Carefree Truth
Issue #717, January 4, 2019
At the November Council meeting, Sarah Byrne explained that Rock the District is part of the Cave Creek Unified School District. It is an all volunteer non profit organization that puts on events to raise money for teacher grants, building endowments, etc. for the school district. Rock the District is their signature event, and this will be it's 10th anniversary. All the performers are school aged children. They feature bands, singers, solo and duo performers. At the November meeting, Ms. Byrne was asking for Council approval of the dates so they could get going with borrowing the resources needed to stage the event. She would return at the December meeting to give a more formal presentation.
Issue #717, January 4, 2019
At the November Council meeting, Sarah Byrne explained that Rock the District is part of the Cave Creek Unified School District. It is an all volunteer non profit organization that puts on events to raise money for teacher grants, building endowments, etc. for the school district. Rock the District is their signature event, and this will be it's 10th anniversary. All the performers are school aged children. They feature bands, singers, solo and duo performers. At the November meeting, Ms. Byrne was asking for Council approval of the dates so they could get going with borrowing the resources needed to stage the event. She would return at the December meeting to give a more formal presentation.
Sarah Byrne
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Rock the District was started by a Cactus Shadows High School (CSHS) student. Over the 10 years, it has outgrown the various venues. Their goal is to fine a "home" in one of the CCUSD's communities where they can put down roots and continue to grow the event, to make it a destination signature event. They felt that Carefree has the ability to support a music festival atmosphere.
Sanderson Lincoln is one of the biggest sponsors of the event. Rock the District wanted to utilize the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion for the daytime concerts. A big mobile stage would be brought in for the evening concerts, and placed at the end of Carefree Drive, and the parking lot behind Town Hall would probably be utilized. Carefree Drive would probably be closed to the sundial. They would work with the Town and Centerpoint Events to have as little impact on the town businesses as possible. The road closure would be primarily on that Saturday night, when most of the businesses are closed, but they might be impacted on Saturday during the day when the stage and tables are being set up and the food trucks arrive.
Vice Mayor John Crane asked what the attendance has been in the past. Ms. Byrne replied that it has been 2,000-3,000 but the attendees ebb and flow according to which performers interest them. The concert lasts 2-3 hours. There have typically been about 1,000 people there at a time. They are hoping for more at their 10th anniversary.
Councilman Gene Orrico asked if they considered using any part of the Gardens or the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion. Ms. Byrne reiterated that they would be utilizing the stage in the Pavilion for free concerts during the day. The daytime concerts provide a chance for the performers to get some extra time onstage, and for those not yet ready to perform at the evening concert to get experience and exposure.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio asked if they were seeking permission to close the streets around the sundial for the evening performances on the mobile stage. Ms. Byrne explained that the stage would be set up underneath the arch on Carefree Drive and the seating would be on the street.
Mayor Les Peterson reminded the Council members that discussion of the details was not on the agenda. They would be presented at the December meeting when the plans are more concrete. Ms. Byrne agreed, saying they were just asking for approval of the dates of April 26th and 27th so they could get started on applying for their liquor permits and asking for liquor donations, which takes about 6 months.
Town attorney Mike Wright said the Council can't approve the dates at this meeting because it was not listed as an action item on the agenda. Gary Neiss informally gave direction, noting that the dates shouldn't be a problem. It is the shoulder season, where they are looking to get events like this into the town center before it gets too hot.
Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer said the biggest question is the footprint. They are trying to keep Easy Street open, but some area around the sundial will be closed. She said it's a really great event. Rock the District performers played on the mobile stage on Hum Street during the Pumpkin Festival. It was really cool, stimulating lots of action around it. Mayor Peterson added that Ms. Byrne was not hearing any objections to the dates. Ms. Byrne replied that she would be happy to come back in December with more details and a map of the requested street closures.
Ms. Byrne returned for the December meeting. She noted that the requested dates had been changed to April 12th and 13th, but that all the other information in the Council packets remained the same. Marketing director Beth Renfro joined her at the podium, saying the Town had another inquiry for the original dates, so the date change worked out well for everyone. Ms. Kroyer asked when the Carefree Block Party was scheduled. Ms. Renfro said it was the weekend prior to Rock the District's event.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Rock the District was started by a Cactus Shadows High School (CSHS) student. Over the 10 years, it has outgrown the various venues. Their goal is to fine a "home" in one of the CCUSD's communities where they can put down roots and continue to grow the event, to make it a destination signature event. They felt that Carefree has the ability to support a music festival atmosphere.
