(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Photo by Kandace Conteras
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Reasonable Term Limits Initiative: An Update
I’m Darrell Doepke and some of you know that I have filed a counter-initiative regarding term limits for our council members and mayor. As of Monday evening I have 70 signatures. Some of you have already signed my ballot measure, and I thank you for that. In order for this to get on the ballot this fall, I need at least 203 valid signatures from registered voters in Carefree by April 4th which is next Monday. It can be done, but I'll need your help.
Please share this email with friends and neighbors who are registered to vote in Carefree, who might be interested in helping get this initiative on the ballot in August.
For those of you who live in my neighborhood Sentinel Rock Estates and would be interested in signing, I’m happy to arrange a convenient time to meet either at your home or mine.
I will also be outside the Carefree Post Office this week at these times:
- Tuesday March 29, 2:30pm-4:30pm
- Wednesday March 30, 2:30pm-4:30pm
- Thursday March 31, 10am-2pm
- Friday April 1, 2pm-4:30pm
- Saturday April 2, 10am-2pm
To be clear: I am not entirely in favor of term limits at the town level. So why did I file this counter-initiative? Because there is another term limits initiative already on the ballot that I believe will do more harm than good for our town, and I don't want that one to pass. That current initiative:
- does not stagger the terms of the council members.
- wants to retroactively count terms that were served prior to the enactment of the initiative, as well as terms that are currently being served.
- would create a lifetime ban and not allow any term-limited member from ever serving again.
If that initiative were to pass, the knowledge base and expertise necessary to run the town's business in the best interests of its citizens would be at great and immediate risk.
My counter-initiative calls for staggered term limits and more clearly defines a path that preserves valuable continuity and critical knowledge base.
My efforts on behalf of the citizens of Carefree do not come without costs, most notably legal fees. And once April 4 has come and gone, the work is not done. As we get closer to election time in August, mailings will go out to Carefree registered voters reminding and educating them on the benefits of my reasonable term limits initiative. Any donation would be greatly appreciated: checks can be made out to Carefree Committee for Reasonable Term Limits and mailed to Darrell Doepke at 6001 E. Leisure Lane, Cave Creek 85331.
Thank you for giving my counter-initiative your serious consideration.
Darrell Doepke,
Chairperson: Carefree Committee for Reasonable Term Limits
Dear Lyn:
In a town the size of Carefree, strong Council candidates have been scarce to step forward in the past. Happily, this is beginning to change. Having term limits that severely restrict service by those willing to volunteer will hurt the town's ability for orderly governance. The initial term limit initiative that has been circulating would be a fiasco. Mr. Doepke's proposal (as presented in Carefree Truth issue #1002 guest editorial) addresses many of the deficits of the first proposed initiative by offering two staggered four year terms. This would eliminate the loss of continuity necessary for smooth governance while allowing new voices a chance to be heard in town government.
The Town has made significant progress over the last 10 years under the Town Council's leadership and a strong Town Hall Staff. Let us keep this momentum going. If you believe in term limits Mr Doepke's initiative is the more appropriate path. If you do not believe in term limits for our town, vote no on both initiatives. And, by all means, think about serving the town on future councils, rather than hamstringing those who volunteer to make Carefree a thriving and beautiful place we all love.
Betsy Lynn
I always respect your thoughts and opinion. Personally, I like the mayors that we’ve had that have served, I believe, for longer than eight years. I’m curious why term limits are required in a small town? If voters want a term limit, vote for the opposing candidate.
Jay Williams
(Lyn's note: Here is my considered and educated opinion, per Jay's request. I have always opposed term limits in a town the size of Carefree, and I agree with Jay's statement, as well as with Betsy's. We are one of only 5 municipalities in the state that have 2 year terms with the entire Council and the Mayor being elected each time. The vast majority have sensible staggered 4 year terms. But people see the professional career bloated ticks sitting in their seats forever in Washington, D.C. and term limits resonate, even though the situation between D.C. and Carefree have nothing in common. Our volunteer Council members are not career politicians. The 2 initiatives that Ms. Benedetto and her group have placed on the ballot are ludicrous nonsense.
The term limit initiative she proposes is a power play, pure and simple, meant to get rid of the good people so the weak ones can replace them. It's the only way they can get elected. However, if the majority of voters do demand term limits, Darrell's initiative is by far the most rational, so please do sign his petition so it can also appear on the ballot as an alternative.
The second one, that would prohibit eminent domain, is spiteful. The only time in the history of Carefree that eminent domain was used was to enable the town to utilize a parcel in the Boulders that is located along Tom Darlington Dr. and contains a utility easement with a 10" diameter water main pipe running underground through it. It was obviously meant for this very purpose. Her small but vocal group in the Boulders has filed double digit lawsuits and appeals to stop this underground water storage tank project, all of which they have lost in court. The latest loss was the one they took to the AZ Supreme Court, which was shot down in only 2 days. But they can't admit they are wrong. If this initiative passes, the Town would have to dig up the tank, restore the parcel to its original condition, pay the Boulders for the parcel plus interest, then relocate the tank to a less ideal parcel, pay for the parcel, and start the project over. That would cost all the customers who are on the Carefree Water system somewhere between $6-8 million.
No one who truly understands the consequences of these 2 initiatives will vote for either of them, but the group pushing both of these initiatives is using buzz words and phrases to manipulate voters' emotions, hoping the voters don't look too closely at these follies.
Lyn,I am not in favor of the Counter initiative for the obvious reason that it opens the pathway for career politicians. To wit, as written, a candidate for Council or Mayor could serve 8 years, sit out four years, serve again for 8 years, sit out for 4 years and on it goes. That is not in the spirit of term limits, rather a work around for term limits. Politics has invaded all aspects of our lives including as a vehicle for self-promotion, influence peddling and financial gain.
That being said, I also don't agree with the alternative term limit initiative in that I don’t believe that term limits should be retroactive. I do agree that the each term should be limited to 4 years, (to address the experience issue, which is also why I would favor staggered terms for Council members), and after two consecutive terms, others should have their chance. Four years is sufficient time for the electorate to determine whether those elected are serving the public’s interest or the incumbents personal interests or ideology, and should the incumbent not represent the electorate but rather his or her own interests or personal beliefs, than a change is not only in order but necessary.
My comments are not to suggest that we don’t have honorable and ethical individuals serving in elected capacities. Unfortunately, many times they remain in the background or their voices are drowned out by those more vocal or outrageous in antics. Hence, one of many reasons for term limits.
John Nimsky
Great pictures.!!! I don’t mind the lights. Especially at these crazy times in life !!!
Scott Pederson
(Lyn's note: Re the new lights by the Hampton Inn by Hilton)
I hope to see you at the car show this Saturday! John Crane will be co-hosting the entire Varsity Sports Show on Saturday morning, 8-10 am on am1060 KDUS AZ!! Should be fun! John suggested some great content that we will be featuring, as well. Listen to this week's promo here: https://youtu.be/lU5vjnjENTU
Vince D'Aliesio
Carefree Classic Wheels & Wings | Something Special on The Road and In The Air
In a town the size of Carefree, strong Council candidates have been scarce to step forward in the past. Happily, this is beginning to change. Having term limits that severely restrict service by those willing to volunteer will hurt the town's ability for orderly governance. The initial term limit initiative that has been circulating would be a fiasco. Mr. Doepke's proposal (as presented in Carefree Truth issue #1002 guest editorial) addresses many of the deficits of the first proposed initiative by offering two staggered four year terms. This would eliminate the loss of continuity necessary for smooth governance while allowing new voices a chance to be heard in town government.
The Town has made significant progress over the last 10 years under the Town Council's leadership and a strong Town Hall Staff. Let us keep this momentum going. If you believe in term limits Mr Doepke's initiative is the more appropriate path. If you do not believe in term limits for our town, vote no on both initiatives. And, by all means, think about serving the town on future councils, rather than hamstringing those who volunteer to make Carefree a thriving and beautiful place we all love.
Betsy Lynn
I always respect your thoughts and opinion. Personally, I like the mayors that we’ve had that have served, I believe, for longer than eight years. I’m curious why term limits are required in a small town? If voters want a term limit, vote for the opposing candidate.
Jay Williams
(Lyn's note: Here is my considered and educated opinion, per Jay's request. I have always opposed term limits in a town the size of Carefree, and I agree with Jay's statement, as well as with Betsy's. We are one of only 5 municipalities in the state that have 2 year terms with the entire Council and the Mayor being elected each time. The vast majority have sensible staggered 4 year terms. But people see the professional career bloated ticks sitting in their seats forever in Washington, D.C. and term limits resonate, even though the situation between D.C. and Carefree have nothing in common. Our volunteer Council members are not career politicians. The 2 initiatives that Ms. Benedetto and her group have placed on the ballot are ludicrous nonsense.
The term limit initiative she proposes is a power play, pure and simple, meant to get rid of the good people so the weak ones can replace them. It's the only way they can get elected. However, if the majority of voters do demand term limits, Darrell's initiative is by far the most rational, so please do sign his petition so it can also appear on the ballot as an alternative.
The second one, that would prohibit eminent domain, is spiteful. The only time in the history of Carefree that eminent domain was used was to enable the town to utilize a parcel in the Boulders that is located along Tom Darlington Dr. and contains a utility easement with a 10" diameter water main pipe running underground through it. It was obviously meant for this very purpose. Her small but vocal group in the Boulders has filed double digit lawsuits and appeals to stop this underground water storage tank project, all of which they have lost in court. The latest loss was the one they took to the AZ Supreme Court, which was shot down in only 2 days. But they can't admit they are wrong. If this initiative passes, the Town would have to dig up the tank, restore the parcel to its original condition, pay the Boulders for the parcel plus interest, then relocate the tank to a less ideal parcel, pay for the parcel, and start the project over. That would cost all the customers who are on the Carefree Water system somewhere between $6-8 million.
No one who truly understands the consequences of these 2 initiatives will vote for either of them, but the group pushing both of these initiatives is using buzz words and phrases to manipulate voters' emotions, hoping the voters don't look too closely at these follies.
Lyn,I am not in favor of the Counter initiative for the obvious reason that it opens the pathway for career politicians. To wit, as written, a candidate for Council or Mayor could serve 8 years, sit out four years, serve again for 8 years, sit out for 4 years and on it goes. That is not in the spirit of term limits, rather a work around for term limits. Politics has invaded all aspects of our lives including as a vehicle for self-promotion, influence peddling and financial gain.
