"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Dear Carefree neighbors,
I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to speak with you at the Council forum, hosted at Spirit of the Desert. I'd like to thank Steve Feld, the Chamber's President, for moderating.
As I mentioned during the forum, one of Carefree’s most urgent needs is to incorporate our vision for the town’s future development into the revised General Plan. This will require our collective efforts. I support the addition of a Citizen Advisory Committee as a standing committee to provide input to Planning & Zoning and the Town Council on all future major developments in Carefree.
Our most fundamental long-term need is to preserve the fiscal future of Carefree. There is no guarantee that our revenues will rise as fast as expenses.
Over 40% of Carefree’s annual operating budget is spent on police, fire, and emergency services. These costs are increasing, and we must explore affordable options to protect our residents.
We receive most of our funding through sales tax revenue, and I strongly believe that increasing costs will make controlled economic development crucial for ensuring the financial stability of our town. We cannot directly control what development proposals come to the town for approval, so we need to explore environmentally sensitive ways to encourage more productive utilization of all our commercially attractive properties.
I have great respect for our Town Staff. In addition to playing a crucial role in economic development efforts, they are subject-matter experts who bring real value to a variety of other activities important to the community and its residents. I recognize that the Town Council must actively manage costs and work to enable Staff to perform at their optimum levels.
We may not agree on all topics, but I respect the diversity of thought within this community. I refuse to pander for political gain, will always speak my mind and will continue to put forth the effort to educate myself on the issues, seek citizen input and actively work with my fellow Council members on the best decisions for the Town.
During my tenure as president of the Cave Creek Museum and my service on the Carefree Town Council, I worked to build a more positive relationship with Cave Creek’s Town Council, finding ways to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects. That relationship is important to both towns and must be nurtured.
Unlike some other candidates, I do not solicit support from Political Action Committees (PACs) with unidentified donors. Instead, I have received support and endorsements from residents who are proud to identify themselves, as well as a key endorsement from the Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors for the third time. I am grateful for this endorsement.
After Wednesday night’s forum, I am more confident in our goals and my ability to serve. I vow to continue acting in the best interest of residents of the town of Carefree, the BEST SMALL TOWN IN ARIZONA! Please vote by July 30th.
Vince D'Aliesio, Carefree Council member and Candidate for Reelection
Vince D'Aliesio
Proud Council member
Carefree, AZ 85377
Here is the full, uncut and unedited video Herbert took of the Carefree Council Candidate Forum on 6/19/24.
I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to speak with you at the Council forum, hosted at Spirit of the Desert. I'd like to thank Steve Feld, the Chamber's President, for moderating.
As I mentioned during the forum, one of Carefree’s most urgent needs is to incorporate our vision for the town’s future development into the revised General Plan. This will require our collective efforts. I support the addition of a Citizen Advisory Committee as a standing committee to provide input to Planning & Zoning and the Town Council on all future major developments in Carefree.
Our most fundamental long-term need is to preserve the fiscal future of Carefree. There is no guarantee that our revenues will rise as fast as expenses.
Over 40% of Carefree’s annual operating budget is spent on police, fire, and emergency services. These costs are increasing, and we must explore affordable options to protect our residents.
We receive most of our funding through sales tax revenue, and I strongly believe that increasing costs will make controlled economic development crucial for ensuring the financial stability of our town. We cannot directly control what development proposals come to the town for approval, so we need to explore environmentally sensitive ways to encourage more productive utilization of all our commercially attractive properties.
I have great respect for our Town Staff. In addition to playing a crucial role in economic development efforts, they are subject-matter experts who bring real value to a variety of other activities important to the community and its residents. I recognize that the Town Council must actively manage costs and work to enable Staff to perform at their optimum levels.
We may not agree on all topics, but I respect the diversity of thought within this community. I refuse to pander for political gain, will always speak my mind and will continue to put forth the effort to educate myself on the issues, seek citizen input and actively work with my fellow Council members on the best decisions for the Town.
During my tenure as president of the Cave Creek Museum and my service on the Carefree Town Council, I worked to build a more positive relationship with Cave Creek’s Town Council, finding ways to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects. That relationship is important to both towns and must be nurtured.
Unlike some other candidates, I do not solicit support from Political Action Committees (PACs) with unidentified donors. Instead, I have received support and endorsements from residents who are proud to identify themselves, as well as a key endorsement from the Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors for the third time. I am grateful for this endorsement.
After Wednesday night’s forum, I am more confident in our goals and my ability to serve. I vow to continue acting in the best interest of residents of the town of Carefree, the BEST SMALL TOWN IN ARIZONA! Please vote by July 30th.
Vince D'Aliesio, Carefree Council member and Candidate for Reelection
Vince D'Aliesio
Proud Council member
Carefree, AZ 85377
Here is the full, uncut and unedited video Herbert took of the Carefree Council Candidate Forum on 6/19/24.
Neighbors--this was your endorsement 2 years ago...Can I count on it again? I also received endorsement (for the 3rd time) from Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors. Please email to let me know, and I'll include you in our local ad to be published in the next edition of the Sonoran News . If your name is not included, please let me know if you'd like it added. Thanks! Vincedcarefree@gmail.com
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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