(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Lt. to Rt. at Alberto Ristorante: Jamie Drinkwater Stockton, Cheryl D'Aliesio, Lyn Hitchon, Dick Stockton, Vince D'Aliesio
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Hi Lyn:
The Desert Foothills Land Trust, working with Audra Waddle of AZ Queen Bee, https://azqueenbee.com/, who can often be found at the Carefree Farmers’ Market, made two videos that can be found in the educational Desert Encounters section of the Land Trust website, www.DFLT.org.
In the first video, The Bee Hive (dflt.org), Audra shares a wealth of knowledge about the value of bees, beekeeping and bee behavior. Her passion and love of beekeeping is striking.
The second video features a conversation Audra and I had at her beehive boxes, The Buzz About Bees - YouTube
Bees are a critical component of our ecosystem. These videos provide a new found respect for these often misunderstood insects.
Best regards,
John Crane
Thank you all for participating in today's Varsity Sports Show live from Carefree's Sanderson Pavilion! Fun show, and Thanks Alex and Steve for working so hard for the residents!! Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/varsitysportsshow/april-24th-2021-earth-day-live-from-carefree-arizona
Vince D'Aliesio
(Lyn's note: Vince broadcast his sports show from the Pavilion during Carefree's Earth Day event. It gave a nice PR boost to Carefree. Several Carefree people spoke on the show. Fun to hear!)
Hi Lyn: Re:" People say that Carefree is "different", but why is it different?
"I submit that Carefree is a lush desert w/the best climate in the valley, a real town council that cares for the town & active political monitoring in the CFT. It is a quiet town that still does not have big city traffic & mountain views to die for. People are not jammed together, rather there is acreage so people can get away from people (the cluster @ Eastwood excepted).
Thx Lyn
Fred Layman
The narrative proposed by the consultant, in theory is apropos and long overdue. That being said, my own past experience in redevelopment discussions in Phoenix and Scottsdale suggest that redevelopment must go hand in hand with a vision of a future Carefree that moves beyond generalities and addresses specific economic, infrastructure, traffic considerations, just to name a few. Too often, redevelopment efforts result in disproportionate benefits to the real estate community with limited realized benefits to the general residential population, unless the benefits to both constituencies are well communicated in advance with majority buy in.
Carefree is a small community surrounded on all sides by other municipalities that are also engaged in evaluating and addressing plans for future relevancy when it comes to economic, residential and business redevelopment initiatives. It is imperative that Carefree engage in serious discussions with these municipalities in order to ensure that our, (Carefree) initiatives are supportive and complementary to those of other Municipalities. It would be an unfortunate result to engage in initiatives that are duplicative or worse yet, in competition with those of adjacent cities. In the long run, a go it alone approach, will have negative impacts for all concerned.
John Nimsky
(Lyn's note: I passed John's email on to Steve Prokopek for a response.)
Dear Mr. Nimsky,
Thank you so much for your question regarding Carefree’s redevelopment approach. I absolutely agree with you. The Town of Carefree has put a lot of effort into revitalization. Most notably, was a 2015 Village Center Master Plan. This plan did address vision and outlined recommendation and steps for implementation. The plan also addressed the changing local and regional trade area, and Carefree’s position within these trade areas. However, as you pointed out, the plan did not address specific changes and the costs of these changes to be implemented, which is why elevating this plan to a more traditional redevelopment plan is a step we are pursuing. In a more traditional plan, we are required to assess and address recommendations for infrastructure improvements, as well as look at budgetary cost estimates, and a financial model for funding of these improvements. This process will be done with the necessary engagement.