That being said, I also don't agree with the alternative term limit initiative in that I don’t believe that term limits should be retroactive. I do agree that the each term should be limited to 4 years, (to address the experience issue, which is also why I would favor staggered terms for Council members), and after two consecutive terms, others should have their chance. Four years is sufficient time for the electorate to determine whether those elected are serving the public’s interest or the incumbents personal interests or ideology, and should the incumbent not represent the electorate but rather his or her own interests or personal beliefs, than a change is not only in order but necessary.
My comments are not to suggest that we don’t have honorable and ethical individuals serving in elected capacities. Unfortunately, many times they remain in the background or their voices are drowned out by those more vocal or outrageous in antics. Hence, one of many reasons for term limits.
John Nimsky
Great pictures.!!! I don’t mind the lights. Especially at these crazy times in life !!!
Scott Pederson
(Lyn's note: Re the new lights by the Hampton Inn by Hilton)
I hope to see you at the car show this Saturday! John Crane will be co-hosting the entire Varsity Sports Show on Saturday morning, 8-10 am on am1060 KDUS AZ!! Should be fun! John suggested some great content that we will be featuring, as well. Listen to this week's promo here: https://youtu.be/lU5vjnjENTU
Vince D'Aliesio
Carefree Classic Wheels & Wings | Something Special on The Road and In The Air
Hello residents,
A friendly update that we have completed crosswalk improvements at Ridgeview Place and Ho Road.
Check out this video for an explainer on how it works: Crosswalk Video
A friendly update that we have completed crosswalk improvements at Ridgeview Place and Ho Road.
Check out this video for an explainer on how it works: Crosswalk Video
Lyn:The fourth and final Carefree Desert Seminar of 2022, “Flora and Fauna of Namibia: My Journey” will be conducted in the Town Council Chambers at 33 Easy Street, Saturday, April 9, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Scott McMahon, manager of the cactus collection at the Desert Botanical Garden from 2006 to 2020, is returning as our guest speaker. Scott is an excellent presenter. This promises to be an exceptionally interesting seminar. Details are shown below.
Best regards,
John Crane
Best regards,
John Crane
Namibia is a country located to the northwest of South Africa, west of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, and south of Angola. At 2.5 million inhabitants, it is one of the least densely populated countries in the world. It has the lowest rainfall of any Sub-Saharan African country. The Namib Desert that borders the Atlantic Ocean is the oldest in the world.
On Saturday, April 9, Carefree Desert Gardens is pleased to welcome back Scott McMahon, manager of the cactus collection at the Desert Botanical Garden from 2006 to 2020. Scott holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Plant Protection from the College of Agriculture, University of Arizona. For over 40 years he has been collecting cacti and succulents and is twice past president of the Central AZ Cactus and Succulent Society, now an honorary lifetime member. As well as teaching at the Desert Botanical Garden, Scott has taught classes on cacti, succulents and other subjects pertaining to desert plants. Join us as Scott takes us all on a journey to Namibia, home to some of the most iconic succulents in the world, some of the oldest exposed rock formations and many familiar animals adapted to survive in the desert environment. No passport required!
The program, usually including a plant raffle, will begin at 9:30 a.m. and run approximately until noon in the Town Council Chambers located at 33 Easy Street and Nonchalant Avenue, Carefree. A $5.00 – or more – donation is appreciated to support these programs. For information call 480-488-3686.
This is the last of 4 programs of the 2022 Carefree Desert Gardens seminar series.
In honor of Earth Day, the Town of Carefree, Arizona will host a free community event on Saturday, April 23rd, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion in the Carefree Desert Gardens. This FREE, family-friendly event will feature local Arizona organizations to help educate and empower our community to take better care of our Sonoran Desert, planet, and each other.
The Earth Day event will feature live presentations, hands-on activities, information on birds, reptiles, plants native to our area and water management. You do not want to miss this fun, engaging, informative day! Stay tuned to our social media platforms @TownofCarefree and visitcarefree.org for updates and details.
Event: Town of Carefree Earth Day Celebration
Date: Saturday, April 23rd
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Place: Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion at Carefree Town Center (outdoors)
Cost: Free
Featured Partners: Be Outdoors AZ, Carefree Water Company, Educating Children Outdoors, Rattlesnake Solutions, State Land Trust, Tonto National Forest, Wild at Heart, and more!
Namibia is a country located to the northwest of South Africa, west of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, and south of Angola. At 2.5 million inhabitants, it is one of the least densely populated countries in the world. It has the lowest rainfall of any Sub-Saharan African country. The Namib Desert that borders the Atlantic Ocean is the oldest in the world.
On Saturday, April 9, Carefree Desert Gardens is pleased to welcome back Scott McMahon, manager of the cactus collection at the Desert Botanical Garden from 2006 to 2020. Scott holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Plant Protection from the College of Agriculture, University of Arizona. For over 40 years he has been collecting cacti and succulents and is twice past president of the Central AZ Cactus and Succulent Society, now an honorary lifetime member. As well as teaching at the Desert Botanical Garden, Scott has taught classes on cacti, succulents and other subjects pertaining to desert plants. Join us as Scott takes us all on a journey to Namibia, home to some of the most iconic succulents in the world, some of the oldest exposed rock formations and many familiar animals adapted to survive in the desert environment. No passport required!
The program, usually including a plant raffle, will begin at 9:30 a.m. and run approximately until noon in the Town Council Chambers located at 33 Easy Street and Nonchalant Avenue, Carefree. A $5.00 – or more – donation is appreciated to support these programs. For information call 480-488-3686.
This is the last of 4 programs of the 2022 Carefree Desert Gardens seminar series.
In honor of Earth Day, the Town of Carefree, Arizona will host a free community event on Saturday, April 23rd, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion in the Carefree Desert Gardens. This FREE, family-friendly event will feature local Arizona organizations to help educate and empower our community to take better care of our Sonoran Desert, planet, and each other.
The Earth Day event will feature live presentations, hands-on activities, information on birds, reptiles, plants native to our area and water management. You do not want to miss this fun, engaging, informative day! Stay tuned to our social media platforms @TownofCarefree and visitcarefree.org for updates and details.
Event: Town of Carefree Earth Day Celebration
Date: Saturday, April 23rd
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Place: Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion at Carefree Town Center (outdoors)
Cost: Free
Featured Partners: Be Outdoors AZ, Carefree Water Company, Educating Children Outdoors, Rattlesnake Solutions, State Land Trust, Tonto National Forest, Wild at Heart, and more!
𝐖𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 - 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞.
Here at Dynamic Appliance Repair, we work together as a team to achieve a common goal. We have enthusiasm to encourage employee growth through paid education, training, and vast resources. If you know of our reputation in the industry, you would be proud to work for our company. We have an excellent track record and a strong example of leadership in the industry.
PLEASE 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
Kathy Slipek
Managing Director
Dynamic Appliance Repair
(480) 590-3533
Visit Our Website
Review Us
Here at Dynamic Appliance Repair, we work together as a team to achieve a common goal. We have enthusiasm to encourage employee growth through paid education, training, and vast resources. If you know of our reputation in the industry, you would be proud to work for our company. We have an excellent track record and a strong example of leadership in the industry.
PLEASE 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
Kathy Slipek
Managing Director
Dynamic Appliance Repair
(480) 590-3533
Visit Our Website
Review Us
My name is Cheryl Kroyer and I am running for re-election to the Carefree Town Council. It is an honor to serve my community and I thank you all for your past support. And, I’d like to ask for your continued support in the coming election on August 2, 2022.
I hope that my accomplishments will demonstrate my love for and dedication to our Town. Over my tenure on the Council I have been instrumental in:
*** making sure that all Town residents have access to a quality water supply.
*** making our roadways safe for pedestrians.
*** finding sources of revenue that can provide for fire and police services to keep our Town safe.
*** working on signage strategies to get visitors into our town and once here to easily find our wide assortment of restaurants, shops, galleries and services
Please consider voting for me to continue the work to make our Town vibrant, viable and livable in the years to come. Thank you.
I hope that my accomplishments will demonstrate my love for and dedication to our Town. Over my tenure on the Council I have been instrumental in:
*** making sure that all Town residents have access to a quality water supply.
*** making our roadways safe for pedestrians.
*** finding sources of revenue that can provide for fire and police services to keep our Town safe.
*** working on signage strategies to get visitors into our town and once here to easily find our wide assortment of restaurants, shops, galleries and services
Please consider voting for me to continue the work to make our Town vibrant, viable and livable in the years to come. Thank you.
Non profit Info:
The 17th Annual MARINE CORPS LAW ENFORCEMENT FOUNDATION (MCLEF) Gathering of Heroes and Golf Tournament will take place on Sunday, April 3rd and Monday, April 4th, 2022.
Every year we strive to make these two events better and better. We are attracting more players and sponsors and this year is looking to be a very special one. However, we still need more players, sponsors, and volunteers!
When: Sunday, April 3rd with a start time of 4:00PM
Where: American Legion Post #34 in Cave Creek
Event Highlights: Three Medal of Honor Recipients (possibly more) in attendance escorted to the Post by the Legion Rider Honor Guard, Chaplain to say prayer, National Anthem, and TAPS as we lower the flag. A great opportunity to show your Patriotism! Ceremony followed by an amazing live country music concert by the following nationally known artists:
Keith Burns:
Every year we strive to make these two events better and better. We are attracting more players and sponsors and this year is looking to be a very special one. However, we still need more players, sponsors, and volunteers!
When: Sunday, April 3rd with a start time of 4:00PM
Where: American Legion Post #34 in Cave Creek
Event Highlights: Three Medal of Honor Recipients (possibly more) in attendance escorted to the Post by the Legion Rider Honor Guard, Chaplain to say prayer, National Anthem, and TAPS as we lower the flag. A great opportunity to show your Patriotism! Ceremony followed by an amazing live country music concert by the following nationally known artists:
Keith Burns:
Keith Burns, founding member of the Grammy-nominated ACM & AMA award-winning, platinum-selling group Trick Pony. He has had three Top 10 songs for such artists as Trick Pony and Joe Diffie and has also written several Top 40 songs with such artists as Hootie & The Blowfish, Sammy Kershaw, Burns & Poe, Mo Bandy. Nominated in 2018 for the NIMA Best Country Male Solo Artist & Best Country Entertainer of the year, Keith has also been awarded Music Row’s prestigious Independent Artist of the Year award.
Rob West:
Rob West:
Raised in a family of veterans and patriots, Rob is passionate about supporting the men and women who serve our country and is an ambassador for the Folds of Honor Foundation and
The Veteran Golfers Association. His song, Drink ‘Em Quiet, is an ode to a good friend who lost his battle with PTSD. When you first meet Rob West, you are greeted by a humble, fun-loving Arizona boy who loves his family and is proud of his roots. And when he takes the stage, you meet a genuine country star.
