Carefree Truth
Issue #770, August 26, 2019
The first reading took place for the minor updates to Carefree's Floodplain Management Regulations Ordinance, bringing them in line with current Maricopa County regulations, in a continued effort to reduce risk to life and property from future flooding hazards in Carefree. Stacey Bridge-Denzak explained that the Ordinance was originally adopted in 2005 and was revised in 2007. These updates maintain efforts to reduce flood damage to insurable property, continuing a comprehensive approach to floodplain management and sustaining Carefree's good standing with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This good standing allows people to buy flood insurance if they wish to do so.
In summary, this updates the effective dates of the most recent FEMA Flood Insurance Study and the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map that runs throughout the state, and it updates Carefree's Ordinance to comply with the most recent revised regulations of the Flood Control District, Maricopa County (FCDMC) Floodplain Regulations. Carefree relies on the Floodplain Control District to manage floodplains when people are interested in making improvements to their properties with associated floodplains or floodways. It also expands upon and clarifies the Floodplain Manager's responsibilities, in this case Carefree's Town Administrator Gary Neiss.
As this was a first reading, no Council action was required. The second reading and the adoption of the updated Ordinance will take place at the September 3rd Council meeting.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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