Carefree Truth
Issue #725, February 18, 2019
Marketing director Beth Renfro explained that the contract with Villafane Studios is for professional services for artistic decoration and direction of the 2019 Enchanted Garden Pumpkin Festival. It is essentially the same paperwork as the last 4 years, but with a payment increase. Last year, Villafane Studios incurred costs above what were paid. The Studio pays to bring in carvers, equipment, etc. They were asking for a price increase to offset expected increases in 2019 expenses. Adjustments in the pay schedule were requested to accommodate this year's budget.
This year's Pumpkin Festival will have an impact on the previously scheduled Thunderbird Artists show, which will occur the following weekend. Villafane Studios has been asked to remove the Festival decorations, which are normally left in place through Halloween, prior to that weekend, although a few things might be left up that won't impact the Thunderbird show. There are some other potential plan changes that could impact future operations. These will be brought before the Council in March.
Councilman Gene Orrico thought the previous contract paid $110,000 and noted that the new one was $125,000. Ms. Renfro said the previous one was for $100,000, but the expenses incurred by Villafane Studios were $120,000. Mayor Les Peterson explained that part of that expense comes from Villafane Studios subcontracting with other artists. They fly them in and put them up. Two of the artists come here from Russia.
Mr. Orrico said at some point the town would hit a ceiling. They can only accommodate so many people. He asked if they were working on ways to do that. Ms. Renfro said they are working on a plan that would significantly impact attendance, which will be presented to the Council for approval in March.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio asked at what point Ray Villafane realized $20,000 was coming out-of-pocket. Ms. Renfro replied that Ray didn't indicate it last year, or request that the Town make up the difference. He indicated that he had been out-of-pocket each year. Each year, there has been an increase for the artist fees that in part accommodated the offset in expenses from the previous year. Mr. D'Aliesio asked if the Town anticipates the ability to make up for the cost increase with an increase in revenue. Ms. Renfro replied that with some of the changes which will be presented in March, they hope to be able to entirely cover the cost of the artistic contract. Mayor Peterson added that he guessed Ray was an artist, not an accountant. At the end, Ray added up the costs and found more in expenditures than in income. He tends to run late on those kinds of things. Mayor Peterson then invited Mr. Orrico to work with them to address Festival issues of concern to him. Mr. Orrico said he has lots of ideas.
The new contract for Villafane Studios was unanimously approved. The Mayor thanked Ms. Renfro for her presentation.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #725, February 18, 2019
Marketing director Beth Renfro explained that the contract with Villafane Studios is for professional services for artistic decoration and direction of the 2019 Enchanted Garden Pumpkin Festival. It is essentially the same paperwork as the last 4 years, but with a payment increase. Last year, Villafane Studios incurred costs above what were paid. The Studio pays to bring in carvers, equipment, etc. They were asking for a price increase to offset expected increases in 2019 expenses. Adjustments in the pay schedule were requested to accommodate this year's budget.
This year's Pumpkin Festival will have an impact on the previously scheduled Thunderbird Artists show, which will occur the following weekend. Villafane Studios has been asked to remove the Festival decorations, which are normally left in place through Halloween, prior to that weekend, although a few things might be left up that won't impact the Thunderbird show. There are some other potential plan changes that could impact future operations. These will be brought before the Council in March.
Councilman Gene Orrico thought the previous contract paid $110,000 and noted that the new one was $125,000. Ms. Renfro said the previous one was for $100,000, but the expenses incurred by Villafane Studios were $120,000. Mayor Les Peterson explained that part of that expense comes from Villafane Studios subcontracting with other artists. They fly them in and put them up. Two of the artists come here from Russia.
Mr. Orrico said at some point the town would hit a ceiling. They can only accommodate so many people. He asked if they were working on ways to do that. Ms. Renfro said they are working on a plan that would significantly impact attendance, which will be presented to the Council for approval in March.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio asked at what point Ray Villafane realized $20,000 was coming out-of-pocket. Ms. Renfro replied that Ray didn't indicate it last year, or request that the Town make up the difference. He indicated that he had been out-of-pocket each year. Each year, there has been an increase for the artist fees that in part accommodated the offset in expenses from the previous year. Mr. D'Aliesio asked if the Town anticipates the ability to make up for the cost increase with an increase in revenue. Ms. Renfro replied that with some of the changes which will be presented in March, they hope to be able to entirely cover the cost of the artistic contract. Mayor Peterson added that he guessed Ray was an artist, not an accountant. At the end, Ray added up the costs and found more in expenditures than in income. He tends to run late on those kinds of things. Mayor Peterson then invited Mr. Orrico to work with them to address Festival issues of concern to him. Mr. Orrico said he has lots of ideas.
The new contract for Villafane Studios was unanimously approved. The Mayor thanked Ms. Renfro for her presentation.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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