J. Michael Harter:
The Veteran Golfers Association. His song, Drink ‘Em Quiet, is an ode to a good friend who lost his battle with PTSD. When you first meet Rob West, you are greeted by a humble, fun-loving Arizona boy who loves his family and is proud of his roots. And when he takes the stage, you meet a genuine country star.
J. Michael Harter:
An all American, country artist and songwriter from the Desert Southwest of Arizona. After growing up singing in honky tonks, around bon fires and at rodeos in his home state he packed up and headed east to take a shot at Nashville. Shortly after the move he received his first record deal. Among his 8 billboard charting singles are also 2 hits he recorded with his siblings in their group The Harters.
J. Michael was recently named The Texas Country Music Associations Songwriter of the year for 2021.
J. Michael was recently named The Texas Country Music Associations Songwriter of the year for 2021.
When: Monday, April 4th
Shotgun start at 7:30AM
Where: J.W. Marriott Desert Ridge Wildfire Golf Club
5350 E. Marriott Drive, Phoenix
Event Highlights:
Great Prizes
Open Bar after Tournament
Silent Auction all day
Live Auction after Luncheon
When: Monday, April 4th
Shotgun start at 7:30AM
Where: J.W. Marriott Desert Ridge Wildfire Golf Club
5350 E. Marriott Drive, Phoenix
Event Highlights:
Great Prizes
Open Bar after Tournament
Silent Auction all day
Live Auction after Luncheon
As a sponsor, your LOGO will be displayed at both the music even and at the golf tournament. If you can help supply us with your corp. logo/banner that would be great!
This is why we do what we do:
· RILEY MARTINS: https://vimeo.com/268687931
· KILEY FREDRICK: https://vimeo.com/311968921
· DEANNA TOWNSEND https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w-t_-4EK7f9w5K2a8NgKdzf7g--dFvHB/view
· MOH AT LEGION: https://youtu.be/yQhAr5IsdYk
For more information, please go to:
Or contact:
Kirk Tushaus: 480-540-2575. Or KIRK@MCLEFAZ.org
Stacy Prey: 480-251-1671 Or stacy@gatewaygolfgroup.com
American Legion Post 34 to host Gathering of Heroes,
Medal of Honor recipients
On Sunday, April 3, 2022 beginning at 4 PM, American Legion Post 34 will honor several Medal of Honor and Purple Heart recipients at the Post’s headquarters, which is located at 6272 E. Cave Creek Road. The event is part of the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation-AZ Chapter (MCLEF), which promotes the annual Gathering of the Heroes. MCLEF also will host a golf tournament fund-raiser at Wildfire Golf Club on Monday, April 3 with a 7:30 AM shotgun start. The golf club is located at 5350 E. Marriott Drive, Phoenix, Ariz. Golf sponsorship information and registration can be found at mclefaz.org. This event is open to the public.
The Medal of Honor ceremony kicks off when American Legion Post 34 riders escort the Medal of Honor recipients, who earned the nation’s highest medal during different wars, to the Post for a deeply patriotic ceremony in the presence of their peers and friends. In addition, a Color Guard will be on hand to present the colors. There are only 67 living Medal of Honor recipients in the country.
The ceremony begins Sunday, April 3 at 4 PM with the Color Guard, the playing of Taps and a prayer followed by a presentation honoring Medal of Honor and Purple Heart recipients. The entrance fee is $10, which includes a meal ticket. In addition, there will be a raffle, a silent auction, a live auction and live music, which will begin at 7 PM. All fund-raiser monies go directly to MCLEF.
The Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation-AZ Chapter establishes a $35,000 educational scholarship for every child who loses a parent serving in the United States Marine Corps or any federal law enforcement agency. Since its founding in 1995, MCLEF has awarded more than $85 million in educational scholarship accounts and other humanitarian assistance to more than 4000 children and families of fallen Marines and federal law enforcement officers.
In addition, following the Gathering of Heroes event at Legion Post 34, Keith Burns, founding member of the Grammy-nominated ACM & AMA award-winning platinum selling group Trick Pony, will sing and play for veterans and guests. Burns has had three Top 10 songs for Trick Pony and Joe Diffie and has written several Top 40 songs with artists including Hootie & The Blowfish, Sammy Kershaw, Burns & Poe and Mo Bandy. Burns was nominated in 2018 for the NIMA Best Country Male Solo Artist and Best Country Entertainer of the Year.
Artists Rob West and J. Michael Harter will follow Burns. West, a country star and patriot, is an ambassador for the Folds of Honor Foundation and The Veterans Golfers Association. He will sing the song Drink ‘Em Quiet, an ode to a friend who lost his battle with PTSD. Harter, an American country artist who signed with Bow Records in 2002, released his debit album, Unexpected Change, produced a single on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks with his song Hard to Make. He now has his own label, Big Al.
American Legion Post 34 veteran Bob Jenkins - a 911 survivor shares his incredible story
American Legion Post 34 celebrates 75 years of service during 2022 and shares some of the incredible stories of its veterans.
Bob Jenkins understands the true meaning of life after nearly losing his own on September 11, 2001 at the One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, N.Y. The day the terrorists struck, the four-year United States Marine Corps veteran was in a meeting with client Lehman Brothers on the 39th floor.
The veteran member of American Legion Post 34 had arrived the day prior to visit the NY Stock Exchange with his sales team. After a meal on September 10, the team rested to prepare for a meeting to sell videoconferencing equipment. After watching people funnel up the building’s elevators that beautiful day, Jenkins went through security and headed to the 40th floor.
During the meeting, there was an explosion. Jenkins, who served as a Marine Corps combat engineer and had extensive knowledge about explosives, kept calm as he felt the percussion come down through the building after the explosion.
“Time stopped,” says Jenkins. “Then the building began to rock back and forth. “The building felt like Jell-O and was swaying. I thought the stairways might come down.”
He left the conference room and found his way to the windows. Staring at the Statue of Liberty down below, Jenkins noticed white particles raining down in the cobalt blue sky.
“I stood there with my hands in my pockets and thought, this is where I am going to die,’ adds Jenkins. “It was odd, but I was in total peace.”
Suddenly, the building stopped moving. He heard a woman say there had been an explosion in a mechanical room three floors up. Jenkins went to the closest stairway and saw hundreds of people heading down the stairs. He joined the mass of humanity taking one step at a time but trying to go faster. It would take 40 minutes to get down the stairway where bottled-necked, frightened people tried to do the same. He didn’t know a jet had struck the building.
Next, he saw a number of brave firemen coming up the stairs, the chief and his lieutenant. They fought their way up 30 floors on the stairway to heaven.
“The stairs started filling out with heavy smoke and the smell of jet fuel,” says Jenkins. “I thought I was going to die on those stairs. Then I found an office where the air was clear. I was hyperventilating and hoping to ride it out there so I could go back upstairs to retrieve my equipment. The Lord then showed me out to the stairway where I made a life and death decision to go for it.”
As water and jet fuel came raining down, Jenkins tried to pick up the pace amongst the slow moving herd of people, but the stair traffic was slow and heavy. He finally made it to the mezzanine level and knew he was clear. Once outside of the building, he looked to his right and saw a smoldering jet engine and the wing from an airplane as a sea of humanity poured out of the building.
As he searched for his team members (finally locating them all during the day), his eyes focused on the plane’s massive rip in the building. Worse, he watched a man jump off the building followed by a woman. He couldn’t watch any more suicides and got out of the location immediately. As he joined one team member to walk uptown, he heard news pouring out of everywhere. Next, he heard that the Pentagon was hit. As they got closer to the Empire State Building, Jenkins saw the World Trade Center in the distance damaged and filled with smoke. All of these images, especially the noise made by people jumping from the burning building and hitting the ground, are seared in his memory forever.
“Yes, I was lucky that day, but the truth is the terrorists tried to kill us all,” says Jenkins.
On an even stranger note, Jenkins later received a message from the World Trade Center police department who found his ID card in the rubble and sent it to him.
“That event was the most emotional thing that has ever happened to me,” adds Jenkins.
The impact on Jenkins was such that he was compelled and inspired to create a memorial wrap for his Mustang to commemorate his experience and those who were lost.
“We must never forget,” says Jenkins.
And, we never will.
· RILEY MARTINS: https://vimeo.com/268687931
· KILEY FREDRICK: https://vimeo.com/311968921
· DEANNA TOWNSEND https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w-t_-4EK7f9w5K2a8NgKdzf7g--dFvHB/view
· MOH AT LEGION: https://youtu.be/yQhAr5IsdYk
For more information, please go to:
Or contact:
Kirk Tushaus: 480-540-2575. Or KIRK@MCLEFAZ.org
Stacy Prey: 480-251-1671 Or stacy@gatewaygolfgroup.com
American Legion Post 34 to host Gathering of Heroes,
Medal of Honor recipients
On Sunday, April 3, 2022 beginning at 4 PM, American Legion Post 34 will honor several Medal of Honor and Purple Heart recipients at the Post’s headquarters, which is located at 6272 E. Cave Creek Road. The event is part of the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation-AZ Chapter (MCLEF), which promotes the annual Gathering of the Heroes. MCLEF also will host a golf tournament fund-raiser at Wildfire Golf Club on Monday, April 3 with a 7:30 AM shotgun start. The golf club is located at 5350 E. Marriott Drive, Phoenix, Ariz. Golf sponsorship information and registration can be found at mclefaz.org. This event is open to the public.
The Medal of Honor ceremony kicks off when American Legion Post 34 riders escort the Medal of Honor recipients, who earned the nation’s highest medal during different wars, to the Post for a deeply patriotic ceremony in the presence of their peers and friends. In addition, a Color Guard will be on hand to present the colors. There are only 67 living Medal of Honor recipients in the country.
The ceremony begins Sunday, April 3 at 4 PM with the Color Guard, the playing of Taps and a prayer followed by a presentation honoring Medal of Honor and Purple Heart recipients. The entrance fee is $10, which includes a meal ticket. In addition, there will be a raffle, a silent auction, a live auction and live music, which will begin at 7 PM. All fund-raiser monies go directly to MCLEF.
The Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation-AZ Chapter establishes a $35,000 educational scholarship for every child who loses a parent serving in the United States Marine Corps or any federal law enforcement agency. Since its founding in 1995, MCLEF has awarded more than $85 million in educational scholarship accounts and other humanitarian assistance to more than 4000 children and families of fallen Marines and federal law enforcement officers.
In addition, following the Gathering of Heroes event at Legion Post 34, Keith Burns, founding member of the Grammy-nominated ACM & AMA award-winning platinum selling group Trick Pony, will sing and play for veterans and guests. Burns has had three Top 10 songs for Trick Pony and Joe Diffie and has written several Top 40 songs with artists including Hootie & The Blowfish, Sammy Kershaw, Burns & Poe and Mo Bandy. Burns was nominated in 2018 for the NIMA Best Country Male Solo Artist and Best Country Entertainer of the Year.
