"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1041, July 23, 2022
Issue #1041, July 23, 2022
Duke Vukotic's wife, Paulie Fabian, reached out to me late last night after reading Carefree Truth and asked that I make a correction ASAP to the statement about her background and where she currently practices law. When I make a mistake, my policy is always to put out a correction immediately.
I had lunch with Paulie one time when she and Duke lived in Sentinel Rock several years ago, before returning to CA because, as she told me at the time, the law firm she had worked for previously wanted her to come back to work for them again.
Last night, Paulie wrote:
"Hi Lyn,
I just received your last “Carefree Truth” issue. I highly suggest you hire another PI because your facts are completely wrong. Unlike yourself, I was raised in Arizona since I was a year and a half. I went to Xavier college prep and ASU. My family has had a successful small business in cave creek for the last 24 years that my husband and I now own. I am an attorney with a law firm in carefree, a small business owner and a mother of three."
My apologies to Paulie. Unlike the other information shared in that Carefree Truth newsletter, which came from professional sources (they were not hired; they checked out the information and shared it with me for free) who obtained the info from reliable data bases available to them, the information on where Paulie practiced law came at the last minute from a fellow resident of Carefree and was seen on a social media website, which I did not realize.
After I sent out the newsletter, that resident contacted me and said that the same platform still showed Duke and Paulie's home address as a house in L.A. that was sold 2 years ago, so all the info was outdated. The resident apologized to me, and I apologize to Paulie for printing outdated information. I had assumed that she was still working for the firm in CA and doing her work over the internet, which is a common practice in this day and age. I was wrong and should not have assumed. The information she sent me last night is the most recent and correct information.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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