In December 2020, the Town of Carefree created the Economic Development Technical Advisory Panel, which is an advisory group made up of real estate/design professionals, with half residents and the other half non-residents. The EDTAP has set this as a priority for the Town and will be the guiding group through the stages of creating a redevelopment area. 1. Review initial findings and create boundary recommendations. This will be done with guidance from Planning and Zoning Commission. 2. Engage property owners and businesses withing the proposed area to finalize the boundary and recommendation report. 3. After public engagement, we will seek Council approval on the initial findings and boundary. 4. If approved, the EDTAP will then take on the role of redevelopment plan advisory committee. 5. We will engage in the creation of a redevelopment plan that uses the current master plan as a backbone. However, we are completely open to revising the vision at this time. This will be a robust process that will engage the groups you have identified if they are willing to participate. New additions to the plan will include more site by site recommendation for infill development, redevelopment and revitalization, public real estate strategy, specific infrastructure recommendations and cost, financial tools and funding strategies, zoning and land use changes, and design guidelines and signage. Additionally, the Town will periodically perform absorption analysis on the mix of commercial and residential. 6. Once the plan has been completed, it will go for a formal Planning and Zoning, and the 2/3 Town Council vote. 7. Once the plan is approved, the Town will then have access to the economic development tools provided by redevelopment statutes.
The challenge with this endeavor is ensuring that whatever gets approved is “Carefree”, that we embody the vibe this community has, and foster it for the next several generations to call this special place home.
The Town is currently in process on two complimentary efforts. 1. Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety Study and Recommendations 2. Town Center Comprehensive Signage, Circulation and Parking study and Recommendations. Both of the plans will get beyond the conceptual and will provide specific recommendations and costs related primarily to the public infrastructure. While the first study has examined traffic flows and striping/median recommendations on Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road in an effort to slow traffic and enhance pedestrian connectivity, the later will examine the use of available right of way to further enhance circulation, parking and creating a better sense of arrival into Carefree. It will also examine how people can then discover and access Town Center, creating a sense of arrival and place.
The next step, is a joint workshop session between the EDTAP and Planning and Zoning Commission on 5/20/21. The purpose of this work session is to review the staff findings and boundary recommendations, as requested by the EDTAP members. From this session, these two advisory groups will then develop a community outreach strategy to further seek input.
Please feel free to call me on my cell (below), and I will always make time to meet on these issues.
Steve Prokopek
Economic Development Director
Town of Carefree
The Desert Foothills Land Trust, working with Audra Waddle of AZ Queen Bee, https://azqueenbee.com/, who can often be found at the Carefree Farmers’ Market, made two videos that can be found in the educational Desert Encounters section of the Land Trust website, www.DFLT.org.
In the first video, The Bee Hive (dflt.org), Audra shares a wealth of knowledge about the value of bees, beekeeping and bee behavior. Her passion and love of beekeeping is striking.
The second video features a conversation Audra and I had at her beehive boxes, The Buzz About Bees - YouTube
Bees are a critical component of our ecosystem. These videos provide a new found respect for these often misunderstood insects.
Best regards,
John Crane
Thank you all for participating in today's Varsity Sports Show live from Carefree's Sanderson Pavilion! Fun show, and Thanks Alex and Steve for working so hard for the residents!! Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/varsitysportsshow/april-24th-2021-earth-day-live-from-carefree-arizona
Vince D'Aliesio
(Lyn's note: Vince broadcast his sports show from the Pavilion during Carefree's Earth Day event. It gave a nice PR boost to Carefree. Several Carefree people spoke on the show. Fun to hear!)
Hi Lyn: Re:" People say that Carefree is "different", but why is it different?
"I submit that Carefree is a lush desert w/the best climate in the valley, a real town council that cares for the town & active political monitoring in the CFT. It is a quiet town that still does not have big city traffic & mountain views to die for. People are not jammed together, rather there is acreage so people can get away from people (the cluster @ Eastwood excepted).
Thx Lyn
Fred Layman
The narrative proposed by the consultant, in theory is apropos and long overdue. That being said, my own past experience in redevelopment discussions in Phoenix and Scottsdale suggest that redevelopment must go hand in hand with a vision of a future Carefree that moves beyond generalities and addresses specific economic, infrastructure, traffic considerations, just to name a few. Too often, redevelopment efforts result in disproportionate benefits to the real estate community with limited realized benefits to the general residential population, unless the benefits to both constituencies are well communicated in advance with majority buy in.
