"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #970, December 10, 2021
Issue #970, December 10, 2021
Mayor Les Peterson introduced the proposed Major General Plan Amendment of approximately 21 acres from a designation of Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) to Special Planning Area (SPA) to allow for future hospitality use with possible ancillary retail. It is located at and adjacent to the northwest corner of Carefree Highway and Tom Darlington Drive. This was in the initial forming documents of the town. It has been discussed over the last 6 years at Town meetings and at joint Council/Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) meetings. The Mayor turned the presentation over to the Planning Director, Stacey Denzak-Bridge.
Ms. Denzak-Bridge explained that the General Plan (GP) is a blueprint for growth in Arizona municipalities. It is a legally amendable document and the procedures for amending it are described in the document. The discussion would center around whether or not this change was warranted, based on the information presented.
The amendment to the 5 parcels under consideration was requested by Carefree's Economic Development Department, with the consent of the owner. The parcels are constrained by Carefree Highway to the south and Tom Darlington Drive to the east, both owned by the City of Scottsdale, Languid Lane to the north and developed properties to the west, all within the Town of Carefree. Carefree Highway and Tom Darlington Drive are both arterial streets.
Ms. Denzak-Bridge explained that the General Plan (GP) is a blueprint for growth in Arizona municipalities. It is a legally amendable document and the procedures for amending it are described in the document. The discussion would center around whether or not this change was warranted, based on the information presented.
The amendment to the 5 parcels under consideration was requested by Carefree's Economic Development Department, with the consent of the owner. The parcels are constrained by Carefree Highway to the south and Tom Darlington Drive to the east, both owned by the City of Scottsdale, Languid Lane to the north and developed properties to the west, all within the Town of Carefree. Carefree Highway and Tom Darlington Drive are both arterial streets.
The surrounding areas to the south and east are non- residential uses. To the south is the Terravita Marketplace. To the south east is El Pedregal. The Presbyterian church is to the northeast. North of the church is the boulder stack and the Boulders Resort. All of these are in Scottsdale. To the west and north are VLDR (2 acre) residential lots within Carefree.
The northeast corner of Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road was designated as a SPA in the GP when Carefree was incorporated. The 2 corners have similar dynamics in terms of current surrounding uses. The corners were more impacted by surrounding growth than by anything that went on in Carefree, with the exception of the northwest corner of Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road, which came to Carefree from the County with a Commercial designation.
The SPA would (1) establish an adequate buffer to the residential neighborhoods, (2) provide for the continued preservation of the natural wash in accordance with the floodplain regulations, (3) support the Town's fiscal and economic development goals and align with the evolving commercial nature and resort lifestyle found in the area, (4) utilize high quality architectural character, contextual materials and desert colors, all sited into the existing land forms, complimenting existing and nearby uses, and avoiding commercially branded architecture to provide a unique and cohesive character, (5) utilize massing,height and density to minimize site disturbances, and where site intensity takes into account proximity to existing uses and is thoughtful of adjacent homeowners' views to prominent land forms, (6) focus retail components to the south and east of the wash or where not to have an impact on existing residences, (7) incorporate natural Sonoran Desert landscaping, (8) prohibit any access to Whileway Road and only allow residential access onto Languid Lane, with no commercial or delivery access onto Languid Lane, and any emergency only ingress/egress via controlled access. This is a very tight and prescriptive land use, setting up a very specific expectation as this would move forward to the next step of a re-zone and a development application.
Land Use (LU) Element Goal 1, Objective Policy 1, is to ensure the transition of commercial uses to minimize impact on residential uses, and Objective Policy 2, to sensitively integrate natural open spaces into development, such as washes, to create natural buffers between different land uses.
LU Element Goal 2 is to enhance the maintenance and enhance the unique character of the community by, Objective Policy 5, continuing to promote the highest quality of development and excellence in architecture, construction and appearance of all buildings, and LU Goal 2, Objective Policy 4, encourage redevelopment that would invigorate the Town Center while also responding to the character of the area.
