Carefree Truth
Issue #726, February 25, 2019
During Call to the Public, Bob Schenkel remarked, "Mayor, Council members, I would like to thank the Carefree Water Company and its Board of Directors for the insertion to the water company's January bill. It was a fine piece of propaganda; all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. Not a word about the increased costs to the current residential and business customers of the water company, or the drain on the Town's General Fund and/or reserves if the water companies in town merged together."
John Traynor said he noticed in the last 6 months that the Council packets were missing the reconciled receipts & disbursements and the trial balance, with 2 or 3 months of back versions grouped together. He wondered if they could get back on track with this.
Mayor Peterson explained that there is 1 person in the financial services accounting area. Jim Keen is also the IT expert. The Town has been going through a lot of IT issues. Mr. Keen has been trying to get them out on time, and will get back on track. This wasn't planned. The workload didn't permit it, even with working evenings and weekends.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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