"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #864, October 19, 2020
Issue #864, October 19, 2020
Vice Mayor John Crane thanked those attending this special day to honor some special people who installed the flagpole by the Veterans Memorial Monument in the Carefree Desert Gardens, which will be there for the rest or our lives. It was a real privilege to honor these young men.
Carefree is a very veteran friendly town, with great Veterans Day and Memorial Day programs year after year, but they wanted to honor veterans every day of the year, and a Memorial Monument is a great way to do it. They didn't want it to come from the Town, but from the citizens, a grass root effort to design, fund, and pull it together.
In August of 2019, the Vice Mayor spoke with Mike Ferrell, who volunteered to take this on and put together a team of veterans from each branch of the service.
Mike Ferrell, U.S. Army veteran
Pratt Ashworth, U.S. Air Force veteran
Dick Hartig, U.S. Coast Guard veteran
Bob Jenkins, U.S. Marine Corps veteran
Mike Wold, U.S. Navy veteran
The Monument will be finished in time for Veterans Day. It is already taking shape.
In February of 2020, Devin Smith approached Carefree Town Hall asking for ideas for his Eagle Scout project. The Town suggested installing the flagpole at the Monument, and Devin readily agreed. On July 19th, Devin led a group of scouts, with assistance from Jason Mackey of Flagpole Today, and they installed the pole. Veterans on the committee had worked with Jason. Bob Jenkins introduced Jason to Devin. As a result, Jason donated the pole and the flags. The scouts, with direction from Jason, installed the pole and flags. Vice Mayor Crane presented the scouts with a citation from the Town of Carefree.
Carefree is a very veteran friendly town, with great Veterans Day and Memorial Day programs year after year, but they wanted to honor veterans every day of the year, and a Memorial Monument is a great way to do it. They didn't want it to come from the Town, but from the citizens, a grass root effort to design, fund, and pull it together.
In August of 2019, the Vice Mayor spoke with Mike Ferrell, who volunteered to take this on and put together a team of veterans from each branch of the service.
Mike Ferrell, U.S. Army veteran
Pratt Ashworth, U.S. Air Force veteran
Dick Hartig, U.S. Coast Guard veteran
Bob Jenkins, U.S. Marine Corps veteran
Mike Wold, U.S. Navy veteran
The Monument will be finished in time for Veterans Day. It is already taking shape.
In February of 2020, Devin Smith approached Carefree Town Hall asking for ideas for his Eagle Scout project. The Town suggested installing the flagpole at the Monument, and Devin readily agreed. On July 19th, Devin led a group of scouts, with assistance from Jason Mackey of Flagpole Today, and they installed the pole. Veterans on the committee had worked with Jason. Bob Jenkins introduced Jason to Devin. As a result, Jason donated the pole and the flags. The scouts, with direction from Jason, installed the pole and flags. Vice Mayor Crane presented the scouts with a citation from the Town of Carefree.
This citation for community service is gratefully presented to
(Name of each recipient)
This citation for community service is gratefully presented to
(Name of each recipient)
In recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding service and assistance in erecting a 20-foot flagpole at the site of the Veterans Memorial in the Carefree Desert Gardens on July 19, 2020.
The Veterans Memorial flagpole installation marked the groundbreaking event for the construction of the Memorial. The Memorial serves as a perpetual reminder of the dedication and selfless sacrifices of our veterans to secure our freedoms and our way of life. The Memorial provides a place for reflection and education.
Your enthusiastic support, hard work and commitment to this project epitomizes the values our community holds dear.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Town of Carefree to be affixed at Carefree Town Hall this 111th day of October in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty.
SIGNED: ____________________________
Les Peterson, Mayor
The Vice Mayor said nothing but the ideas in the committee members' heads was there at the time the flagpole was installed. Those ideas were easier to envision once the flag pole was in place. It created a lot of excitement. Later that afternoon, Vice Mayor Crane spoke with a woman who was walking past and inquired about the new flagpole. When he explained, she commented that this was something positive that they all need in this time of the pandemic. She went away knowing the country is in good hands going forward.