Carefree is a small community surrounded on all sides by other municipalities that are also engaged in evaluating and addressing plans for future relevancy when it comes to economic, residential and business redevelopment initiatives. It is imperative that Carefree engage in serious discussions with these municipalities in order to ensure that our, (Carefree) initiatives are supportive and complementary to those of other Municipalities. It would be an unfortunate result to engage in initiatives that are duplicative or worse yet, in competition with those of adjacent cities. In the long run, a go it alone approach, will have negative impacts for all concerned.
John Nimsky
(Lyn's note: I passed John's email on to Steve Prokopek for a response.)
Dear Mr. Nimsky,
Thank you so much for your question regarding Carefree’s redevelopment approach. I absolutely agree with you. The Town of Carefree has put a lot of effort into revitalization. Most notably, was a 2015 Village Center Master Plan. This plan did address vision and outlined recommendation and steps for implementation. The plan also addressed the changing local and regional trade area, and Carefree’s position within these trade areas. However, as you pointed out, the plan did not address specific changes and the costs of these changes to be implemented, which is why elevating this plan to a more traditional redevelopment plan is a step we are pursuing. In a more traditional plan, we are required to assess and address recommendations for infrastructure improvements, as well as look at budgetary cost estimates, and a financial model for funding of these improvements. This process will be done with the necessary engagement.
In December 2020, the Town of Carefree created the Economic Development Technical Advisory Panel, which is an advisory group made up of real estate/design professionals, with half residents and the other half non-residents. The EDTAP has set this as a priority for the Town and will be the guiding group through the stages of creating a redevelopment area. 1. Review initial findings and create boundary recommendations. This will be done with guidance from Planning and Zoning Commission. 2. Engage property owners and businesses withing the proposed area to finalize the boundary and recommendation report. 3. After public engagement, we will seek Council approval on the initial findings and boundary. 4. If approved, the EDTAP will then take on the role of redevelopment plan advisory committee. 5. We will engage in the creation of a redevelopment plan that uses the current master plan as a backbone. However, we are completely open to revising the vision at this time. This will be a robust process that will engage the groups you have identified if they are willing to participate. New additions to the plan will include more site by site recommendation for infill development, redevelopment and revitalization, public real estate strategy, specific infrastructure recommendations and cost, financial tools and funding strategies, zoning and land use changes, and design guidelines and signage. Additionally, the Town will periodically perform absorption analysis on the mix of commercial and residential. 6. Once the plan has been completed, it will go for a formal Planning and Zoning, and the 2/3 Town Council vote. 7. Once the plan is approved, the Town will then have access to the economic development tools provided by redevelopment statutes.
The challenge with this endeavor is ensuring that whatever gets approved is “Carefree”, that we embody the vibe this community has, and foster it for the next several generations to call this special place home.
The Town is currently in process on two complimentary efforts. 1. Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety Study and Recommendations 2. Town Center Comprehensive Signage, Circulation and Parking study and Recommendations. Both of the plans will get beyond the conceptual and will provide specific recommendations and costs related primarily to the public infrastructure. While the first study has examined traffic flows and striping/median recommendations on Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road in an effort to slow traffic and enhance pedestrian connectivity, the later will examine the use of available right of way to further enhance circulation, parking and creating a better sense of arrival into Carefree. It will also examine how people can then discover and access Town Center, creating a sense of arrival and place.
The next step, is a joint workshop session between the EDTAP and Planning and Zoning Commission on 5/20/21. The purpose of this work session is to review the staff findings and boundary recommendations, as requested by the EDTAP members. From this session, these two advisory groups will then develop a community outreach strategy to further seek input.
Please feel free to call me on my cell (below), and I will always make time to meet on these issues.
Steve Prokopek
Economic Development Director
Town of Carefree
Non profit Info:
Desert Foothills Library Youth & Teen Events
For more information, contact the Youth & Teen Services Manager, Caitlin Decker at cdecker@dfla.org or call 480-488-2286.
