(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Vice Mayor John Crane
John Edward Williamson playing "Taps"
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here's another bonus video. Pics by Herbert, music by Hank Molder.
Click on the box to view the video.
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
Found: A good sized CZ in a sterling silver basket setting that looks like it came off of an earring post. I found it in a parking space facing the Carefree Desert Gardens across the street from the Sundial Cafe. If the owner of the earring sees this, you can email me to get it back. The post can be easily replaced by a jeweler, and the prongs need to be tightened. The CZ fell out.
Found: A good sized CZ in a sterling silver basket setting that looks like it came off of an earring post. I found it in a parking space facing the Carefree Desert Gardens across the street from the Sundial Cafe. If the owner of the earring sees this, you can email me to get it back. The post can be easily replaced by a jeweler, and the prongs need to be tightened. The CZ fell out.
Lyn Hitchon
The following link contains pictures of the recent East Desert Fire that Herbert took from our front porch. Click on the link for more photos of this fire. http://aneyeonyouproduction.com/51720-cave-creek-fire.html
The following link contains pictures of the recent East Desert Fire that Herbert took from our front porch. Click on the link for more photos of this fire. http://aneyeonyouproduction.com/51720-cave-creek-fire.html
It is vital to clear your property of dry brush and Globe Chamomile to help prevent fires from occurring, and to clear a 30' perimeter around all structures to give firefighters a better chance, as well as trimming tree branches that come close to your roof. Any part of your property bordering the streets should be cleared of weeds and brush.
Be aware of sparks and of hot landscaping equipment. This fire was started by an overheated weed whacker. The fire came close enough that a mandatory evacuation order was issued for our area.
Be aware of sparks and of hot landscaping equipment. This fire was started by an overheated weed whacker. The fire came close enough that a mandatory evacuation order was issued for our area.
Above is a picture Herbert took of a Globe Chamomile plant, so you know what it looks like. These are tiny flowers. Globe Chamomile is highly flammable. The firemen said that the spread of this invasive plant is 600 times more prevalent than last year. Rural/Metro Fire Chief John Kraetz, during a disaster preparedness presentation by R/M and Maricopa County last spring, said that a single dried Globe Chamomile flower is the equivalent of 1000 match heads. These plants should be removed, including the roots, and put in a trash bag for disposal.
https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/fire/wild-fire-prevention identifies various weed species that provide fuel for fire. Two most common are desert broom and Globe Chamomile but there are others. Brittle bush dying all around provides one of the most common candidates for fire fuel. For more information on invasive plants, go to: https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/fire/wild-fire-prevention/remove-invasive-plants
Place yourself on the Cave Creek Code Red program by contacting Cave Creek (480-488-1400) Town Hall. Develop a Fire Preparedness plan: Make a list of what is important for you to have in the event that you must evacuate. Rank items in the order of importance. You might be given as much as a two hour notice but more than likely only minutes.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that residents near a disaster store emergency supplies in a plastic tub, small suitcase, trash can, backpack, or other containers.
Keep a Go bag packed and stored in an easy to grab location. Residents should make sure they have the necessities, such as three gallons of water per person and a three-day supply of ready-to-eat food, the NFPA said. A first-aid kit, prescription medications, contact lenses, extra eyeglasses, and non-prescription drugs should also be taken into account.
Copies of any important family documents, including insurance policies,
identification, bank account records, and emergency contact numbers should also be put into a waterproof, portable container in your kit, the
NFPA said.
Other suggestions include food and medication for your animals, flashlights and extra batteries, photos, jewelry, passports, computers, and fine art pieces. Go-bags should include a couple of changes of clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, and toiletries. If you have children, bring toys and games to keep them occupied.
The East Desert Fire has given us a warning that we all need to heed. You need to be aware of the high fire danger that an overgrown lot poses. This was a fire drill. Take it seriously, we might not get a second warning!
Lyn Hitchon
Wasn't it wonderful this week when everyone pulled together because of the fire. Love it all, from the bird eggs to the politics. Thanks, Lyn.
Vicki Bobo
(Lyn's note: Comments on the Memorial Day Tribute)
Hi Lyn:
The text is great. Thanks for putting this together so fast.
Best regards,
John Crane
Nicely done.
Thank you.
Evelyn Johnson
Next year it will be huge 😊
Laurie Palace
Dear Lyn and Herbert aka “Herbie”..the same nick name as my Dad Herb:) Congrats on your Daughter of the American Revolution Media Award! Yeah! So well deserved. You always present both sides and mainly just report the facts clearly, succinctly, and accurately on every situation. That is journalism at its best..which, sadly, has been lacking.
I think Carefree residents are very fortunate to have you and “Herbie” keeping us informed. Well done!
All the very best, and stay safe! Be well.
Warmest Regards,
Jamie Drinkwater Stockton
Congratulations Lyn and Herbie on receiving the much deserved Daughters of the American Revolution Media award.
Mary Peterson
Congratulations on the Media Award from the DAR. (Of no interest is that my ex-wife's mother (Charlottsville, VA) was a real descendent DAR). You and Herbie deserve more awards than currently exist for all the hard work and effort that you devote to the Town of Carefree.
Arthur Gimson
Congratulations Lyn and Herb on your Daughters of the American Revolution Media Award. That’s awesome. Keep up the excellent and very much appreciated work you two do. And, continue to be safe and take care of your fur-babies.
Jackie McDermott
Thank you for your informative newsletter and Herbert's beautiful photos and video! Congratulations Lyn on your DAR Media award-- well deserved!
Katie Wilke