(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Photo by Kunio Hagio
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Kunio Hagio
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Call for Volunteers
The Town of Carefree is instituting an Ambassador Program and we need your help.
This program is designed to get residents involved in our community to help in promoting our businesses, areas of interest and generating excitement in our Town.
Our Ambassadors will act like docents walking around town and interfacing with visitors and residents alike. They will be knowledgeable about our stores, restaurants and galleries. They will also have a deep knowledge of our history and key points of interest: the desert gardens, North America’s tallest sundial, the splash pad and more.
Our Ambassadors will be empowered to answer questions about our community and county with pride and to point out all the treasures that we have right here in our own backyard.
Volunteers will be given a comprehensive visitor ‘survival guide’; a reference folder filled with maps, various attractions, marketing materials and a quick reference guide of customer service tips, Carefree trivia, history and more.
We will be stationed in the Town’s new visitor center, adjacent to the Pavilion stage, and will be easily identified by our Ambassador shirts and hats. This will not only be fun but it will help our Town and its businesses.
We only have room for 10 volunteers to start out so, you are interested please contact: cherylkroyer@carefree.org to reserve your place.
Hi Lyn! You have donated the PEARLS two years in a row, and they have been well received...
Can we get some "PR" in the TRUTH too...?
You know; In my "spare-time" I volunteer for the MARINE CORPS LAW ENFORCEENT FOUNDATION: MCLEF.
Since 1995 we have raised over $75 Million for children and families of Fallen Marines and Federal Law Enforcement Officers who have died in the LINE-OF-DUTY serving US... We set aside $35,000 for each child in an "escrow-type" account and when the child reaches the age of 18 the money is theirs for school/education etc.... We are a National 401-c non-profit. Our Board of Directors "BOD" reads like the WHO'S-WHO of the Marine Corps and FBI...
We raise money here in AZ with an annual golf tournament. This will be out 16th. See attached...
We have had in the past several (avg 4-7) MEDAL OF HONOR recipients join us. We have a "GATHERING OF HERO'S" meet & greet at the American Legion the evening prior to the Tournament. Chaplin says a prayer, Taps is played as we lower the Flag, and we proceed to mingle w friends... The next morning is TEE-OFF... cocktails at the clubhouse and an awards luncheon and auction.
Here's a quick video of a Marine's wife that received our help 2-3 years ago. Very powerful.... YouTube:
We've done well in years past, but Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the US and known for its golf and veteran community... I personally want to take MCLEF to a higher level and get several great corporate sponsors involved and have 140+ golfers attend...
BTW... We are a 100% volunteer (OK, we have 1 P/T bookkeeper in Tuckahoe NY) and the majority (Kirk hates it when I say this...) 85% of the money we raise goes to the children and families!
This year: SEPT 24 & 25, see attached...
Let me know if you need anything more from me and I'll get it!
WATCH... YouTube:
Semper Fi to our veterans...
Bob Jenkins
Managing Partner
Veteran-Owned Small Business
Lyn's note: See the event poster in Non profit Info.)
All, the attached letter was sent out to our board and membership (in our monthly newsletter) this past week recapping 2020, as well as announcing my resignation as president of the Cave Creek Museum, effective June 1st. It has been a year that I will always cherish, but onto new and existing projects that require more attention that will benefit all of our community.
If you have not visited the Cave Creek Museum, please drop by and see all of the fine work that our curator Liz Kapp and Museum Program Coordinator Remi Pettus are doing. The museum is in great hands, and I look forward to the next generation of leadership developing from within its walls. www.cavecreekmuseum.org
I'm grateful to my friend, Interim Executive Director Suzanne Johnson, for bringing mentorship and outreach back to the museum, and being that friend, forcing us to laugh whenever we needed. Suzanne-- "On to #2!" :)
Your friend,
Vince D'Aliesio
(Lyn's note: See the letter below in Non profit Info.)
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Call for Volunteers
The Town of Carefree is instituting an Ambassador Program and we need your help.
This program is designed to get residents involved in our community to help in promoting our businesses, areas of interest and generating excitement in our Town.
Our Ambassadors will act like docents walking around town and interfacing with visitors and residents alike. They will be knowledgeable about our stores, restaurants and galleries. They will also have a deep knowledge of our history and key points of interest: the desert gardens, North America’s tallest sundial, the splash pad and more.
Our Ambassadors will be empowered to answer questions about our community and county with pride and to point out all the treasures that we have right here in our own backyard.
Volunteers will be given a comprehensive visitor ‘survival guide’; a reference folder filled with maps, various attractions, marketing materials and a quick reference guide of customer service tips, Carefree trivia, history and more.
We will be stationed in the Town’s new visitor center, adjacent to the Pavilion stage, and will be easily identified by our Ambassador shirts and hats. This will not only be fun but it will help our Town and its businesses.
We only have room for 10 volunteers to start out so, you are interested please contact: cherylkroyer@carefree.org to reserve your place.
Hi Lyn! You have donated the PEARLS two years in a row, and they have been well received...
Can we get some "PR" in the TRUTH too...?