For more information, contact the Youth & Teen Services Manager, Caitlin Decker at cdecker@dfla.org or call 480-488-2286.
The Summer Reading Program kicks off this year on June 1st and runs through the end of July. Sign up at MaricopaCountyReads.org (English) or CondadoDeMaricopaLee.org (Spanish). The theme of this year’s program is “Tails & Tales”, encouraging readers to explore the many stories of the animal kingdom by reading, completing challenges and attending virtual events and participating in community experiences. The program begins on Tuesday, June 1 and plays a vital role in helping to reduce the “Summer Slide”—the learning loss experienced while transitioning between school years.
Registration is required for all events. Participants can register for events by visiting dfla.org or calling the library at 480-488-2286.
Bookish Beasts Storytime
Tuesday, June 1, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, June 3, 10:30 AM—Preschool
Celebrate bookish beasts in this fun, interactive animal themed storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.
Stuffed Animal Sleepover Jamboree
Friday June 4, 4 – 5 PM
Saturday June 5, 10 – 11 AM
Bring your favorite stuffed animal friend to the library for a party and a sleepover. When you go home in the evening, the animals will undoubtedly get up to some mischief. Don’t forget to come back the next morning to pick them up, enjoy some juice and donuts, and see what fun they had in the library overnight!
Wild Side Storytime
Tuesday, June 8, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, June 10, 10:30 AM—Preschool
Take a walk on the wild side in this fun, interactive animal themed storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.
Dr. Doolittle & Friends Storytime
Tuesday, June 15, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, June 17, 10:30—Preschool
Let’s talk to the animals in this fun, interactive storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.
Owl Pellet Dissection
Saturday, June 19, 10 AM
Find out what an owl eats for dinner by getting an up-close look at owl pellets! This is not for the squeamish, as you will uncover real animal bones that owls cannot digest and regurgitate in the form of pellets. This program is appropriate for children and teens ages 8+.
Grab & Go Beastly Letters
Available June 21 – 26
Turn everyday letters into something beastly! Children will create animal-inspired art from the first initial of their name. This grab and go pack will be available for pickup at the library all week.
No Place Like Home Storytime
Tuesday, June 29, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, July 1, 10:30 AM—Preschool
Learn about animals and their habitats in this fun, interactive storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.
Registration is required for all events. Participants can register for events by visiting dfla.org or calling the library at 480-488-2286.
Bookish Beasts Storytime
Tuesday, June 1, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, June 3, 10:30 AM—Preschool
Celebrate bookish beasts in this fun, interactive animal themed storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.
Stuffed Animal Sleepover Jamboree
Friday June 4, 4 – 5 PM
Saturday June 5, 10 – 11 AM
Bring your favorite stuffed animal friend to the library for a party and a sleepover. When you go home in the evening, the animals will undoubtedly get up to some mischief. Don’t forget to come back the next morning to pick them up, enjoy some juice and donuts, and see what fun they had in the library overnight!
Wild Side Storytime
Tuesday, June 8, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, June 10, 10:30 AM—Preschool
Take a walk on the wild side in this fun, interactive animal themed storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.
Dr. Doolittle & Friends Storytime
Tuesday, June 15, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, June 17, 10:30—Preschool
Let’s talk to the animals in this fun, interactive storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.
Owl Pellet Dissection
Saturday, June 19, 10 AM
Find out what an owl eats for dinner by getting an up-close look at owl pellets! This is not for the squeamish, as you will uncover real animal bones that owls cannot digest and regurgitate in the form of pellets. This program is appropriate for children and teens ages 8+.
Grab & Go Beastly Letters
Available June 21 – 26
Turn everyday letters into something beastly! Children will create animal-inspired art from the first initial of their name. This grab and go pack will be available for pickup at the library all week.
No Place Like Home Storytime
Tuesday, June 29, 10:30 AM—Toddlers
Thursday, July 1, 10:30 AM—Preschool
Learn about animals and their habitats in this fun, interactive storytime! Be sure to register at dfla.org for the time that best suits your family, as registration is limited.