Artists Rob West and J. Michael Harter will follow Burns. West, a country star and patriot, is an ambassador for the Folds of Honor Foundation and The Veterans Golfers Association. He will sing the song Drink ‘Em Quiet, an ode to a friend who lost his battle with PTSD. Harter, an American country artist who signed with Bow Records in 2002, released his debit album, Unexpected Change, produced a single on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks with his song Hard to Make. He now has his own label, Big Al.
American Legion Post 34 veteran Bob Jenkins - a 911 survivor shares his incredible story
American Legion Post 34 celebrates 75 years of service during 2022 and shares some of the incredible stories of its veterans.
Bob Jenkins understands the true meaning of life after nearly losing his own on September 11, 2001 at the One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, N.Y. The day the terrorists struck, the four-year United States Marine Corps veteran was in a meeting with client Lehman Brothers on the 39th floor.
The veteran member of American Legion Post 34 had arrived the day prior to visit the NY Stock Exchange with his sales team. After a meal on September 10, the team rested to prepare for a meeting to sell videoconferencing equipment. After watching people funnel up the building’s elevators that beautiful day, Jenkins went through security and headed to the 40th floor.
During the meeting, there was an explosion. Jenkins, who served as a Marine Corps combat engineer and had extensive knowledge about explosives, kept calm as he felt the percussion come down through the building after the explosion.
“Time stopped,” says Jenkins. “Then the building began to rock back and forth. “The building felt like Jell-O and was swaying. I thought the stairways might come down.”
He left the conference room and found his way to the windows. Staring at the Statue of Liberty down below, Jenkins noticed white particles raining down in the cobalt blue sky.
“I stood there with my hands in my pockets and thought, this is where I am going to die,’ adds Jenkins. “It was odd, but I was in total peace.”
Suddenly, the building stopped moving. He heard a woman say there had been an explosion in a mechanical room three floors up. Jenkins went to the closest stairway and saw hundreds of people heading down the stairs. He joined the mass of humanity taking one step at a time but trying to go faster. It would take 40 minutes to get down the stairway where bottled-necked, frightened people tried to do the same. He didn’t know a jet had struck the building.
Next, he saw a number of brave firemen coming up the stairs, the chief and his lieutenant. They fought their way up 30 floors on the stairway to heaven.
“The stairs started filling out with heavy smoke and the smell of jet fuel,” says Jenkins. “I thought I was going to die on those stairs. Then I found an office where the air was clear. I was hyperventilating and hoping to ride it out there so I could go back upstairs to retrieve my equipment. The Lord then showed me out to the stairway where I made a life and death decision to go for it.”
As water and jet fuel came raining down, Jenkins tried to pick up the pace amongst the slow moving herd of people, but the stair traffic was slow and heavy. He finally made it to the mezzanine level and knew he was clear. Once outside of the building, he looked to his right and saw a smoldering jet engine and the wing from an airplane as a sea of humanity poured out of the building.
As he searched for his team members (finally locating them all during the day), his eyes focused on the plane’s massive rip in the building. Worse, he watched a man jump off the building followed by a woman. He couldn’t watch any more suicides and got out of the location immediately. As he joined one team member to walk uptown, he heard news pouring out of everywhere. Next, he heard that the Pentagon was hit. As they got closer to the Empire State Building, Jenkins saw the World Trade Center in the distance damaged and filled with smoke. All of these images, especially the noise made by people jumping from the burning building and hitting the ground, are seared in his memory forever.
“Yes, I was lucky that day, but the truth is the terrorists tried to kill us all,” says Jenkins.
On an even stranger note, Jenkins later received a message from the World Trade Center police department who found his ID card in the rubble and sent it to him.
“That event was the most emotional thing that has ever happened to me,” adds Jenkins.
The impact on Jenkins was such that he was compelled and inspired to create a memorial wrap for his Mustang to commemorate his experience and those who were lost.
“We must never forget,” says Jenkins.
And, we never will.
(Lyn's note: Bob gave an extended talk about his 9/11 experience that Herbert recorded. Here is the link to that talk.)
Bob Jenkins' 9/11 Presentation-2019
The American Legion, formed in 1919, supports and advocates on behalf of veterans, active military and their families. The 501 (c19) also supports the initiatives and programs of the American Legion while fostering patriotism and responsible citizenship. The American Legion is a non-secular, non-political organization.
Save the Date
This is advance info on the AT&T 3 Miler Race that will take place in Carefree on November 5th to benefit veterans.
Cave Creek Museum
Stamp Mill demonstrations and The Arizona Gold Mining Experience at the Cave Creek Museum
“Cave Creek Museum is proud to feature Arizona’s mining history,” says Johnson. “Our historic stamp mill and tramway is from the Golden Reef Mine on Continental Mountain and is the only one in Arizona within five miles of its original site. We want people to come and experience how gold mining was done back in the day. And, plan to spend time exploring our exciting new The Arizona Gold Mining Experience, which includes blacksmithing, a mine and gold panning.
The stamp mill will be operated on the second Saturday of each month during the museum’s 2022 season.
Arizona Gold Mining Experience expands, adds mine shaft
A new exhibit has just opened at Cave Creek Museum’s Arizona Gold Mining Experience. The new mine shaft is a replica of a typical hard rock Arizona gold mine. To enhance the experience, lights flash and the earth shakes to replicate sequential dynamite explosions. Visitors will learn how the introduction of dynamite and compressed air rock drills increased a mine’s output, but also made it far more dangerous for Arizona miners at the time.
About the Experience
The Arizona Gold Mining Experience features the mine, a tram, a crusher and the 10-stamp mill as part of a 90-minute fascinating demonstration. The Arizona Gold Mining Experience runs the second Saturday of every month, October through May. 11 AM-12:45 PM in the museum lobby and admission is $7 for adults; $5 for seniors; children under 12 are free. Visitors should plan on arriving early so they can purchase admission prior to the event. We encourage guests to purchase their tickets in advance by visiting them museum’s website at cavecreekmuseum.org to avoid waiting in line at the register.
Cave Creek Museum Presents Fast and Fabulous
Cave Creek Museum Presents will feature a program entitled Fast & Fabulous on Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 2-4 PM in the museum’s historic church.
Valerie Thompson is the world’s fastest female racer and 10x land speed record holder with membership in the Sturgis Hall of Fame as well as eight 300 MPH clubs and one 300 MPH club. She consistently is ranked as one of the world’s top 10 fastest motorcycle racers.
Racing the BUB 7 motorcycle streamliner during the 2028 Dry Lake Racers Australia (DLRA) Speed Week competition at Lake Gairdner, she set a new speed record off 32.8467 MPH to become Australia’s fastest female streamliner motorcycle racer. Days later, she experienced a horrific crash at more than 360 MPH during the World Speed Trails. Thompson walked away from the catastrophe that scattered wreckage for more than a mile.
Thompson has a busy 2022 as the designated rider for two motorcycle teams in addition to attempting new records on four wheels piloting the dual-engine Target 550 Streamliner owned by land speed racing legend Marlo Treit.
She began playing pickleball in February 2021 and fell in love with the sport. What started as a new fitness regime led to playing several a week, attending pickleball camps and professional lessons. After achieving 10 podium finish tournament medals in her first year, Thompson’s goals include earning a pro rating in addition to capturing two new speed records,
Thompson’s pickleball passion has generated enormous media interest resulting in cover and feature stories in USA Pickleball and front page news in the Wendover Times after a spirited game with city’s mayor in the legendary Bonneville Salt Flats.
Bob Jenkins' 9/11 Presentation-2019
The American Legion, formed in 1919, supports and advocates on behalf of veterans, active military and their families. The 501 (c19) also supports the initiatives and programs of the American Legion while fostering patriotism and responsible citizenship. The American Legion is a non-secular, non-political organization.
Save the Date
This is advance info on the AT&T 3 Miler Race that will take place in Carefree on November 5th to benefit veterans.
Cave Creek Museum
Stamp Mill demonstrations and The Arizona Gold Mining Experience at the Cave Creek Museum
“Cave Creek Museum is proud to feature Arizona’s mining history,” says Johnson. “Our historic stamp mill and tramway is from the Golden Reef Mine on Continental Mountain and is the only one in Arizona within five miles of its original site. We want people to come and experience how gold mining was done back in the day. And, plan to spend time exploring our exciting new The Arizona Gold Mining Experience, which includes blacksmithing, a mine and gold panning.
The stamp mill will be operated on the second Saturday of each month during the museum’s 2022 season.
Arizona Gold Mining Experience expands, adds mine shaft
A new exhibit has just opened at Cave Creek Museum’s Arizona Gold Mining Experience. The new mine shaft is a replica of a typical hard rock Arizona gold mine. To enhance the experience, lights flash and the earth shakes to replicate sequential dynamite explosions. Visitors will learn how the introduction of dynamite and compressed air rock drills increased a mine’s output, but also made it far more dangerous for Arizona miners at the time.
About the Experience
The Arizona Gold Mining Experience features the mine, a tram, a crusher and the 10-stamp mill as part of a 90-minute fascinating demonstration. The Arizona Gold Mining Experience runs the second Saturday of every month, October through May. 11 AM-12:45 PM in the museum lobby and admission is $7 for adults; $5 for seniors; children under 12 are free. Visitors should plan on arriving early so they can purchase admission prior to the event. We encourage guests to purchase their tickets in advance by visiting them museum’s website at cavecreekmuseum.org to avoid waiting in line at the register.
Cave Creek Museum Presents Fast and Fabulous
Cave Creek Museum Presents will feature a program entitled Fast & Fabulous on Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 2-4 PM in the museum’s historic church.
Valerie Thompson is the world’s fastest female racer and 10x land speed record holder with membership in the Sturgis Hall of Fame as well as eight 300 MPH clubs and one 300 MPH club. She consistently is ranked as one of the world’s top 10 fastest motorcycle racers.
Racing the BUB 7 motorcycle streamliner during the 2028 Dry Lake Racers Australia (DLRA) Speed Week competition at Lake Gairdner, she set a new speed record off 32.8467 MPH to become Australia’s fastest female streamliner motorcycle racer. Days later, she experienced a horrific crash at more than 360 MPH during the World Speed Trails. Thompson walked away from the catastrophe that scattered wreckage for more than a mile.
Thompson has a busy 2022 as the designated rider for two motorcycle teams in addition to attempting new records on four wheels piloting the dual-engine Target 550 Streamliner owned by land speed racing legend Marlo Treit.
