Completing Census 2020:
One thing we can all do together in this age of social distancing:
The importance of completing the Census is amplified when you realize how some of the COVID-19 stimulus dollars are being dispersed by population. Please understand that the completion of the Census helps to keep some of your hard earned federal and state tax revenues here locally, in Carefree, by ensuring you are counted.
Please note that some residents may not have received the Census' mailing with your Census identification code (ID code). This ID code is NOT required to complete the Census. If youenter the web address: in your internet browser and follow the simple Census instructions online, you can complete the survey using your physical street address (by clicking the link under the field requesting the Census ID code).
In less than 10 minutes it takes to complete the Census survey you will help to ensure Carefree receives it proportional share of state and federal tax revenues as well as representation for the next 10 years! 10 minutes = 10 years of benefit to you
Please don’t delay, it takes less than 10 minutes!
Coronavirus Relief & Economic Security Act - What does it mean? As many of you may be aware, today (March 27th) the President signed into law the Coronavirus Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. To learn more about the potential benefits of CARES the Town has participated in conference calls with both Senators Sinema and McSally. At a very high level this is what we generally know to date about CARES (please know there will be more information and guidance coming from those charged with implementing these programs). There are three specific areas that can provide direct benefit to the Town government, our residents, businesses and nonprofits.
1 State Stabilization Funds
2 Income Stabilization Funds
3 Profit & Nonprofit Stabilization Funds
State Stabilization Funds:
There will be approximately $2.8 billion invested in the State of Arizona within the next 30 days. These funds will be distributed through the Counties and can be used to cover operational expenses. Maricopa County, being one of the largest in the State can apply directly to the federal government for its allocation. At this time, the amounts and how these funds will be sub-allocated to the local communities within Maricopa County is not known. Carefree has already contacted its County Supervisor to ensure it has a seat at the table and our interests are represented in these future discussions and decisions.
Income Stabilization Funds:
As part of this economic recovery response, individuals grossing less than $75,000 in annual income will receive a check for $1,200. Joint filers, grossing less than $150,000 in annual income will receive a check for $2,400. In addition, those households meeting these income thresholds can also receive additional funds of $500 per dependent child. These income thresholds includes those on social security and receiving retirement benefits. Those that exceed the income thresholds will not receive any Income Stabilization Funds.
Profit and Nonprofit Stabilization Funds:
There are three programs associated with these Funds.
A Loans/Grants – If the entities’ income in March 2020 is less than the income reported in March 2019 you may qualify for this loan/grant. In association with this program if the entity keeps employees on the payroll and they do not file for unemployment the costs for up to 8 weeks of payroll as well as rent and other monthly expenses will be forgivable. Additionally, minority owners such as women and veterans will be given priority.
B Emergency Grant – once application requirements are satisfied, a $10,000 check will be sent to the qualifying entity to cover immediate expenses. There is no repayment requirement for this one time grant.
C Small Business Administration loans up to $2MM at an interest rate of 3.75% will be available.
Furthermore, in order to increase donations to local nonprofits, there will be an increase for federal tax credits for financial gifts to qualifying nonprofits during the present calendar year.
It is also important to note that Governor Ducey has suspended vehicular emission testing for those 65 years in age or older. However, to further clarify, your annual vehicle registration will still need to be completed online or through the mail but the required emission test in association with this process is being waived for the remainder of this calendar year.
As I stated earlier, we are just learning about these programs and the situation is fluid. As we learn more in the days and weeks to come we will share with you.
Stay well!
One thing we can all do together in this age of social distancing:
The importance of completing the Census is amplified when you realize how some of the COVID-19 stimulus dollars are being dispersed by population. Please understand that the completion of the Census helps to keep some of your hard earned federal and state tax revenues here locally, in Carefree, by ensuring you are counted.
Please note that some residents may not have received the Census' mailing with your Census identification code (ID code). This ID code is NOT required to complete the Census. If youenter the web address: in your internet browser and follow the simple Census instructions online, you can complete the survey using your physical street address (by clicking the link under the field requesting the Census ID code).
In less than 10 minutes it takes to complete the Census survey you will help to ensure Carefree receives it proportional share of state and federal tax revenues as well as representation for the next 10 years! 10 minutes = 10 years of benefit to you
Please don’t delay, it takes less than 10 minutes!
Coronavirus Relief & Economic Security Act - What does it mean? As many of you may be aware, today (March 27th) the President signed into law the Coronavirus Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. To learn more about the potential benefits of CARES the Town has participated in conference calls with both Senators Sinema and McSally. At a very high level this is what we generally know to date about CARES (please know there will be more information and guidance coming from those charged with implementing these programs). There are three specific areas that can provide direct benefit to the Town government, our residents, businesses and nonprofits.
1 State Stabilization Funds
2 Income Stabilization Funds
3 Profit & Nonprofit Stabilization Funds
State Stabilization Funds:
There will be approximately $2.8 billion invested in the State of Arizona within the next 30 days. These funds will be distributed through the Counties and can be used to cover operational expenses. Maricopa County, being one of the largest in the State can apply directly to the federal government for its allocation. At this time, the amounts and how these funds will be sub-allocated to the local communities within Maricopa County is not known. Carefree has already contacted its County Supervisor to ensure it has a seat at the table and our interests are represented in these future discussions and decisions.
Income Stabilization Funds:
As part of this economic recovery response, individuals grossing less than $75,000 in annual income will receive a check for $1,200. Joint filers, grossing less than $150,000 in annual income will receive a check for $2,400. In addition, those households meeting these income thresholds can also receive additional funds of $500 per dependent child. These income thresholds includes those on social security and receiving retirement benefits. Those that exceed the income thresholds will not receive any Income Stabilization Funds.
Profit and Nonprofit Stabilization Funds:
There are three programs associated with these Funds.
A Loans/Grants – If the entities’ income in March 2020 is less than the income reported in March 2019 you may qualify for this loan/grant. In association with this program if the entity keeps employees on the payroll and they do not file for unemployment the costs for up to 8 weeks of payroll as well as rent and other monthly expenses will be forgivable. Additionally, minority owners such as women and veterans will be given priority.
B Emergency Grant – once application requirements are satisfied, a $10,000 check will be sent to the qualifying entity to cover immediate expenses. There is no repayment requirement for this one time grant.
C Small Business Administration loans up to $2MM at an interest rate of 3.75% will be available.
Furthermore, in order to increase donations to local nonprofits, there will be an increase for federal tax credits for financial gifts to qualifying nonprofits during the present calendar year.
It is also important to note that Governor Ducey has suspended vehicular emission testing for those 65 years in age or older. However, to further clarify, your annual vehicle registration will still need to be completed online or through the mail but the required emission test in association with this process is being waived for the remainder of this calendar year.
As I stated earlier, we are just learning about these programs and the situation is fluid. As we learn more in the days and weeks to come we will share with you.
Stay well!