Open Space (OS) Element, Goal 1 is to preserve the property with environmentally sensitive features; and Objective/Policies 2 & 3; to promote the preservation of floodplains and washes in their natural state, and to protect low density residential uses from non-residential uses through natural desert open space buffers.
Public participation requirements have been met and exceeded. 2 neighborhood meetings were held (only 1 is required), and there were multiple discussions with neighbors and interested citizens. 6 (the number of attendees were restricted due to Covid safety concerns) in-person open house meetings were added because the P&Z and Council meetings are held via Zoom. A 60 day public agency review was sent out and no comments were received. Constantly updated information was provided on the Town website, and hearing notifications were given as required by ARS 9-461-06, Adoption and amendment of the General Plan.
In summary, Ms. Bridge-Denzak felt that the proposed amendment constitutes an overall improvement to the GP from a planning perspective, and benefits the community as a whole, with no intended adverse effects. It is in conformance with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the GP. The Citizen Participation/Public Hearing Notification procedures were properly followed and legally executed according to State and Town requirements. As a Major General Plan Amendment, it does require a Super Majority vote by 2/3 of the Council members.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
The northeast corner of Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road was designated as a SPA in the GP when Carefree was incorporated. The 2 corners have similar dynamics in terms of current surrounding uses. The corners were more impacted by surrounding growth than by anything that went on in Carefree, with the exception of the northwest corner of Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road, which came to Carefree from the County with a Commercial designation.
The SPA would (1) establish an adequate buffer to the residential neighborhoods, (2) provide for the continued preservation of the natural wash in accordance with the floodplain regulations, (3) support the Town's fiscal and economic development goals and align with the evolving commercial nature and resort lifestyle found in the area, (4) utilize high quality architectural character, contextual materials and desert colors, all sited into the existing land forms, complimenting existing and nearby uses, and avoiding commercially branded architecture to provide a unique and cohesive character, (5) utilize massing,height and density to minimize site disturbances, and where site intensity takes into account proximity to existing uses and is thoughtful of adjacent homeowners' views to prominent land forms, (6) focus retail components to the south and east of the wash or where not to have an impact on existing residences, (7) incorporate natural Sonoran Desert landscaping, (8) prohibit any access to Whileway Road and only allow residential access onto Languid Lane, with no commercial or delivery access onto Languid Lane, and any emergency only ingress/egress via controlled access. This is a very tight and prescriptive land use, setting up a very specific expectation as this would move forward to the next step of a re-zone and a development application.
Land Use (LU) Element Goal 1, Objective Policy 1, is to ensure the transition of commercial uses to minimize impact on residential uses, and Objective Policy 2, to sensitively integrate natural open spaces into development, such as washes, to create natural buffers between different land uses.
LU Element Goal 2 is to enhance the maintenance and enhance the unique character of the community by, Objective Policy 5, continuing to promote the highest quality of development and excellence in architecture, construction and appearance of all buildings, and LU Goal 2, Objective Policy 4, encourage redevelopment that would invigorate the Town Center while also responding to the character of the area.
Open Space (OS) Element, Goal 1 is to preserve the property with environmentally sensitive features; and Objective/Policies 2 & 3; to promote the preservation of floodplains and washes in their natural state, and to protect low density residential uses from non-residential uses through natural desert open space buffers.
Public participation requirements have been met and exceeded. 2 neighborhood meetings were held (only 1 is required), and there were multiple discussions with neighbors and interested citizens. 6 (the number of attendees were restricted due to Covid safety concerns) in-person open house meetings were added because the P&Z and Council meetings are held via Zoom. A 60 day public agency review was sent out and no comments were received. Constantly updated information was provided on the Town website, and hearing notifications were given as required by ARS 9-461-06, Adoption and amendment of the General Plan.
In summary, Ms. Bridge-Denzak felt that the proposed amendment constitutes an overall improvement to the GP from a planning perspective, and benefits the community as a whole, with no intended adverse effects. It is in conformance with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the GP. The Citizen Participation/Public Hearing Notification procedures were properly followed and legally executed according to State and Town requirements. As a Major General Plan Amendment, it does require a Super Majority vote by 2/3 of the Council members.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.