(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Millie was adopted from Puppy Luv
Photo by Nicole Cantelme
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Nicole Cantelme
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
(Lyn's note: A number of people emailed with a copy of an article that was texted to their cell phones, noting that the article sounded biased against the current Town leadership, and wanting to know how this unidentified group got their cell numbers. They were not happy. I discovered that "call centers" collect cell numbers and sell them. It appears that some group purchased them from one of these "call centers" to use in the campaign.)
To the Citizens of Carefree:
Please know that we are deeply distressed by the negative information and bad behavior that has characterized this election.
What should be an enjoyable experience in the exercise of basic democracy and government has been anything but enjoyable and has deteriorated to the point of distraction.
We do not endorse nor encourage such behavior. The citizens of Carefree deserve better.
In the closing days of this election, we encourage all candidates and their supporters, including ourselves and our supporters, to be respectful.
Let us all find a way to work together.
John Crane Cheryl Kroyer
More lies and non-factual nonsense!
In response to the letter submitted by Ms. Helen Hong, July 21, 2022.
Ms. Hong states in her letter that only four DUI infractions occurred in the year 2021 and that this was an “alarming” statistic. That she felt unsafe. Once again allow me to offer to our Carefree residents the truth. I have the actual report from the courts. As a councilman, we receive these reports monthly. The records show that we had twenty-three (23) DUI’s and nine (9) extreme DUI’s. Keep in mind that most of these (32) infractions come from the bars in Cave Creek. In addition, there were twenty-three (23) speeding violations. Obviously, Ms. Lai and Messrs. Maric and Vukotic supported Ms. Hong in her attempt to spread fear to our residents. To imply the town council and the sheriff’s department were irresponsible or negligent. What a dishonest attempt to win votes. Get your facts straight before any of you publish any more nonsense. Next time, spend your spare time supporting our law enforcement instead of making claims they are irresponsible. This report is available upon request – get it!
Stephen Hatcher
You always stay on top of everything! Good work! A slight mistake is easily fixed. A big one just takes longer!!
Marlys Weber
Dear Miss Barbour,
Thank you for your analysis but we with Lyn and her analysis, as she is always informed and astute of the issues at hand in the best interest of our town!
Marc Menton
Dear Lyn,
Why are you so angry? Your words are so hateful, hurtful and Carefree Truth is the biggest joke in Carefree. The Truth as you see it?? You are literally making a fool of yourself. Just keep going though as you are sending voters to the fresh new candidates.
Thank you so much!!!
Constance Bedell
(Lyn's note: Mrs. Bedell was Mike Farrar's campaign manager when he ran for mayor against Les Peterson, promising to bring "prosperity" to Carefree, while he was getting his health insurance through the state welfare program for the prior 10 years, a policy that was still current at the time of the election. We discovered that and let it be known. I'm not the least bit angry, but Mrs. Bedell seems not to have gotten over her failure when running the losing, and very malicious, campaign for Mr. Farrar.)
The email addresses were almost identical for Connie Bedell and whoever sent this letter published today in Letters. It was not signed. Due to the similarities in the email addresses, I thought it was that it was from Mrs. Bedell.
Dear Lyn,
Why are you so angry? Your words are so hateful, hurtful and Carefree Truth is the biggest joke in Carefree. The Truth as you see it?? You are literally making a fool of yourself. Just keep going though as you are sending voters to the fresh new candidates.
Thank you so much!!!
Both the writer of the letter and Mrs. Bedell emailed. The writer said she or he wasn't Connie Bedell and wants to remain anonymous. Mrs. Bedell emailed demanding a retraction, saying she has never emailed Carefree Truth.
Retraction issued. My apologies to both.
Lyn Hitchon
We continue to believe that the voters have the right to know the character, for better or for worse, of the candidates. We have not seen a single incident where any of the 7 candidates we support have done anything that has not been honorable and above board. However, several of the opposing candidates have either been completely ignorant of the facts or have intentionally lied and misled to incite the voters. Lyn and I do not feel that should ever be acceptable, and we will continue to correct those misstatements and lies with public record facts. If we make a mistake, we immediately issue a correction. Those are our policies. I have yet to see any corrections issued from the other group, who seem to double down on their falsehoods.
Herbert Hitchon
16-1019. Political signs; printed materials; tampering; violation; classification
A. It is a class 2 misdemeanor for any person to knowingly remove, alter, deface or cover any political sign of any candidate for public office or in support of or opposition to any ballot measure, question or issue or knowingly remove, alter or deface any political mailers, handouts, flyers or other printed materials of a candidate…
I am available by phone if you would like to discuss it further.
