Carefree Truth
Issue #715, December 28, 2018
Planning Director Stacey Bridge-Denzak began by saying she was pleased that Gary Neiss would be remaining with Carefree. She then reported that the applicant for an amendment to the Carefree signage Ordinance was Trademark Visual, on behalf of Spanish Village Holdings, owned by Bruce and Kim Raskin, all of whom were present. Comprehensive Sign Plans (CSP) allow for flexibility, innovation, and improved aesthetics. Having that type of Ordinance in place helps to enforce good design standards.
The purpose of CSPs is to provide design compatibility for all signs and to integrate signs with architectural features, to encourage more flexible signage opportunities that are not currently permitted under Carefree's zoning requirements, and to allow commercial development a means to effectively market their business under unique conditions where they are restricted otherwise. One size does not always fit all. Carefree is working on new signage requirements based on the Supreme Court ruling.
Spanish Village merchants have trouble in terms of visibility. It's an atypical multi-tenant complex which faces inward towards an interior courtyard. The shops don't have exterior frontage, and the current ordinance requires signage on the front of retail establishments.
Subsections of the new sign language would include purpose, applicability, design review criteria, requirements for sign permits, and submittal requirements. The CSP would not apply to every business. It would only apply to those buildings with 5 or more tenants and/or 2 or more multi-tenant buildings in the center. The review criteria ensures that signs meet Carefree's strong aesthetic values. The current zoning ordinance includes the requirements for permits and plan submittals.
Signage approval has always been an administrative process. A CSP would be a tool to help the staff make those determinations. The flexibility means that the Town can allow something, such as a larger size, in return for the use of superior design, materials, and lighting. This slide showed examples of award winning signs.
Issue #715, December 28, 2018
Planning Director Stacey Bridge-Denzak began by saying she was pleased that Gary Neiss would be remaining with Carefree. She then reported that the applicant for an amendment to the Carefree signage Ordinance was Trademark Visual, on behalf of Spanish Village Holdings, owned by Bruce and Kim Raskin, all of whom were present. Comprehensive Sign Plans (CSP) allow for flexibility, innovation, and improved aesthetics. Having that type of Ordinance in place helps to enforce good design standards.
The purpose of CSPs is to provide design compatibility for all signs and to integrate signs with architectural features, to encourage more flexible signage opportunities that are not currently permitted under Carefree's zoning requirements, and to allow commercial development a means to effectively market their business under unique conditions where they are restricted otherwise. One size does not always fit all. Carefree is working on new signage requirements based on the Supreme Court ruling.
Spanish Village merchants have trouble in terms of visibility. It's an atypical multi-tenant complex which faces inward towards an interior courtyard. The shops don't have exterior frontage, and the current ordinance requires signage on the front of retail establishments.
Subsections of the new sign language would include purpose, applicability, design review criteria, requirements for sign permits, and submittal requirements. The CSP would not apply to every business. It would only apply to those buildings with 5 or more tenants and/or 2 or more multi-tenant buildings in the center. The review criteria ensures that signs meet Carefree's strong aesthetic values. The current zoning ordinance includes the requirements for permits and plan submittals.
Signage approval has always been an administrative process. A CSP would be a tool to help the staff make those determinations. The flexibility means that the Town can allow something, such as a larger size, in return for the use of superior design, materials, and lighting. This slide showed examples of award winning signs.

The public participation requirements have been met. The proposed amendment has been posted in newspapers, it was heard by the Planning & Zoning Commission which unanimously recommended approval, and was being heard by the Council at this meeting.
Mayor Les Peterson noted that Carefree has historically wanted earth tone signs that blended in, and disliked the bright signs that were easily seen. But the earth tone signs were not sufficiently visible to be effective. A CSP would allow the Town to work with businesses to do something tasteful and appropriate for their needs. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak confirmed that, citing Spanish Village as an example. Currently, no signage is allowed on the exterior, so in order to see what is in there, people must walk into the center, unlike the more traditional Bashas' center, where people drive in and see all the store fronts. A CSP would be like a Master Plan for the applicable complexes. It provides efficiency for both the applicant and the staff, saving time and costs.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio summarized that this amendment would allow a little more flexibility, but the Planning Director would have the ultimate say, so the integrity would be maintained. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak confirmed that was correct, adding that Planning Directors have design training and understand the aesthetic goals of the Town.
Vice Mayor John Crane noted that centers such as Spanish Village can't apply for variances because the condition is self imposed. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak agreed. Spanish Village does have frontage within the courtyard, so the opportunity for signage exists, but it's not as effective. The Vice Mayor asked if there were other locations where the CSP would apply. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak replied that 11 Sundial Circle would be another example of an inward facing, courtyard complex. There are also several vacant parcels with unknown future uses and designs.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher said this would allow those approaching to see what is in Spanish Village. Mrs. Bridge-Dezak noted that Spanish Village was developed long before the existence of Carefree's zoning ordinances, and that CSPs can also include the name of the development. Mayor Peterson said signage has been an ongoing issue for identifying the downtown and for stores in centers like Spanish Village. He felt this was a valid first step towards a solution.
Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer said they had been talking about Town signage and trying to improve circulation once people were in the Town center, but the CSP would be specifically for businesses so they can promote themselves. The Council and staff must look at how everything works together as the Town strategy is developed. Vice Mayor Crane said the amendment calls for the use of native and natural materials, so control of appearances will be maintained; there will not be neon signs everywhere. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak replied that the CSP was developed with the help of a sign expert consultant.
Bruce Raskins said Carefree has an identity crisis, with no cohesive brand. He questioned if people wanted businesses in the downtown. If yes, the Town must compare how it is set up compared to what people want today in terms of shopping. He encouraged the Council to view signage in terms of the whole town. Economic development issues are critical now.
John Traynor said Carefree has some unique geographic arrangements which make it difficult to communicate with the outside world. He took exception to the word "tasteful" as a subjective concept, and wanted to see more precision in the Ordinance. He noted that people frequent the businesses they like and need, and that the internet has made it more difficult for small businesses to survive, but he said the responsibility for surviving is the responsibility of the business owners. They must have what people want, and at the right price. He said businesses that have not survived didn't offer the quality and prices required to succeed here.
The Council unanimously approved the CSP amendment to the signage Ordinance.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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