while most American children were busy playing ball or riding bikes, a 7 year old Ike Feiges was bravely trying to stay alive for 3 years in a place synonymous with death: the Concentration Camp and Death Factory called Auschwitz-Birkanow. Ike miraculously escaped the tentacles of the Nazis and their mad leaders bent on wiping out every vestige of Jewish life and culture.Born in Czenowitzh, Romania, Ike started life in a typical middle-class home. His nightmare began with the proverbial “knock on the door.” He was taken on a freight train as a young boy of eight, with his mother, two sisters and father to Auschwitz.
After a harrowing two-day train ride with hardly any food and water, Ike was separated from his family. He was then hidden in the barracks under floorboards by a family friend. When Russia liberated the camp in 1945, Ike and his reunited family were sent to a DP (displaced persons) camp in Vienna and eventually to one in Germany, before entering the U.S. in 1951 and settling in Baltimore, MD. Ike went on to work for the Federal government as a successful electrical engineer.
On the second night, encouraged by his friend of 30 years, Randy Nussbaum, Ike Feiges shared the story of his experience as a prisoner at Auschwizt as a child during WWll.
Left to Right: Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer, Mayor Les Peterson, Nancy Feiges, Ike Feiges, Nisha Chirnomas, Randy Nussbaum, Vice Mayor John Crane
The evening ended with Phoenix Holocaust Association member Abe Wagen and his granddaughter Meg Solomon singing.
Community Night
On the very rainy 5th night, Alison Ballai, owner of Bosco's Biscuits in the Carefree Marketplace, read the Prayer.
The evening ended with Phoenix Holocaust Association member Abe Wagen and his granddaughter Meg Solomon singing.
Community Night
On the very rainy 5th night, Alison Ballai, owner of Bosco's Biscuits in the Carefree Marketplace, read the Prayer.
A little cute girl, Paisley Brady, lit the 5th candle on the Menorah.
Those in attendance stated what Chanukah meant to them. The overriding sentiments expressed were family and tradition.
Both of these holidays were celebrated joyously by those who attended, and much fun was had by all. Herbert and I were honored to be a part of both. All the photos and videos above were done by Herbert. Happy Holidays!
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Both of these holidays were celebrated joyously by those who attended, and much fun was had by all. Herbert and I were honored to be a part of both. All the photos and videos above were done by Herbert. Happy Holidays!
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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