Kandace French Contreras, CMC
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Email: Kandace@carefree.org
Phone: 480.488.3686 Fax: 480.488.3845 Cell: 623.810.9040
PO Box 740, 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree, AZ 85377
The Town of Carefree is conducting a primary election. Election Day is Tuesday, August 2, 2022.
To vote in this election, you must be registered to vote within the boundaries of the Town of Carefree by Tuesday, July 5, 2022. You can check your registration status, track your ballot and more at BeBallotReady.Vote or by calling the Maricopa County Elections Department at (602) 506-1511.
Primary Voting Instructions
Important note for seasonal residents:
The United States Postal Service does not forward ballots regardless of mail forwarding instructions. You may request a ballot to be sent to your out-of-town residence by calling the Maricopa County Elections Office at (602) 506-1511.
More information about the Town of Carefree Election can be found on our website: 2022 Election | Carefree, AZ - Official Website
Click here to view July 2022 Carefree Connection
Click here to view July 2022 Event Calendar
For your convenience, all Town Newsletter Communications are available to view on our website: Town Newsletter Archives | Carefree, AZ - Official Website
To vote in this election, you must be registered to vote within the boundaries of the Town of Carefree by Tuesday, July 5, 2022. You can check your registration status, track your ballot and more at BeBallotReady.Vote or by calling the Maricopa County Elections Department at (602) 506-1511.
Primary Voting Instructions
Important note for seasonal residents:
The United States Postal Service does not forward ballots regardless of mail forwarding instructions. You may request a ballot to be sent to your out-of-town residence by calling the Maricopa County Elections Office at (602) 506-1511.
More information about the Town of Carefree Election can be found on our website: 2022 Election | Carefree, AZ - Official Website
Click here to view July 2022 Carefree Connection
Click here to view July 2022 Event Calendar
For your convenience, all Town Newsletter Communications are available to view on our website: Town Newsletter Archives | Carefree, AZ - Official Website
John Crane Announces Campaign for Carefree Mayor
Carefree Vice Mayor and community leader John Crane has declared his candidacy for Carefree Mayor.
“As your Mayor, I will continue to dedicate myself to the community as I have as Vice Mayor, listening and working with our residents, local nonprofit organizations, businesses, and volunteers with respect and cooperation. We have been neighbors for 33 years. I firmly believe local government, as the level of government closest to the people, must be transparent and responsive. I will continue to be visible, accessible, and active in the community.
I will bring my Town Council experience, knowledge, and proven analytical judgement to my decision making and leadership for Council. I will complete the integration of all Carefree homes into the Carefree Water Company system and lead a public engagement, where questions will be answered and ideas and solutions heard, to arrive at a solution for a fire protection system that will ensure public safety and be financially sound.
I will:
- Practice conservative fiscal management of the Town’s finances.
- Protect Carefree’s unique residential character and diligently fight for responsible land use and economic development.
- Initiate better water management in the continuing drought by exploring ground water recharging and creating greater public water conservation awareness and behavior.
- Rein in short term rentals.”
As a dedicated resident of Carefree, John has served the community as Vice Mayor, Councilmember, Vice Chair of the Carefree Planning and Zoning Commission, HOA president and Board Member, Desert Foothills Land Trust Vice Chair, Maricopa County Association of Government Economic Development Committee Member and a Commissioner on the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission.
John earned a BS degree in Mathematics from Villanova University in 1978 and a MS degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California in 1985. He served seven years as a US Navy nuclear submarine officer. For the past 28 years, as a business owner, he has been a sales representative in the semiconductor industry. In 2021 he was recognized by the Black Mountain Foothills Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) with their prestigious Medal of Honor, which recognizes John’s lifelong achievements serving his country and community.
“As your Mayor, I will continue to dedicate myself to the community as I have as Vice Mayor, listening and working with our residents, local nonprofit organizations, businesses, and volunteers with respect and cooperation. We have been neighbors for 33 years. I firmly believe local government, as the level of government closest to the people, must be transparent and responsive. I will continue to be visible, accessible, and active in the community.
I will bring my Town Council experience, knowledge, and proven analytical judgement to my decision making and leadership for Council. I will complete the integration of all Carefree homes into the Carefree Water Company system and lead a public engagement, where questions will be answered and ideas and solutions heard, to arrive at a solution for a fire protection system that will ensure public safety and be financially sound.
I will:
- Practice conservative fiscal management of the Town’s finances.
- Protect Carefree’s unique residential character and diligently fight for responsible land use and economic development.
- Initiate better water management in the continuing drought by exploring ground water recharging and creating greater public water conservation awareness and behavior.
- Rein in short term rentals.”
As a dedicated resident of Carefree, John has served the community as Vice Mayor, Councilmember, Vice Chair of the Carefree Planning and Zoning Commission, HOA president and Board Member, Desert Foothills Land Trust Vice Chair, Maricopa County Association of Government Economic Development Committee Member and a Commissioner on the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission.