She began playing pickleball in February 2021 and fell in love with the sport. What started as a new fitness regime led to playing several a week, attending pickleball camps and professional lessons. After achieving 10 podium finish tournament medals in her first year, Thompson’s goals include earning a pro rating in addition to capturing two new speed records,
Thompson’s pickleball passion has generated enormous media interest resulting in cover and feature stories in USA Pickleball and front page news in the Wendover Times after a spirited game with city’s mayor in the legendary Bonneville Salt Flats.
The 51-year-old museum’s mission is to preserve the artifacts of the prehistory, history, culture and legacy of the Cave Creek Mining District and the Cave Creek/Carefree foothills area through education, research, and interpretive exhibits. The Cave Creek Museum is located at 6140 E. Skyline Drive in Cave Creek, Ariz., 480.488.2764. Open October through May.
Desert Foothills Library
April 2022 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Desert Foothills Art Gallery
Trending Showcase March 17th - May 12th
VITA Tax Program
Tuesdays 11:00-6:00pm and Thursdays 9:00-3:00pm February 1 – April 15
The IRS and Masters of Coin-sponsored Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help for low to moderate income families, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and limited English-speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. Please call 480-488-2286 to schedule an appointment. Forms to be filled out are available for pick up prior to appointment.
Please bring social security card, all 2021 tax forms, 2020 tax return, and photo identification card. Please visit the Masters of Coin website for additional information: https://mastersofcoin.org.
RSVP by calling 480-488-2286
Cost: FREE
French Class
Fridays, April 1st – May 20th, 11:00 am
Parlez-vous francais? This beginner class meets once a week for eight weeks. The focus is on conversation, using practical vocabulary for everyday situations. Handouts will be provided. A new experience is awaiting you! So, join me, and start preparing for your next French vacation.
Bonjour! My name is Dominique. I am a native French speaker and a foreign language teacher. I graduated from the Ecole du Louvre in art history and museology, and was an Art Lecturer of the French National Museums in Paris. After moving to the U.S., I began a teaching career and taught French and Spanish in the Cave Creek Unified School District.
Questions about the class, please contact instructor at dominique.flamm@gmail.com
RSVP at dfla.org | Class limited to 8 students, register today!
Cost: $80
Maximize Your Retirement
Saturday, April 2, 9:30 am
Tax planning, Roth conversion, truth about annuities mitigating taxes before and after retirement.
Bergen Financial Group has over 36 years of financial services. Owner of two independent brokerage firms focusing on educating and enlightening clients how to protect, preserve, and pass on wealth.
RSVP to ronita@bergenfinancialgroup.com
Cost: FREE
Trending Showcase Reception
Saturday, April 9, 4:00 pm
Desert Foothills Art Gallery welcomes you to a wonderful reception to celebrate the artists in the Trending Showcase. Light refreshments are served.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Desert Foothills Art Gallery Presentation
Thursday, April 14, 4:00 pm
Join the Desert Foothills Art Gallery to learn more about the wonderful artists featured in the Trending Showcase!
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Oath Law Estate Planning Workshops
Tuesday – Saturday, April 12-15, times vary
This free educational workshop will cover a basic education on estate planning, trusts, wills, and probate court.
Attorney Nathan Askins graduated from the University of Idaho College of Law and is a member of the Arizona Bar Association. Growing up in Gilbert, AZ, his desire to help families in his community led him to specialize in estate planning.
Find out more and RSVP at www.oath.law/workshops
Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.): Come Learn More About B.A.C.A.’s Amazing Work!
Saturday, April 16, 1:00-2:30 pm
Join us as we discuss how Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A) empowers children to not be afraid of the world, the requirements to be a member, and how you can help.
Woodstock has been a patched member since January of 2017 and is the Treasurer of the Maricopa County Chapter. Woodstock has presented to various audiences of various sizes and backgrounds, from church groups to large organizations.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Jubilate Concert
Saturday, April 23, 1:00 pm
Saturday, April 30, 1:00 pm
Jubilate Conservatory of music will have two recitals at Desert foothills Library in the Jones Coates Room in April. Voice, violin, viola, and cello students will present solos with accompanist Jeff Yoder. No admission fees will be charged at the door and all are welcome to join us in support of these young musicians.
No registration.
Cost: FREE
Double Your Social Security, Other Retirement Income, & Reduce Taxes
Saturday, April 30, 10:30 am
Why Social Security can be a million-dollar decision. How to receive 2-3 times the income from banks, bonds, and stock dividends and reduce taxes on either current wages or retirement income. Learn how to generate $10,000 to $100,000 more in retirement income! Dr. Harold Wong earned his Ph.D Economics at UC Berkley and was the guest expert on over 400 TV and Radio shows. For eight years, he wrote the financial column for the AZ Republic community section. He has educated thousands of attorneys and CPAs on advanced tax and financial strategies.
RSVP at dlfa.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
eBook and Online Database Help
Tuesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks can be easy through the library’s digital collection! Each week there will be an informal drop-in class for anyone with questions about Libby, Cloud Library, or any of the apps the library offers. We will show you how to download the apps to your phone or tablet and how to navigate the digital collection. No question is too small! Please bring your device and have your library card ready! For Apple users your Apple ID will be needed.
No registration
Cost: FREE
MahJongg 103: Unsupervised Play
Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
Informal MahJongg play for any level! Groups, individuals, and recent students of MahJongg 101 & 102 looking for a place to come and enjoy playing with people in your community. This group is unsupervised. No sets are provided, must bring your own.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $5
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
No registration
Cost: FREE
Jubilate Conservatory of Music Spring Semester Classes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday January-May
Scholarships are available!
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, begins in-person music classes in September. The Fall Semester lasts fourteen weeks. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition.
Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm – Beginning Violin Class. For students 8 years and older; students learn to read music and play the violin in a focused setting with a class limited to 6 students. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Tuesdays 4:15-5:30 pm – Jubilate Choir & Voice Class. For students age 10 and older; students learn how to sing with others in a group setting, read music and follow a director, singing several different styles of music. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm – Ensemble for Strings. For student age 10 and older who know how to read music and play violin, viola, or cello; students enjoy playing music together in a group and increase their ability to read music and engage with other young musicians. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Saturday 10:00-1:00 pm – Saturday Strings. For age 5yrs and older. 10:00-11:00 am – Advanced/Intermediate strings. 11:00-11:30 am – Beginning Strings (Advanced/Intermediate Students on Break). 11:30-12:00 pm – Jubilate Violin Orchestra, combined class rehearsal. $6.00 registration fee only.
Saturday 12:15-1:00 pm – Musicianship Class. For all ages, (very young children should be accompanied by their parent). Students learn to sing their way through music theory in a fun and lively classroom setting. $6.00 registration fee only.
This is a class through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided. If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147 or jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org.
Death Café
Wednesday, April 6, 12:30-2:30 pm
Death Cafe is a gathering to talk about death and dying. The aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. It is a global, non-profit movement begun in London in 2011: to date, more than 7,000 Death Cafes have been held in 63 countries. Death Cafe does not promote beliefs, agendas, or products, nor is it a bereavement or grief support group. Join us for open, respectful, interesting conversation about topics relevant to all of us but often considered “dark” or even taboo. From more information go to www.deathcafe.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Chapter2Books Monthly Sale!
April 8 & 9
Monthly book sales provide a wonderful opportunity to purchase quality books and other media at even lower prices than the everyday bargain prices in Chapter 2. The monthly book sale is throughout Chapter 2, the Jones/Coates Room, and our patio *weather permitting*. Chapter 2 Monthly Sales are offered on the second Friday and Saturday of every month. Can’t make a Sale? Check out our amazing selection on Amazon. There are hundreds of books as well as CDs, DVDs and audiobooks listed there that are not on display in the bookstore.
We are always in need of volunteers to help setup and breakdown our monthly book sales. If you are interested, please contact our Support Services Manager, Terri Engebretson, at tengebretson@dfla.org or 480-488-2286.
Music at the Movies
Thursday, April 14, 2:00 pm
Join us for a celebration of movies with interesting or significant music. Movies range from dramas, musicals, comedies, and more! Hosted by music enthusiast, Annis Scott. This Month: Bel Canto.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Cost: FREE
International Film Series: Women Directors with Gary Zaro
Friday, April 8, 2:00 pm
Film is the most popular form of art and entertainment in the world and a wonderful way for us to communicate with each other. The International Film Series gives us a glimpse into other cultures to see their uniqueness, history, and what is important to them. It is also a great look into the universality of all countries and cultures and allows us the opportunity to see often times we share more than we realize. Travel around the world with us as we explore innovative films and fascinating cultures. A post film discussion will follow each screening with Gary Zaro. This Month: Breathe (NR; 2014, France, 91 minutes)
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Medicare 101 with ASC Insurance
Thursday, April 19, 4:00 pm
We’ll discuss and cover:
· Knowing your rights, options, and entitlements.
· The correct time to enroll in Medicare
· What Medicare does and does not cover
· Medicare Advantage
· Medicare Supplement insurance
· Medicare review for post 65 beneficiaries
· Medicare Part D
RSVP by contacting: Derrick Cooper at 480-648-5052 or derrick.cooper@ascinsuranceaz.com OR Michael Smith at 602-793-1925 or mpsmith.benefits@gmail.com
Little Known Stories of WWII with Gary Zaro
Friday, April 22, 2:00 pm
This film series offers little known war stories filled with daring, intrigue, and sometimes such improbability they have to be seen to be believed. At the heart of each one, are the men and women who made World War II modern history’s seminal event, one that still effects our lives and world today. Everyone is invited to participate in the discussion following each film. This Month: The Apology (2016)
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Puzzle Exchange
Friday, April 29, 9:00-5:00pm
Are you sick of your puzzles at home because you have completed all of them multiple times? Come drop off your gently used puzzles and pick out a new one for free! Leave one puzzle and take four, the more the merrier. Offered on the last Friday of every month. All ages and skill levels encouraged!
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Writer’s Connection
Friday, April, 1:00-3:00 pm
Today's world is literally at a writer's fingertips. A few keyboard strokes can open the information gates to help you create stories that are distinctively credible and compelling. This Month: Intelligent Thriller, a play on words. I want the reader to learn something while being entertained within the action/thriller/mystery genre. I guarantee the reader will learn something new. I want the reader to think - I sure didn't know spies could do that! All my books focus on spying protocols used by different agencies facing existential threats. I introduce a different set of confrontations in each of my six novels. The series features the same characters, so easy to follow. All my settings include:
· Historical backgrounds plus different geographic locations.
· Similar themes.
· Different threats taking place in faraway places.
