"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1012, April 21, 2022
Issue #1012, April 21, 2022
Gary Neiss explained that the universal definition and the goal of economic development is to generate wealth. The economic development program is not meant to change the die in Carefree. The die has already been cast. Carefree is a high quality, low density residential community. The Town is trying to find parts that compliment the community for the remnant undeveloped properties in Carefree and in the Town Center. Carefree has a sales tax revenue-centric economic model, rather than depending on a property tax. Economic Development Director, Steve Prokopek, was hired to go out and speak with the neighbors who are directly impacted and come up with solutions that fit the character of Carefree.
Mr. Prokopek noted that economic development in most communities is very specific and is different than Carefree's. People are working on bringing in industrial complexes, or retail, or on redevelopment. Carefree does not have industrial offices and is not looking for job creation. The focus is on revitalization and bringing in retail. How to make the downtown vital and bring in visitors has been a matter of discussion since the Town was founded.
Since Carefree incorporated and stopped getting money from the County, it's become a different animal with its own set of rules. One of the reasons it incorporated was to avoid being annexed by Scottsdale and incurring the Scottsdale property taxes. In order to try to avoid a property tax now, all the different revenue streams to provide the expected services are being investigated.
For a long time, many homes in Carefree have been second or third homes, but there is a growing community that calls Carefree its primary residence. As more people call Carefree their home, the Town is facing a new set of challenges. Looking at what the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) presented, there are a whole new set of demands that need to be met for the people who live here full time. Carefree needs to be prepared to provide for those needs.
Currently, the Town provides a lot of services at no direct cost that most communities have to pay. Carefree needs to figure out how to provide increasing services in a responsible way. That's not an easy task. So when a General Plan (GP) amendment is contemplated, whether it is public or private land, one needs to look at how that asset will generate a return on investment. For instance, how much of the fire program can be funded by the return on that investment.
But an important element of that is also to ensure that there is not a negative impact created by the change. He spent a lot of time talking to the neighbors who would be impacted by the GP amendment on the N.W. corner of Carefree Highway and Tom Darlington Drive because the Town has to be conscious of the outcomes of the decisions that are made. It took a lot of time and he received a lot of input, but he is happy to go through that process. He let the neighbors who were attending the meeting know that they were appreciated. But he said there is still a lot of work to do.
He also wanted to discuss the Town's assets, such as the Gardens and the Rights of Way (ROW). One of the current endeavors involves the Parking, Circulation, and Signage Plan. Carefree is looking at better ways to utilize these assets as part of the redevelopment plan. Is there a better utilization for the site where the Town Hall is now? Can it be relocated and a better use made of that site? How is Carefree utilizing arterial streets Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road, with their accesses and ROW to help with the revitalization of the Town Center and enable the Town to better utilize some of the in-fill sites. This is an opportunity for residents to ask questions and provide input.
Mr. Prokopek is looking for ways to utilize the Pavilion and the Gardens to have more community based events and activities, and also to track and facilitate more business in the Town Center. If someone comes to see the sundial, how do we get them to remain to dine and shop? Carefree wants to work with the businesses and promote activities.
Last year, the Redevelopment Area was created to help with the revitalization. The Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) will play an integral part to work with it and make a recommendation to the Council. He was hoping to have that Plan done within the fall time-frame, along with the Parking, Circulation, and Signage Plan, which fits in with the Redevelopment Plan.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked how circulation and signage factored into the redevelopment aspect. Mr. Prokopek explained that a lot of people say downtown Carefree doesn't have a great identity when arriving by car. They don't know whether they are in Cave Creek or Carefree. Improved signage will create a better identity and wayfinding so they can access the downtown. The circulation plan will improve the safety for those accessing it by car, on foot, or on bicycles. These plans are not just to generate income, but also to create better access and safety for those in the community.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
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Mr. Prokopek noted that economic development in most communities is very specific and is different than Carefree's. People are working on bringing in industrial complexes, or retail, or on redevelopment. Carefree does not have industrial offices and is not looking for job creation. The focus is on revitalization and bringing in retail. How to make the downtown vital and bring in visitors has been a matter of discussion since the Town was founded.
Since Carefree incorporated and stopped getting money from the County, it's become a different animal with its own set of rules. One of the reasons it incorporated was to avoid being annexed by Scottsdale and incurring the Scottsdale property taxes. In order to try to avoid a property tax now, all the different revenue streams to provide the expected services are being investigated.
For a long time, many homes in Carefree have been second or third homes, but there is a growing community that calls Carefree its primary residence. As more people call Carefree their home, the Town is facing a new set of challenges. Looking at what the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) presented, there are a whole new set of demands that need to be met for the people who live here full time. Carefree needs to be prepared to provide for those needs.
Currently, the Town provides a lot of services at no direct cost that most communities have to pay. Carefree needs to figure out how to provide increasing services in a responsible way. That's not an easy task. So when a General Plan (GP) amendment is contemplated, whether it is public or private land, one needs to look at how that asset will generate a return on investment. For instance, how much of the fire program can be funded by the return on that investment.
But an important element of that is also to ensure that there is not a negative impact created by the change. He spent a lot of time talking to the neighbors who would be impacted by the GP amendment on the N.W. corner of Carefree Highway and Tom Darlington Drive because the Town has to be conscious of the outcomes of the decisions that are made. It took a lot of time and he received a lot of input, but he is happy to go through that process. He let the neighbors who were attending the meeting know that they were appreciated. But he said there is still a lot of work to do.
He also wanted to discuss the Town's assets, such as the Gardens and the Rights of Way (ROW). One of the current endeavors involves the Parking, Circulation, and Signage Plan. Carefree is looking at better ways to utilize these assets as part of the redevelopment plan. Is there a better utilization for the site where the Town Hall is now? Can it be relocated and a better use made of that site? How is Carefree utilizing arterial streets Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road, with their accesses and ROW to help with the revitalization of the Town Center and enable the Town to better utilize some of the in-fill sites. This is an opportunity for residents to ask questions and provide input.
Mr. Prokopek is looking for ways to utilize the Pavilion and the Gardens to have more community based events and activities, and also to track and facilitate more business in the Town Center. If someone comes to see the sundial, how do we get them to remain to dine and shop? Carefree wants to work with the businesses and promote activities.
Last year, the Redevelopment Area was created to help with the revitalization. The Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) will play an integral part to work with it and make a recommendation to the Council. He was hoping to have that Plan done within the fall time-frame, along with the Parking, Circulation, and Signage Plan, which fits in with the Redevelopment Plan.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked how circulation and signage factored into the redevelopment aspect. Mr. Prokopek explained that a lot of people say downtown Carefree doesn't have a great identity when arriving by car. They don't know whether they are in Cave Creek or Carefree. Improved signage will create a better identity and wayfinding so they can access the downtown. The circulation plan will improve the safety for those accessing it by car, on foot, or on bicycles. These plans are not just to generate income, but also to create better access and safety for those in the community.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.