John earned a BS degree in Mathematics from Villanova University in 1978 and a MS degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California in 1985. He served seven years as a US Navy nuclear submarine officer. For the past 28 years, as a business owner, he has been a sales representative in the semiconductor industry. In 2021 he was recognized by the Black Mountain Foothills Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) with their prestigious Medal of Honor, which recognizes John’s lifelong achievements serving his country and community.
Sheila Amoroso-Candidate for Carefree Town Council
Research, Facts, Integrity & Trust
-Municipal finance expert--Seasoned experience in all levels of government budgets, public policy and tax policy
-Management experience and getting the job done
-Focus on fiscally responsible budgeting as it is the foundation of good governance
-Focus on increasing community engagement and representation-listen carefully, work together and build consensus-Believe in respectful, collegial collaboration
-Member of Carefree Public Safety Advisory Committee
-Support Carefree Water Company providing safe and secure water for all Carefree residents
I retired as the Director of the Municipal Bond Department at Franklin Templeton Investments in July of 2020 and moved to Carefree. I have 34 years of experience investing in public infrastructure and was the leader of over 30 investment professionals providing investment opportunities for individual and institutional investors.
Our investment decisions required deep analysis of all aspects of government budgets, services, tax policy and public policy. Seen the best, the mediocre and the worst government practices. I
Know what works, what does not and know practices to avoid
One of my top priorities is to support and maintain our fiscally responsible budgeting as this is the foundation of good governance. The revenues that Carefree uses to provide services to our town come primarily from sales taxes. We need to make sure we have sustainable revenues to carry us into the future.
I would like to strengthen and increase community engagement to make sure we understand all voices in the community. We will never please everyone all the time, but I will make it my focus to listen carefully and work to build consensus. I believe my deep analytical background and strategic decision-making skills will add value to town decision making.
I will take the knowledge I gained as a member of the Public Safety Advisory Commission to help the town find the best fit for public safety in our community.
Water is a precious resource which requires sophisticated management. Not all water systems are created equally. Some of our residents have experienced unsatisfactory service from Cave Creek water, which drove the decision by the town and consultants to bring all residents under Carefree Water.
Growth is in our future whether we like it or not. The challenges that lie ahead can be met with good research, examining the facts and managing with integrity and trust.
Sheila Amoroso
Carefree Council candidate
-Municipal finance expert--Seasoned experience in all levels of government budgets, public policy and tax policy
-Management experience and getting the job done
-Focus on fiscally responsible budgeting as it is the foundation of good governance
-Focus on increasing community engagement and representation-listen carefully, work together and build consensus-Believe in respectful, collegial collaboration
-Member of Carefree Public Safety Advisory Committee
-Support Carefree Water Company providing safe and secure water for all Carefree residents
I retired as the Director of the Municipal Bond Department at Franklin Templeton Investments in July of 2020 and moved to Carefree. I have 34 years of experience investing in public infrastructure and was the leader of over 30 investment professionals providing investment opportunities for individual and institutional investors.
Our investment decisions required deep analysis of all aspects of government budgets, services, tax policy and public policy. Seen the best, the mediocre and the worst government practices. I
Know what works, what does not and know practices to avoid
One of my top priorities is to support and maintain our fiscally responsible budgeting as this is the foundation of good governance. The revenues that Carefree uses to provide services to our town come primarily from sales taxes. We need to make sure we have sustainable revenues to carry us into the future.
I would like to strengthen and increase community engagement to make sure we understand all voices in the community. We will never please everyone all the time, but I will make it my focus to listen carefully and work to build consensus. I believe my deep analytical background and strategic decision-making skills will add value to town decision making.
I will take the knowledge I gained as a member of the Public Safety Advisory Commission to help the town find the best fit for public safety in our community.
Water is a precious resource which requires sophisticated management. Not all water systems are created equally. Some of our residents have experienced unsatisfactory service from Cave Creek water, which drove the decision by the town and consultants to bring all residents under Carefree Water.
Growth is in our future whether we like it or not. The challenges that lie ahead can be met with good research, examining the facts and managing with integrity and trust.
Sheila Amoroso
Carefree Council candidate
Video by Vince D'Aliesio
What is best for the citizens you are elected to represent ALWAYS supersedes all other objectives.
Vincenzo “Vince” D’Aliesio: born in Waterbury, CT, moved to Phoenix, AZ, July 1972, at 7 months of age. Grew up in Phoenix, was an altar boy, boy scout, high school and college athlete (football), started mowing lawns in the neighborhood at age 10 and has had a job since. Proud AZ native: Graduated from Camelback High, attended SCC and PVCC, graduated from ASU, a Master’s in Education from NAU. Vince and his family moved to Carefree in 2016, vowing to never move again after finding paradise in the Desert Foothills.