I jump-set a lot, so readers go to places they have never been before with characters they come to like and root for to overcome adversity. The essence of storytelling. The book we'll discuss during our meeting is Zachor, with its twist and turns that grab the attention of the reader.
I will make a point of answering the questions Sherry asked me to address below and any other questions you might have during our meeting. I'll contrast my 40 years of academic publications with my recent fiction experience and relate the lessons I've learned in the past 8 years. My "Cabo Caper" was published in 2013. My novels have a focus on emerging technology and cyber intel, including details on how to hack a fish tank and a pacemaker…really… I'm not kidding. It will blow you away!
Please feel free to chime in during our meeting. Here are a few questions to get you warmed up.
1. How do you write…outline or by the seat of your pants?
2. Do you discipline yourself to daily write?
3. How do you research your subject?
4. What website do you use for research?
5. How did you and your edit work together?
6. How do you promote your books?
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Literate Foodie Club
Monday, April 4, 12:30 pm
Literate Foodies has been meeting since March 2016. They focus each meeting on a book and topic for discussion and a rotating team of cooks prepare related recipes for a sampling by all attendants. Each month could feature chef memoirs, food travel, food history, national and international cuisines, techniques, and cookbooks! This Month: ScandiKitchen: Summer by Bronte Aurell. It is one in a series of Scandinavian cuisine books by the author. This one concentrates on lighter “summery” recipes— while retaining the concept of “lagom” or balance— i.e., everything in moderation. The recipes are interspersed with text on Scandinavian culture, traditions and celebrations.
Questions about Literate Foodies, please contact facilitators, Dana Rakinic at danarakinic@gmail.com & Jan Kruse at jan-kruse@cox.net.
RSVP online at dfla.org. Please register in advance, as seating is limited. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $10
Memoir & Essay Writers’ Group
Thursday, April 7, 1:30 pm
If you enjoy personal writing, please join our group. Novice and seasoned writers meet monthly to read aloud stories and receive constructive feedback and suggestions on how to develop their writing styles. You are welcome to bring 1-2 pages of humorous or serious prose to share with others.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Get Lit Book Club
Tuesday, April 12, 5:00-6:30 pm
Get Lit Book Club, a happy hour book club! Not for the faint of heart. Weird, odd, and unique books are chosen for a great discussion, so get ready for something you might not choose every day! Books will include non-fiction, classics, contemporary fiction, and memoirs to list a few. Get Lit is at a different restaurant every month to support local businesses. Everyone is welcome! This Month: The Mountains Sing by Que Mai Phan Nguyen. Restaurant to be determined.
RSVP at dfla.org so we may give accurate numbers to the restaurant. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE but we encourage you to eat, drink, and be merry in support of our local businesses.
Library Book Club
Thursday, April 14, 10:00-12:00 pm
Tuesday, April 26, 10:00-12:00 pm
Book Club is offered twice every month! Same book, same facilitator, different days. Choose which day is best for you to join. Everyone is welcome! Currently held on Zoom each month. This Month: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell.
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Literary Salon
Thursday, April 21, 10:00 am
An informal discussion of books, film and theater, led by a facilitator. No requirements to read or see any particular book, film or play. Everyone is invited to share ideas and reflections on the selected theme. This Month: Our April Salon will salute the showers that bring May flowers. Choose any book, Film, music or other literary genre with the word “rain” in the title, or in which rain plays a major role. Some best sellers include “Fifty Words for Rain,” “The Color of Rain” and “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” which is also a film. Other film ideas are “Singing in the Rain” and “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.” How does “rain” fit into the context of the story? Is it a metaphor, a physical entity, or both? Is it treated as a character, a natural element, or a blend the two? Is the rain gentle or torrential, or does it change? We’ll consider these questions and more as we explore “rain.”
No registration | Questions please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Exercise Over 50
Friday, April 1, 11:00 am
Natural methods of repair are superior to managed methods of relief. We will assess your abilities such as balance, strength, body alignment. We will discuss pain and discomfort. You can regain mobility, realign the body, reduce and eliminate pain. This builds self-confidence and creates a joyful aging experience.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Exercise Over 50, please contact instructor, Rev. Dr. Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com or 602-721-7714.
Cost: $10
Caring for the Caregiver
Monday April 4, 10:00-11:30 am
Taking care of yourself is essential in being able to take care of your loved one. Join us for this opportunity to fellowship with other caregivers. Led by Hospice of the West facilitators.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone!
All Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Thursday April 21 & 28, 9:00-10:00 am
Tai Chi & Qigong is a self-care practice. It is a choice of a healthy lifestyle and living well. It improves balance, flexibility, brain plasticity, inner peace and overall wellness. This class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday. Bina Bou is a senior trainer at IIQTC. She has been sharing the ancient practice for over a decade in our community. She believes no matter where you are on your healing journey Tai Chi practice can help improve your quality of life. To learn more about her classes visit mindfocusbodyqi.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Tai Chi & Qigong for Everyone please contact instructor, Bina Bou, at bina.b75@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Meditation with Reiki Healing
Wednesday, April 6 & 20, 1:00-2:00 pm
Meditation and relaxation have been proven to promote mental and physical changes in a person. Come and experience meditation with guidance. Discuss your experience. Discover the power of healing through guided meditation. If you are interested in expanding your meditation practices, the reiki healing will provide a unique opportunity to experience the healing affects.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Meditation with Reiki Healing please contact instructor, Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
The Healing Pathway
Monday, April 11 & 25, 9:30-11:00 am
Join us on this journey of grief. This group will guide and support you as you discover your "new normal". The open-ended group will provide you with practical tools and supportive conversation as you are processing your personal grief journey. The group shares a common language of grief.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Reiki Healing
Wednesday, April 13 & 27, 1:00-2:00 pm
Learn and explore through a variety of energy healing methods including Reiki. We will play with the energy for a better understanding, how you can use it and how you can consciously control more of the energy that makes up all that is you. Each person is here for their unique experience, no matter the age or belief system there is something for you to glean from knowing more about yourself and how better to know yourself than through the part of you that is unseen. Healing is the focus of Reiki and healing is multi-level.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Reiki Healing, please contact instructor, Rev. Dr. Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Longevity, Healthy Aging, and Regeneration
Friday, April 15, 11:00 am
What are the habits of those who have lived into extreme old age? This has been studied and documented for centuries. What do these studies have in common? What patterns emerge. Can we change our patterns or lifestyle, if so, how and what effect will this have?
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Nutrition Over 50
Friday, April 15, 12:00 pm
Learn and discuss nutrition and how it changes with age. Discuss healthy food options and a menu for a week. Learn the philosophy behind fasting and intermittent fasting, create a plan to change your eating patterns.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Nutrition Over 50 please contact instructor, Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com or 602-721-7714.
Cost: $10
Desert Foothills Library
APRIL 2022 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All youth and teen programs are free but require registration unless otherwise noted.
Baby Storytime
Every Other Friday, 10:30-11:00am – April 8, 22
Children ages 0 to 18 months and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a storytime featuring songs, rhymes, movement, & stories to stimulate language and literacy development. Please register beforehand as space is limited.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Toddler Storytime
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:00am – April 5, 12, 19, 26
Children ages 1 to 3 years old and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a storytime featuring developmentally appropriate songs, movement, & stories to foster early literacy skills. Afterwards, there will be a craft or activity to expand upon storytime. Please register beforehand as space is limited and so there are enough supplies for crafts.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Preschool Storytime
Thursdays, 10:30-11:00am – April 7, 14, 21, 28
Children ages 4 to 6 years old and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a storytime featuring developmentally appropriate songs, movement, & stories to foster early literacy skills. Afterwards, there will be a craft or activity to expand upon storytime. Please register beforehand as space is limited and so there are enough supplies for crafts.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Jubilate Music Classes
Mondays, 4:00-5:00pm
Tuesdays, 4:15-5:30pm
Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00pm
Saturday, 10:00-12:00pm
Saturday, 12:15-1:00pm
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, presents in-person music classes at Desert Foothills Library. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition. These classes are through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147.
Exploring Circuits STEAM Class
Tuesday, April 5, 4:30-5:30pm
Elementary-aged children are invited to tap into their inner inventor with this class where they will craft, learn about, and explore basic circuits. Participants will find discover what a circuit can do and what everyday objects can conduct electricity. Supplies and snacks provided. Registration is required as there are a limited number of supplies.
This program is suited for ages 8-11.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Everything, Everything Movie Screening
Saturday, October 9, 2:00-3:30 pm
Based on the YA novel of the same name by Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything asks the question many of us have dealt with during the pandemic: what would you do if you couldn’t touch anything from the outside world? What would you risk for love? There will be snacks and comfy chairs! This movie is rated PG-13.
This program is suited for ages 13-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Block Party
Tuesday, April 15, 4:30-5:30pm
Is your little one keen on building things and creating towers? Miss Heather will be telling a story using LEGOs and afterwards, children are invited to explore their creativity and movement abilities through playing with the library’s collection of Mega Bloks and other construction toys.
This program is suited for ages 2-6.
Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Parenting 101 in 2022
Saturday, April 16, 1:00-2:30pm
Being a parent is one of the most challenging jobs you will ever have, as well as one of the most rewarding. The end goal is to raise, confident, self-reliant, and well-grounded children. Discover options and solutions to the support you in your daily role as a parent, towards achieving that goal.
This class will be presented by Michele Guy Syne, who is a Professional Engineer and Certified Hypnotherapist. Michele teaches monthly classes, and gives private sessions to support her Clients in finding the resources within themselves to improve their lives by removing limiting beliefs, patterns of behavior, and painful emotions and memories which no longer serve them.
This program is for parents, guardians, and caregivers.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $5
LEGO Build Your Own Adventure: Let the Dice Decide
Tuesday, April 19th, 4:30-5:30pm
You’ll be taking chances in this LEGO challenge. Each roll of a die will decide what type of pieces you can use; what you create with those pieces is up to you and your imagination! Librarian Heather and Teen Volunteers will be on hand to help spark ideas and problem solve when needed.
This program is suited for ages 6-12.
Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Teen Book Club: Manga Edition
Magus of the Library Volume 1 by Mitsu Izumi
Wednesday, April 20, 3:30-4:30 pm
Librarian Heather is diving into the world of manga and needs your help – either as a guide or as a fellow beginner! Each month, we will read the first volume of a different manga series to discuss it and manga in general. April’s book is Magus of the Library Volume 1 by Mitsu Izumi. The main character is banned from using libraries due to prejudice, so he travels to an area where his pointed ears won’t bar his ability to read. This is a tale filled with magic, libraries, and the power of books. Snacks will be provided! Copies of the book are available for checkout.