Dan McSparran said the day was all about the scouts and the work they had done. They were here at 5:30 AM on July 19th to install the flagpole, and they worked for hours. Jason was there to help with any technical issues. They did an amazing job.
Kelly Gallo, representing the American Legion Post #34 in Cave Creek, said they appreciated everything these young men did did for the Memorial Monument. She read the citation from Post #34.
This citation of appreciation is gratefully presented in recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding service and assistance which contributed to the advancement of the scouting program.
Kelsie Hughes is an executive officer of the AT&T Veterans, which is a 501(c)3 organization comprised of AT&T employees and AT&T retired employees, whose mission is to serve those who served our country. She said the Memorial in Carefree is a perfect example of that mission and these scouts are a perfect example of service, honor and respect. The future is in good hands with leaders like Devin Smith, leading this group of scouts, all of which are shining examples of patriots and of our future. These young men did not get here on their own. It was due to hard work and determination by their parents, mentors and these scouts alike. All deserve a round of applause.
Kelsie explained that Senator Martha McSally could not be there today. Washington is keeping her quite busy. However, she sent her gratitude and respect as an Air Force veteran. Kelsie hoped they would all cherish these Certificates of Special Congressional Recognition, noting that they are not easy to come by.
Dan McSparran said the day was all about the scouts and the work they had done. They were here at 5:30 AM on July 19th to install the flagpole, and they worked for hours. Jason was there to help with any technical issues. They did an amazing job.
Kelly Gallo, representing the American Legion Post #34 in Cave Creek, said they appreciated everything these young men did did for the Memorial Monument. She read the citation from Post #34.
This citation of appreciation is gratefully presented in recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding service and assistance which contributed to the advancement of the scouting program.
Kelsie Hughes is an executive officer of the AT&T Veterans, which is a 501(c)3 organization comprised of AT&T employees and AT&T retired employees, whose mission is to serve those who served our country. She said the Memorial in Carefree is a perfect example of that mission and these scouts are a perfect example of service, honor and respect. The future is in good hands with leaders like Devin Smith, leading this group of scouts, all of which are shining examples of patriots and of our future. These young men did not get here on their own. It was due to hard work and determination by their parents, mentors and these scouts alike. All deserve a round of applause.
Kelsie explained that Senator Martha McSally could not be there today. Washington is keeping her quite busy. However, she sent her gratitude and respect as an Air Force veteran. Kelsie hoped they would all cherish these Certificates of Special Congressional Recognition, noting that they are not easy to come by.
Their Scout Leader presented the certificates to Devin Smith, Christopher Daugherty, Connor Wosley, and Keagan Smith.
(Lyn's note: See the photos in the link provided at the end of the newsletter.)
Dan then called the committee members who were present to the stage. Citations from Post #34 were presented each and to Jason Mackey for donating the pole and the flags, and he was also presented with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition.
(Lyn's note: See the photos in the link provided at the end of the newsletter.)
Dan then called the committee members who were present to the stage. Citations from Post #34 were presented each and to Jason Mackey for donating the pole and the flags, and he was also presented with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition.
Vice Mayor Crane wrapped up the ceremony by again thanking the Boy Scouts and their parents, along with others in the audience for attending the program. He announced that those who were interested in having their pictures taken by Herbert in front of the flagpole should go over there at that point.
The link below includes the video of the event and all the still photos taken by Herbert, who was the official event photographer that day.
For questions or to make a donation towards the Memorial Monument, visit these websites. Donations are tax deductible.
QUESTIONS: veteransmemorialincarefree@gmail.com
DONATIONS: https://attveterans.org/carefree/
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
For questions or to make a donation towards the Memorial Monument, visit these websites. Donations are tax deductible.
QUESTIONS: veteransmemorialincarefree@gmail.com
DONATIONS: https://attveterans.org/carefree/
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.