You know; In my "spare-time" I volunteer for the MARINE CORPS LAW ENFORCEENT FOUNDATION: MCLEF.
Since 1995 we have raised over $75 Million for children and families of Fallen Marines and Federal Law Enforcement Officers who have died in the LINE-OF-DUTY serving US... We set aside $35,000 for each child in an "escrow-type" account and when the child reaches the age of 18 the money is theirs for school/education etc.... We are a National 401-c non-profit. Our Board of Directors "BOD" reads like the WHO'S-WHO of the Marine Corps and FBI...
We raise money here in AZ with an annual golf tournament. This will be out 16th. See attached...
We have had in the past several (avg 4-7) MEDAL OF HONOR recipients join us. We have a "GATHERING OF HERO'S" meet & greet at the American Legion the evening prior to the Tournament. Chaplin says a prayer, Taps is played as we lower the Flag, and we proceed to mingle w friends... The next morning is TEE-OFF... cocktails at the clubhouse and an awards luncheon and auction.
Here's a quick video of a Marine's wife that received our help 2-3 years ago. Very powerful.... YouTube:
We've done well in years past, but Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the US and known for its golf and veteran community... I personally want to take MCLEF to a higher level and get several great corporate sponsors involved and have 140+ golfers attend...
BTW... We are a 100% volunteer (OK, we have 1 P/T bookkeeper in Tuckahoe NY) and the majority (Kirk hates it when I say this...) 85% of the money we raise goes to the children and families!
This year: SEPT 24 & 25, see attached...
Let me know if you need anything more from me and I'll get it!
WATCH... YouTube:
Semper Fi to our veterans...
Bob Jenkins
Managing Partner
Veteran-Owned Small Business
Lyn's note: See the event poster in Non profit Info.)
All, the attached letter was sent out to our board and membership (in our monthly newsletter) this past week recapping 2020, as well as announcing my resignation as president of the Cave Creek Museum, effective June 1st. It has been a year that I will always cherish, but onto new and existing projects that require more attention that will benefit all of our community.
If you have not visited the Cave Creek Museum, please drop by and see all of the fine work that our curator Liz Kapp and Museum Program Coordinator Remi Pettus are doing. The museum is in great hands, and I look forward to the next generation of leadership developing from within its walls. www.cavecreekmuseum.org
I'm grateful to my friend, Interim Executive Director Suzanne Johnson, for bringing mentorship and outreach back to the museum, and being that friend, forcing us to laugh whenever we needed. Suzanne-- "On to #2!" :)
Your friend,
Vince D'Aliesio
(Lyn's note: See the letter below in Non profit Info.)
Non profit Info:
In concert with the Horny Toad Restaurant, BIG THANK YOU to Jen Miles at Tech 4 Life who, through their Community Partners Program (www.ComePartner.com), organized a Fund Raiser on March 25 to benefit the small-but-mighty Cave Creek Museum!
© Bill Watters/Air Major Media
Ab Latouffe, owner of the Horny Toad Restaurant, Hard Rock Harry, Miner, the Cave Creek Museum Mascot, and Remington Pettus, Cave Creek Museum Program Coordinator
© Bill Watters/Air Major Media
Ab Latouffe, owner of the Horny Toad Restaurant, Hard Rock Harry, Miner, the Cave Creek Museum Mascot, and Remington Pettus, Cave Creek Museum Program Coordinator
Respectfully submitted to the Carefree Truth,
Suzanne D. Johnson
Interim Executive Director, Cave Creek Museum
Shred-a-Thon to benefit Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center
On Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, the public is invited to participate in the ninth annual Shred-A-Thon. The shredding event will be held near 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in the Cave Creek parking lot. Donations of cash, food and $20 grocery gift cards will benefit the food bank.
The Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center provides emergency food, financial assistance and other life necessities and resources to individuals and families in the desert foothills, which encompasses a 180-square mile area that includes Black Canyon City, Cave Creek, Carefree, Anthem, Desert Hills, New River, Mayer, Cordes Lakes, Spring Valley, north Scottsdale and north Phoenix.
Visit Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center, at www.foothillsfoodbank.com or send an email to foothillsfoodbank@gmail.com. Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek, Ariz., or call 480.488.1145.
CONTACT: Fran Booth, ABC/602.400.3330
Suzanne D. Johnson
Interim Executive Director, Cave Creek Museum
Shred-a-Thon to benefit Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center
On Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, the public is invited to participate in the ninth annual Shred-A-Thon. The shredding event will be held near 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in the Cave Creek parking lot. Donations of cash, food and $20 grocery gift cards will benefit the food bank.
The Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center provides emergency food, financial assistance and other life necessities and resources to individuals and families in the desert foothills, which encompasses a 180-square mile area that includes Black Canyon City, Cave Creek, Carefree, Anthem, Desert Hills, New River, Mayer, Cordes Lakes, Spring Valley, north Scottsdale and north Phoenix.
Visit Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center, at www.foothillsfoodbank.com or send an email to foothillsfoodbank@gmail.com. Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek, Ariz., or call 480.488.1145.
CONTACT: Fran Booth, ABC/602.400.3330