This program is suited for ages 13-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, April 30, 1:00-3:00pm
Interested in Dungeons & Dragons but don’t know how to get started? Love D&D but don’t have a group? Join Librarian Heather as she leads adventurers through a campaign, explaining the basics along the way. Both seasoned players and people new to RPGs are welcome! If you are able, please come with a filled out character sheet (blank ones will be available in the library). There will also be premade characters available on the day of. If you missed the last meeting – don’t worry! We’ll find a way to introduce your character to the party.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
April 2022 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Desert Foothills Art Gallery
Trending Showcase March 17th - May 12th
VITA Tax Program
Tuesdays 11:00-6:00pm and Thursdays 9:00-3:00pm February 1 – April 15
The IRS and Masters of Coin-sponsored Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help for low to moderate income families, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and limited English-speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. Please call 480-488-2286 to schedule an appointment. Forms to be filled out are available for pick up prior to appointment.
Please bring social security card, all 2021 tax forms, 2020 tax return, and photo identification card. Please visit the Masters of Coin website for additional information: https://mastersofcoin.org.
RSVP by calling 480-488-2286
Cost: FREE
French Class
Fridays, April 1st – May 20th, 11:00 am
Parlez-vous francais? This beginner class meets once a week for eight weeks. The focus is on conversation, using practical vocabulary for everyday situations. Handouts will be provided. A new experience is awaiting you! So, join me, and start preparing for your next French vacation.
Bonjour! My name is Dominique. I am a native French speaker and a foreign language teacher. I graduated from the Ecole du Louvre in art history and museology, and was an Art Lecturer of the French National Museums in Paris. After moving to the U.S., I began a teaching career and taught French and Spanish in the Cave Creek Unified School District.
Questions about the class, please contact instructor at dominique.flamm@gmail.com
RSVP at dfla.org | Class limited to 8 students, register today!
Cost: $80
Maximize Your Retirement
Saturday, April 2, 9:30 am
Tax planning, Roth conversion, truth about annuities mitigating taxes before and after retirement.
Bergen Financial Group has over 36 years of financial services. Owner of two independent brokerage firms focusing on educating and enlightening clients how to protect, preserve, and pass on wealth.
RSVP to ronita@bergenfinancialgroup.com
Cost: FREE
Trending Showcase Reception
Saturday, April 9, 4:00 pm
Desert Foothills Art Gallery welcomes you to a wonderful reception to celebrate the artists in the Trending Showcase. Light refreshments are served.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Desert Foothills Art Gallery Presentation
Thursday, April 14, 4:00 pm
Join the Desert Foothills Art Gallery to learn more about the wonderful artists featured in the Trending Showcase!
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Oath Law Estate Planning Workshops
Tuesday – Saturday, April 12-15, times vary
This free educational workshop will cover a basic education on estate planning, trusts, wills, and probate court.
Attorney Nathan Askins graduated from the University of Idaho College of Law and is a member of the Arizona Bar Association. Growing up in Gilbert, AZ, his desire to help families in his community led him to specialize in estate planning.
Find out more and RSVP at www.oath.law/workshops
Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.): Come Learn More About B.A.C.A.’s Amazing Work!
Saturday, April 16, 1:00-2:30 pm
Join us as we discuss how Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A) empowers children to not be afraid of the world, the requirements to be a member, and how you can help.
Woodstock has been a patched member since January of 2017 and is the Treasurer of the Maricopa County Chapter. Woodstock has presented to various audiences of various sizes and backgrounds, from church groups to large organizations.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Jubilate Concert
Saturday, April 23, 1:00 pm
Saturday, April 30, 1:00 pm
Jubilate Conservatory of music will have two recitals at Desert foothills Library in the Jones Coates Room in April. Voice, violin, viola, and cello students will present solos with accompanist Jeff Yoder. No admission fees will be charged at the door and all are welcome to join us in support of these young musicians.
No registration.
Cost: FREE
Double Your Social Security, Other Retirement Income, & Reduce Taxes
Saturday, April 30, 10:30 am
Why Social Security can be a million-dollar decision. How to receive 2-3 times the income from banks, bonds, and stock dividends and reduce taxes on either current wages or retirement income. Learn how to generate $10,000 to $100,000 more in retirement income! Dr. Harold Wong earned his Ph.D Economics at UC Berkley and was the guest expert on over 400 TV and Radio shows. For eight years, he wrote the financial column for the AZ Republic community section. He has educated thousands of attorneys and CPAs on advanced tax and financial strategies.
RSVP at dlfa.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
eBook and Online Database Help
Tuesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks can be easy through the library’s digital collection! Each week there will be an informal drop-in class for anyone with questions about Libby, Cloud Library, or any of the apps the library offers. We will show you how to download the apps to your phone or tablet and how to navigate the digital collection. No question is too small! Please bring your device and have your library card ready! For Apple users your Apple ID will be needed.
No registration
Cost: FREE
MahJongg 103: Unsupervised Play
Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
Informal MahJongg play for any level! Groups, individuals, and recent students of MahJongg 101 & 102 looking for a place to come and enjoy playing with people in your community. This group is unsupervised. No sets are provided, must bring your own.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $5
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
No registration
Cost: FREE
Jubilate Conservatory of Music Spring Semester Classes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday January-May
Scholarships are available!
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, begins in-person music classes in September. The Fall Semester lasts fourteen weeks. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition.
Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm – Beginning Violin Class. For students 8 years and older; students learn to read music and play the violin in a focused setting with a class limited to 6 students. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Tuesdays 4:15-5:30 pm – Jubilate Choir & Voice Class. For students age 10 and older; students learn how to sing with others in a group setting, read music and follow a director, singing several different styles of music. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm – Ensemble for Strings. For student age 10 and older who know how to read music and play violin, viola, or cello; students enjoy playing music together in a group and increase their ability to read music and engage with other young musicians. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Saturday 10:00-1:00 pm – Saturday Strings. For age 5yrs and older. 10:00-11:00 am – Advanced/Intermediate strings. 11:00-11:30 am – Beginning Strings (Advanced/Intermediate Students on Break). 11:30-12:00 pm – Jubilate Violin Orchestra, combined class rehearsal. $6.00 registration fee only.
Saturday 12:15-1:00 pm – Musicianship Class. For all ages, (very young children should be accompanied by their parent). Students learn to sing their way through music theory in a fun and lively classroom setting. $6.00 registration fee only.
This is a class through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided. If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147 or jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org.
Death Café
Wednesday, April 6, 12:30-2:30 pm
Death Cafe is a gathering to talk about death and dying. The aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. It is a global, non-profit movement begun in London in 2011: to date, more than 7,000 Death Cafes have been held in 63 countries. Death Cafe does not promote beliefs, agendas, or products, nor is it a bereavement or grief support group. Join us for open, respectful, interesting conversation about topics relevant to all of us but often considered “dark” or even taboo. From more information go to www.deathcafe.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Chapter2Books Monthly Sale!
April 8 & 9
Monthly book sales provide a wonderful opportunity to purchase quality books and other media at even lower prices than the everyday bargain prices in Chapter 2. The monthly book sale is throughout Chapter 2, the Jones/Coates Room, and our patio *weather permitting*. Chapter 2 Monthly Sales are offered on the second Friday and Saturday of every month. Can’t make a Sale? Check out our amazing selection on Amazon. There are hundreds of books as well as CDs, DVDs and audiobooks listed there that are not on display in the bookstore.
We are always in need of volunteers to help setup and breakdown our monthly book sales. If you are interested, please contact our Support Services Manager, Terri Engebretson, at tengebretson@dfla.org or 480-488-2286.
Music at the Movies
Thursday, April 14, 2:00 pm
Join us for a celebration of movies with interesting or significant music. Movies range from dramas, musicals, comedies, and more! Hosted by music enthusiast, Annis Scott. This Month: Bel Canto.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Cost: FREE
International Film Series: Women Directors with Gary Zaro
Friday, April 8, 2:00 pm
Film is the most popular form of art and entertainment in the world and a wonderful way for us to communicate with each other. The International Film Series gives us a glimpse into other cultures to see their uniqueness, history, and what is important to them. It is also a great look into the universality of all countries and cultures and allows us the opportunity to see often times we share more than we realize. Travel around the world with us as we explore innovative films and fascinating cultures. A post film discussion will follow each screening with Gary Zaro. This Month: Breathe (NR; 2014, France, 91 minutes)
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Medicare 101 with ASC Insurance
Thursday, April 19, 4:00 pm
We’ll discuss and cover:
· Knowing your rights, options, and entitlements.
· The correct time to enroll in Medicare
· What Medicare does and does not cover
· Medicare Advantage
· Medicare Supplement insurance
· Medicare review for post 65 beneficiaries
· Medicare Part D
RSVP by contacting: Derrick Cooper at 480-648-5052 or derrick.cooper@ascinsuranceaz.com OR Michael Smith at 602-793-1925 or mpsmith.benefits@gmail.com
Little Known Stories of WWII with Gary Zaro
Friday, April 22, 2:00 pm
This film series offers little known war stories filled with daring, intrigue, and sometimes such improbability they have to be seen to be believed. At the heart of each one, are the men and women who made World War II modern history’s seminal event, one that still effects our lives and world today. Everyone is invited to participate in the discussion following each film. This Month: The Apology (2016)
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Puzzle Exchange
Friday, April 29, 9:00-5:00pm
Are you sick of your puzzles at home because you have completed all of them multiple times? Come drop off your gently used puzzles and pick out a new one for free! Leave one puzzle and take four, the more the merrier. Offered on the last Friday of every month. All ages and skill levels encouraged!
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Writer’s Connection
Friday, April, 1:00-3:00 pm
Today's world is literally at a writer's fingertips. A few keyboard strokes can open the information gates to help you create stories that are distinctively credible and compelling. This Month: Intelligent Thriller, a play on words. I want the reader to learn something while being entertained within the action/thriller/mystery genre. I guarantee the reader will learn something new. I want the reader to think - I sure didn't know spies could do that! All my books focus on spying protocols used by different agencies facing existential threats. I introduce a different set of confrontations in each of my six novels. The series features the same characters, so easy to follow. All my settings include:
· Historical backgrounds plus different geographic locations.
· Similar themes.
· Different threats taking place in faraway places.
I jump-set a lot, so readers go to places they have never been before with characters they come to like and root for to overcome adversity. The essence of storytelling. The book we'll discuss during our meeting is Zachor, with its twist and turns that grab the attention of the reader.
I will make a point of answering the questions Sherry asked me to address below and any other questions you might have during our meeting. I'll contrast my 40 years of academic publications with my recent fiction experience and relate the lessons I've learned in the past 8 years. My "Cabo Caper" was published in 2013. My novels have a focus on emerging technology and cyber intel, including details on how to hack a fish tank and a pacemaker…really… I'm not kidding. It will blow you away!
