Carefree Truth
Issue #788, November , 2019
At Call to the Public, James Dove explained that he and his wife moved into the Carefree Foothills subdivision, which is serviced by Cave Creek Water, a year ago.
James Dove
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
He wanted to address the water quality and the pace at which the acquisition rights are happening. The Town of Cave Creek's obligation to disclose the water testing results from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is helpful but extremely disturbing. They receive monthly letters stating that there are potential long term health effects such as liver or kidney problems, nervous system effects, and it may lead to an increased risk of cancer. There are certain people in the community with weakened immune systems who are much more susceptible to these water contaminates.
After moving here, they learned that the water could be the greatest threat to their long term health. He and his wife spent a lot of money for a high end water system, yet they still have issues and concerns with the water coming from their taps. In late September, they found gray cloudy water with a film of some substance floating on the surface coming out of their taps. They contacted Cave Creek, who admitted there was a break in the water line near their house. They were instructed to open their taps and let the water run for 30 minutes. They did not begin to see clear water for over 2 weeks.
On October 24th, the Doves called for servicing on their filtration system. They had seen little particles floating on top of the water in their reverse osmosis system. Extensive troubleshooting revealed murky water in the tank where the water enters the home. The filter was filled with dirt and floating particles of a white slimy substance. Mr. Dove was concerned for his family and neighbors from the potential health risks these contaminates pose.
He read the reports sent out on this topic. He read all 105 pages of the water report that talked about the potential purchase of those water rights. To paraphrase from that: Due to the age of the system, challenges associated with performing routine maintenance, poor construction quality and the general condition of the infrastructure, it is likely to be below average water. He assumed that the Council was aware that Carefree Foothills is among the oldest in the acquisition proposal. "Very simply, we're entitled to have clean and safe water for our community, our family, friends, everyone here." He appreciated the Council's efforts in this endeavor.
Mayor Les Peterson responded, "There is no project that is taking more time. We are pushing it as fast as we can. We are running into delays from Cave Creek, and they're throwing every roadblock that the can. We will not be deterred. Hang in there. Please do the best that you can. We recognize and we agree 100% with it".
Vice Mayor John Crane read a Public Service announcement related to what James Dove had said. Customers of Cave Creek Water in Carefree and Cave Creek can see a letter from Cave Creek in their October water bill. "It will give you pause."
The letter says, "On August 30, 2019, the Town of Cave Creek (Town) learned that the running annual average for total trihalomethanes (TTHM) had exceeded the maximum containment level in the 3rd quarter of 2019." "You DO NOT need to use an alternative (e.g. bottled) water supply. You DO NOT need to boil your water for consumption. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor. This is not an emergency and your water remains safe to drink and use in your daily life." "The levels of TTHM detected do not pose an immediate risk to your health. Some people who drink water containing TTHMs in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer. If you have a severely compromised immune system, have an infant, are pregnant, or are elderly, you may be at an increased risk and should seek advice from your health care providers about drinking this water."
Vice Mayor Crane said the letter goes on to tell you what they are doing, and says to share this information with those who drink the water on this system. The Vice Mayor encouraged everyone to do so, saying you owe it to your friends and neighbors who drink this water to let them know the potential risk involved. Copies of the letter were available for the audience to take home.
It is interesting to note that if you go onto their website, this letter isn't posted there. The Vice Mayor could find letters from 2018, but nothing from 2019 or the 2 letters that proceeded this letter.
Mayor Peterson added, "This is a serious problem". That's one of the reasons Carefree is trying their best to bring all those Carefree residents who are on that system into the Carefree Water system, "and we won't rest until we do that".
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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