Sanderson Lincoln is one of the biggest sponsors of the event. Rock the District wanted to utilize the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion for the daytime concerts. A big mobile stage would be brought in for the evening concerts, and placed at the end of Carefree Drive, and the parking lot behind Town Hall would probably be utilized. Carefree Drive would probably be closed to the sundial. They would work with the Town and Centerpoint Events to have as little impact on the town businesses as possible. The road closure would be primarily on that Saturday night, when most of the businesses are closed, but they might be impacted on Saturday during the day when the stage and tables are being set up and the food trucks arrive.
Vice Mayor John Crane asked what the attendance has been in the past. Ms. Byrne replied that it has been 2,000-3,000 but the attendees ebb and flow according to which performers interest them. The concert lasts 2-3 hours. There have typically been about 1,000 people there at a time. They are hoping for more at their 10th anniversary.
Councilman Gene Orrico asked if they considered using any part of the Gardens or the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion. Ms. Byrne reiterated that they would be utilizing the stage in the Pavilion for free concerts during the day. The daytime concerts provide a chance for the performers to get some extra time onstage, and for those not yet ready to perform at the evening concert to get experience and exposure.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio asked if they were seeking permission to close the streets around the sundial for the evening performances on the mobile stage. Ms. Byrne explained that the stage would be set up underneath the arch on Carefree Drive and the seating would be on the street.
Mayor Les Peterson reminded the Council members that discussion of the details was not on the agenda. They would be presented at the December meeting when the plans are more concrete. Ms. Byrne agreed, saying they were just asking for approval of the dates of April 26th and 27th so they could get started on applying for their liquor permits and asking for liquor donations, which takes about 6 months.
Town attorney Mike Wright said the Council can't approve the dates at this meeting because it was not listed as an action item on the agenda. Gary Neiss informally gave direction, noting that the dates shouldn't be a problem. It is the shoulder season, where they are looking to get events like this into the town center before it gets too hot.
Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer said the biggest question is the footprint. They are trying to keep Easy Street open, but some area around the sundial will be closed. She said it's a really great event. Rock the District performers played on the mobile stage on Hum Street during the Pumpkin Festival. It was really cool, stimulating lots of action around it. Mayor Peterson added that Ms. Byrne was not hearing any objections to the dates. Ms. Byrne replied that she would be happy to come back in December with more details and a map of the requested street closures.
Ms. Byrne returned for the December meeting. She noted that the requested dates had been changed to April 12th and 13th, but that all the other information in the Council packets remained the same. Marketing director Beth Renfro joined her at the podium, saying the Town had another inquiry for the original dates, so the date change worked out well for everyone. Ms. Kroyer asked when the Carefree Block Party was scheduled. Ms. Renfro said it was the weekend prior to Rock the District's event.
lt to rt; Beth Renfro and Sarah Byrne
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Vice Mayor Crane asked about the concert hours. Ms. Byrne said they play in the Pavilion during the day, then shut down in the afternoon. The evening concert lasts anywhere from 5-9 PM, depending on the number of acts.
Ms. Kroyer commented that the map showing street closures was hard to read. Ms. Renfro said there was another colored map in the packets that was better. The closures would occur on Carefree Drive and the area around the sundial, as well as the alleys feeding Carefree Drive. The part of Easy Street around the sundial would be closed, but not the part of Easy Street south of that. The event would just be in the Pavilion on Friday, but the set-up for Saturday would start on Friday evening. There would be a fenced perimeter.
Vice Mayor Crane asked if the closures would start on Friday. Ms. Byrne replied that the set-up typically takes less than a day. The fencing company doesn't like to work on Saturdays, so that may be done on Friday. The Vice Mayor asked if the streets would be open on Sunday morning. Ms. Byrne confirmed that they would.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked where people would park. Ms. Renfro said the lot behind Town Hall would be used for VIP parking. All others would utilize the parking on the streets. Ms. Byrne again noted that people come and go. There will not be 1,000 people all there at once. The Mayor asked if they had contacted the owner of the Sundial Cafe. Ms. Byrne did not know if their event coordinator had done so.
The Council unanimously approved the event dates, including street closures.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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