Please feel free to chime in during our meeting. Here are a few questions to get you warmed up.
1. How do you write…outline or by the seat of your pants?
2. Do you discipline yourself to daily write?
3. How do you research your subject?
4. What website do you use for research?
5. How did you and your edit work together?
6. How do you promote your books?
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Literate Foodie Club
Monday, April 4, 12:30 pm
Literate Foodies has been meeting since March 2016. They focus each meeting on a book and topic for discussion and a rotating team of cooks prepare related recipes for a sampling by all attendants. Each month could feature chef memoirs, food travel, food history, national and international cuisines, techniques, and cookbooks! This Month: ScandiKitchen: Summer by Bronte Aurell. It is one in a series of Scandinavian cuisine books by the author. This one concentrates on lighter “summery” recipes— while retaining the concept of “lagom” or balance— i.e., everything in moderation. The recipes are interspersed with text on Scandinavian culture, traditions and celebrations.
Questions about Literate Foodies, please contact facilitators, Dana Rakinic at danarakinic@gmail.com & Jan Kruse at jan-kruse@cox.net.
RSVP online at dfla.org. Please register in advance, as seating is limited. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $10
Memoir & Essay Writers’ Group
Thursday, April 7, 1:30 pm
If you enjoy personal writing, please join our group. Novice and seasoned writers meet monthly to read aloud stories and receive constructive feedback and suggestions on how to develop their writing styles. You are welcome to bring 1-2 pages of humorous or serious prose to share with others.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Get Lit Book Club
Tuesday, April 12, 5:00-6:30 pm
Get Lit Book Club, a happy hour book club! Not for the faint of heart. Weird, odd, and unique books are chosen for a great discussion, so get ready for something you might not choose every day! Books will include non-fiction, classics, contemporary fiction, and memoirs to list a few. Get Lit is at a different restaurant every month to support local businesses. Everyone is welcome! This Month: The Mountains Sing by Que Mai Phan Nguyen. Restaurant to be determined.
RSVP at dfla.org so we may give accurate numbers to the restaurant. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE but we encourage you to eat, drink, and be merry in support of our local businesses.
Library Book Club
Thursday, April 14, 10:00-12:00 pm
Tuesday, April 26, 10:00-12:00 pm
Book Club is offered twice every month! Same book, same facilitator, different days. Choose which day is best for you to join. Everyone is welcome! Currently held on Zoom each month. This Month: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell.
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Literary Salon
Thursday, April 21, 10:00 am
An informal discussion of books, film and theater, led by a facilitator. No requirements to read or see any particular book, film or play. Everyone is invited to share ideas and reflections on the selected theme. This Month: Our April Salon will salute the showers that bring May flowers. Choose any book, Film, music or other literary genre with the word “rain” in the title, or in which rain plays a major role. Some best sellers include “Fifty Words for Rain,” “The Color of Rain” and “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” which is also a film. Other film ideas are “Singing in the Rain” and “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.” How does “rain” fit into the context of the story? Is it a metaphor, a physical entity, or both? Is it treated as a character, a natural element, or a blend the two? Is the rain gentle or torrential, or does it change? We’ll consider these questions and more as we explore “rain.”
No registration | Questions please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Exercise Over 50
Friday, April 1, 11:00 am
Natural methods of repair are superior to managed methods of relief. We will assess your abilities such as balance, strength, body alignment. We will discuss pain and discomfort. You can regain mobility, realign the body, reduce and eliminate pain. This builds self-confidence and creates a joyful aging experience.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Exercise Over 50, please contact instructor, Rev. Dr. Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com or 602-721-7714.
Cost: $10
Caring for the Caregiver
Monday April 4, 10:00-11:30 am
Taking care of yourself is essential in being able to take care of your loved one. Join us for this opportunity to fellowship with other caregivers. Led by Hospice of the West facilitators.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone!
All Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Thursday April 21 & 28, 9:00-10:00 am
Tai Chi & Qigong is a self-care practice. It is a choice of a healthy lifestyle and living well. It improves balance, flexibility, brain plasticity, inner peace and overall wellness. This class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday. Bina Bou is a senior trainer at IIQTC. She has been sharing the ancient practice for over a decade in our community. She believes no matter where you are on your healing journey Tai Chi practice can help improve your quality of life. To learn more about her classes visit mindfocusbodyqi.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Tai Chi & Qigong for Everyone please contact instructor, Bina Bou, at bina.b75@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Meditation with Reiki Healing
Wednesday, April 6 & 20, 1:00-2:00 pm
Meditation and relaxation have been proven to promote mental and physical changes in a person. Come and experience meditation with guidance. Discuss your experience. Discover the power of healing through guided meditation. If you are interested in expanding your meditation practices, the reiki healing will provide a unique opportunity to experience the healing affects.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Meditation with Reiki Healing please contact instructor, Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
The Healing Pathway
Monday, April 11 & 25, 9:30-11:00 am
Join us on this journey of grief. This group will guide and support you as you discover your "new normal". The open-ended group will provide you with practical tools and supportive conversation as you are processing your personal grief journey. The group shares a common language of grief.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Reiki Healing
Wednesday, April 13 & 27, 1:00-2:00 pm
Learn and explore through a variety of energy healing methods including Reiki. We will play with the energy for a better understanding, how you can use it and how you can consciously control more of the energy that makes up all that is you. Each person is here for their unique experience, no matter the age or belief system there is something for you to glean from knowing more about yourself and how better to know yourself than through the part of you that is unseen. Healing is the focus of Reiki and healing is multi-level.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Reiki Healing, please contact instructor, Rev. Dr. Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Longevity, Healthy Aging, and Regeneration
Friday, April 15, 11:00 am
What are the habits of those who have lived into extreme old age? This has been studied and documented for centuries. What do these studies have in common? What patterns emerge. Can we change our patterns or lifestyle, if so, how and what effect will this have?
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Nutrition Over 50
Friday, April 15, 12:00 pm
Learn and discuss nutrition and how it changes with age. Discuss healthy food options and a menu for a week. Learn the philosophy behind fasting and intermittent fasting, create a plan to change your eating patterns.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Nutrition Over 50 please contact instructor, Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com or 602-721-7714.
Cost: $10
Desert Foothills Library
APRIL 2022 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All youth and teen programs are free but require registration unless otherwise noted.
Baby Storytime
Every Other Friday, 10:30-11:00am – April 8, 22
Children ages 0 to 18 months and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a storytime featuring songs, rhymes, movement, & stories to stimulate language and literacy development. Please register beforehand as space is limited.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Toddler Storytime
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:00am – April 5, 12, 19, 26
Children ages 1 to 3 years old and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a storytime featuring developmentally appropriate songs, movement, & stories to foster early literacy skills. Afterwards, there will be a craft or activity to expand upon storytime. Please register beforehand as space is limited and so there are enough supplies for crafts.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Preschool Storytime
Thursdays, 10:30-11:00am – April 7, 14, 21, 28
Children ages 4 to 6 years old and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a storytime featuring developmentally appropriate songs, movement, & stories to foster early literacy skills. Afterwards, there will be a craft or activity to expand upon storytime. Please register beforehand as space is limited and so there are enough supplies for crafts.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Jubilate Music Classes
Mondays, 4:00-5:00pm
Tuesdays, 4:15-5:30pm
Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00pm
Saturday, 10:00-12:00pm
Saturday, 12:15-1:00pm
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, presents in-person music classes at Desert Foothills Library. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition. These classes are through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147.
Exploring Circuits STEAM Class
Tuesday, April 5, 4:30-5:30pm
Elementary-aged children are invited to tap into their inner inventor with this class where they will craft, learn about, and explore basic circuits. Participants will find discover what a circuit can do and what everyday objects can conduct electricity. Supplies and snacks provided. Registration is required as there are a limited number of supplies.
This program is suited for ages 8-11.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Everything, Everything Movie Screening
Saturday, October 9, 2:00-3:30 pm
Based on the YA novel of the same name by Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything asks the question many of us have dealt with during the pandemic: what would you do if you couldn’t touch anything from the outside world? What would you risk for love? There will be snacks and comfy chairs! This movie is rated PG-13.
This program is suited for ages 13-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Block Party
Tuesday, April 15, 4:30-5:30pm
Is your little one keen on building things and creating towers? Miss Heather will be telling a story using LEGOs and afterwards, children are invited to explore their creativity and movement abilities through playing with the library’s collection of Mega Bloks and other construction toys.
This program is suited for ages 2-6.
Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Parenting 101 in 2022
Saturday, April 16, 1:00-2:30pm
Being a parent is one of the most challenging jobs you will ever have, as well as one of the most rewarding. The end goal is to raise, confident, self-reliant, and well-grounded children. Discover options and solutions to the support you in your daily role as a parent, towards achieving that goal.
This class will be presented by Michele Guy Syne, who is a Professional Engineer and Certified Hypnotherapist. Michele teaches monthly classes, and gives private sessions to support her Clients in finding the resources within themselves to improve their lives by removing limiting beliefs, patterns of behavior, and painful emotions and memories which no longer serve them.
This program is for parents, guardians, and caregivers.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $5
LEGO Build Your Own Adventure: Let the Dice Decide
Tuesday, April 19th, 4:30-5:30pm
You’ll be taking chances in this LEGO challenge. Each roll of a die will decide what type of pieces you can use; what you create with those pieces is up to you and your imagination! Librarian Heather and Teen Volunteers will be on hand to help spark ideas and problem solve when needed.
This program is suited for ages 6-12.
Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Teen Book Club: Manga Edition
Magus of the Library Volume 1 by Mitsu Izumi
Wednesday, April 20, 3:30-4:30 pm
Librarian Heather is diving into the world of manga and needs your help – either as a guide or as a fellow beginner! Each month, we will read the first volume of a different manga series to discuss it and manga in general. April’s book is Magus of the Library Volume 1 by Mitsu Izumi. The main character is banned from using libraries due to prejudice, so he travels to an area where his pointed ears won’t bar his ability to read. This is a tale filled with magic, libraries, and the power of books. Snacks will be provided! Copies of the book are available for checkout.
This program is suited for ages 13-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, April 30, 1:00-3:00pm
Interested in Dungeons & Dragons but don’t know how to get started? Love D&D but don’t have a group? Join Librarian Heather as she leads adventurers through a campaign, explaining the basics along the way. Both seasoned players and people new to RPGs are welcome! If you are able, please come with a filled out character sheet (blank ones will be available in the library). There will also be premade characters available on the day of. If you missed the last meeting – don’t worry! We’ll find a way to introduce your character to the party.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.