(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio going into the dunk tank. (Lyn's note: I "volunteered" our newbie Council member for that job. For a list of the "victims", see Greg "Dunkmaster" Crossman's thank you note in the Letters. Fun times!)
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
A big THANK YOU to all of the following Dunk Tank Divas for another successful Block Party. Our unofficial total donation headed to the Desert Foothills Library is approaching last year’s record of $500 (we’re at $455 right now) with donations still coming in. We couldn’t have done it without the following volunteer help:
Gary “How Did You Keep Your Hair Dry?” Neiss
Councilman Michael “Crazy” Krahe
Councilman Vinny “D’Bomb” D’Aliesio
Vice Mayor John “The Rock” Crane
Scott “Fluorescent” Sperl
Dave “The Pro” Jasperson
Reuben “Count Me In” Contreras
Rural/Metro Fire Fighters Juan and Michael “Don’t Make Me Do This Again – I’m On Duty”
Conner “Popsicle” Lutz
Dallas “Too Cool” Boyd
Colby “Even Cooler” Armstrong
Thanks again, dunkees, for all your help in raising $500 for the Desert Foothills Library!
P.S. We’re still accepting donations for the Library! ;)
Greg Crossman
(Lyn's note: Greg "Dunkmaster" Crossman went into the dunk tank right after "How Did You Keep Your Hair Dry". See Pictures of the Week for pics of "Crazy", D'Bomb" and "Count Me In" in the dunk tank, as well as some other pics from the Block Party. I went into the dunk tank last year. I was so spastic getting back out that Greg thought he was going to have to tip it over and dump out the water to get me out. I did manage to get out, but it was NOT pretty. Greg wouldn't let me back in again this year. Ha!)
Greg, you held a great even! Thanks for everything. Next year can we get the tank closer to the center of the event. I’ll bet we can raise even more money then.
Mike Krahe
(Lyn's note: See "Crazy" Councilman Mike Krahe in the dunk tank in Pictures of the Week. He's the one with the rubber ducky.)
How can we start a sort of crusade on mistletoe and especially in Carefree? How can we spread the word? It kills me to see how many trees are dying all over Carefree and even under the care of Carefree. Maybe we can start with the premise that a lot of homeowners don't know what this fungus can do. What say?
Lois Treacy
(Lyn's note: I am the Board/community liaison for Sentinel Rock. I have already put out an email about mistletoe to our residents. I have also said something to the Town. I too am distressed to see the trees dying. For those of you who are reading this, please check your trees and have your landscapers remove the mistletoe. We had it in one palo verde. Francisco cut it out and put something on it to prevent it's return. Several years later, that tree is fine, so it can be done. It is a parasite and will kill the trees it infects.)
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
A big THANK YOU to all of the following Dunk Tank Divas for another successful Block Party. Our unofficial total donation headed to the Desert Foothills Library is approaching last year’s record of $500 (we’re at $455 right now) with donations still coming in. We couldn’t have done it without the following volunteer help:
Gary “How Did You Keep Your Hair Dry?” Neiss
Councilman Michael “Crazy” Krahe
Councilman Vinny “D’Bomb” D’Aliesio
Vice Mayor John “The Rock” Crane
Scott “Fluorescent” Sperl
Dave “The Pro” Jasperson
Reuben “Count Me In” Contreras
Rural/Metro Fire Fighters Juan and Michael “Don’t Make Me Do This Again – I’m On Duty”
Conner “Popsicle” Lutz
Dallas “Too Cool” Boyd
Colby “Even Cooler” Armstrong
Thanks again, dunkees, for all your help in raising $500 for the Desert Foothills Library!
P.S. We’re still accepting donations for the Library! ;)
Greg Crossman
(Lyn's note: Greg "Dunkmaster" Crossman went into the dunk tank right after "How Did You Keep Your Hair Dry". See Pictures of the Week for pics of "Crazy", D'Bomb" and "Count Me In" in the dunk tank, as well as some other pics from the Block Party. I went into the dunk tank last year. I was so spastic getting back out that Greg thought he was going to have to tip it over and dump out the water to get me out. I did manage to get out, but it was NOT pretty. Greg wouldn't let me back in again this year. Ha!)
Greg, you held a great even! Thanks for everything. Next year can we get the tank closer to the center of the event. I’ll bet we can raise even more money then.
Mike Krahe
(Lyn's note: See "Crazy" Councilman Mike Krahe in the dunk tank in Pictures of the Week. He's the one with the rubber ducky.)
How can we start a sort of crusade on mistletoe and especially in Carefree? How can we spread the word? It kills me to see how many trees are dying all over Carefree and even under the care of Carefree. Maybe we can start with the premise that a lot of homeowners don't know what this fungus can do. What say?
Lois Treacy
(Lyn's note: I am the Board/community liaison for Sentinel Rock. I have already put out an email about mistletoe to our residents. I have also said something to the Town. I too am distressed to see the trees dying. For those of you who are reading this, please check your trees and have your landscapers remove the mistletoe. We had it in one palo verde. Francisco cut it out and put something on it to prevent it's return. Several years later, that tree is fine, so it can be done. It is a parasite and will kill the trees it infects.)