"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #815, March 2, 2020
Issue #815, March 2, 2020
Sarah Byrne is the president of the Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation and is a member of the committee that puts on Rock the District.
Sarah Byrne
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
She thanked Mayor Les Peterson for attending the event both nights last year. This is the 11th year of the ongoing fundraiser, started by a Cactus Shadow High School student to raise money for underfunded programs in the school district. To date they have raised over $200,000, all of which goes back to teachers, the schools, and students, in the form of teacher grants.
Last year was Rock the District's 10th anniversary, and they held a 2 day event. This year they will go back to their typical 1 day event. They were requesting a street closure on Saturday, April 18th. Set-up will begin early in the morning and tear-down will be completed that night. They will return on Sunday to make sure everything is cleaned up.
The location of the stage has changed from last year. This year, it will be located near Town Hall, facing the sundial. This will provide a better flow, and the sound will be directed towards the construction zone rather that out over the businesses and into the community. They will be doing sound checks, which tend to be louder but which are essential, on one band and one solo performer. These help to control the sound. They will communicate the times of those sound checks to the local businesses. The concerts will start at approximately 5 PM and will end no later than 10 PM. All the performers are students from 6th-12th grade.
Mayor Peterson noted that there were some complaints last year about music playing late into the night, but these complaints were lodged about music that was playing after Rock the District had stopped for the day. The Mayor assumed the music was coming from Cave Creek. Councilman Gene Orrico said the event shouldn't affect the Post Office parking since the music starts later in the day, after the PO is closed.
Vice Mayor John Crane added that last year, the event generated $20,000 A 1 day street closure and a little bit of sound for a few hours generates $20,000 towards grants to help teachers and is a great venue for the students. "It's a small thing we can do to help them out." Ms. Byrne said they expect to raise about the same amount this year with the 1 day show. Mayor Peterson noted that this is on strategy with this Council's expressed desire to work more closely with the school district to facilitate achieving their goals.
The motion to approve the street closure of Carefree Drive west of Town Hall was approved unanimously.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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