Over a 25-year span, worked as a high school and college football coach, credits his late Coaches: Pete Kellen (Camelback High) and Bruce Snyder (ASU), who both preached on the importance of always doing what’s right. Greatest influences are his parents: Pasquale and Anna D’Aliesio: “work hard, take care of your family, help others, and know that you did your best today.”
Lives in the first house built in Carefree (by Gerry Jones), has worked as an insurance broker, educator, coach, and adult student getting a Masters degree, most importantly a husband of 26 years to Cheryl and father of three: Noah, a 19-year-old son attending ASU and two 16-year-olds, Sophie & Matthew, all three educated in CCUSD schools from preschool. The D’Aliesio’s also have a rescue Chi-Pin named Snoopy, are fostering a Golden-doodle named Toby, and two desert tortoises: Stanley & Sammy Hagar, in addition to the many beautiful coyotes, javalina, bobcats, mule deer, and other God’s creatures that allow Vince and his family to reside on their land.
Hobbies include restoring pottery, announcing and broadcasting high school and college sports for ASU, is the play-by-play voice of Saguaro High School athletics, the Thursday Night High School Football Game of the Week, is a strong advocate of junior college athletics (a proud product of the Maricopa Community Colleges), as well as sports radio & tv: co-host of the Varsity Sports Radio Show every Saturday morning. Member of the Arizona American Italian Club and Phoenix Union High School District Sports Hall of Fame Selection Committee, honoring past athletes and coaches, and raising money for scholarships. Vince is Past-President of the Board of Directors of the Cave Creek Museum and currently serves as a member of the Kiwanis Club of Carefree.
Vince values teamwork. Town Council is teamwork.
video by Herbert Hitchon
Video by Vince D'Aliesio
What is best for the citizens you are elected to represent ALWAYS supersedes all other objectives.
Vincenzo “Vince” D’Aliesio: born in Waterbury, CT, moved to Phoenix, AZ, July 1972, at 7 months of age. Grew up in Phoenix, was an altar boy, boy scout, high school and college athlete (football), started mowing lawns in the neighborhood at age 10 and has had a job since. Proud AZ native: Graduated from Camelback High, attended SCC and PVCC, graduated from ASU, a Master’s in Education from NAU. Vince and his family moved to Carefree in 2016, vowing to never move again after finding paradise in the Desert Foothills.
Over a 25-year span, worked as a high school and college football coach, credits his late Coaches: Pete Kellen (Camelback High) and Bruce Snyder (ASU), who both preached on the importance of always doing what’s right. Greatest influences are his parents: Pasquale and Anna D’Aliesio: “work hard, take care of your family, help others, and know that you did your best today.”
Lives in the first house built in Carefree (by Gerry Jones), has worked as an insurance broker, educator, coach, and adult student getting a Masters degree, most importantly a husband of 26 years to Cheryl and father of three: Noah, a 19-year-old son attending ASU and two 16-year-olds, Sophie & Matthew, all three educated in CCUSD schools from preschool. The D’Aliesio’s also have a rescue Chi-Pin named Snoopy, are fostering a Golden-doodle named Toby, and two desert tortoises: Stanley & Sammy Hagar, in addition to the many beautiful coyotes, javalina, bobcats, mule deer, and other God’s creatures that allow Vince and his family to reside on their land.
Hobbies include restoring pottery, announcing and broadcasting high school and college sports for ASU, is the play-by-play voice of Saguaro High School athletics, the Thursday Night High School Football Game of the Week, is a strong advocate of junior college athletics (a proud product of the Maricopa Community Colleges), as well as sports radio & tv: co-host of the Varsity Sports Radio Show every Saturday morning. Member of the Arizona American Italian Club and Phoenix Union High School District Sports Hall of Fame Selection Committee, honoring past athletes and coaches, and raising money for scholarships. Vince is Past-President of the Board of Directors of the Cave Creek Museum and currently serves as a member of the Kiwanis Club of Carefree.
Vince values teamwork. Town Council is teamwork.
video by Herbert Hitchon
People who have expressed their support for Vince D'Aliesio:
Vince D'Aliesio
Carefree Councilman
Carefree Councilman
Stephen Hatcher for Carefree Council
Stephen Hatcher has been a resident of Carefree since 2011. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA in finance. In 1980 he started his career with Lockheed’s Skunk Works division in military research and finished his engineering career in 1992 as a Concept engineer with Boeing Military Research. Stephen taught graduate finance for fourteen years for University of Phoenix and investment theory for the National School of Financial Planning (CFP). He currently is an investment manager for Baird Private Wealth Management. Stephen's graduate thesis was statistical modeling for the City of Scottsdale to facilitate the forecasting efforts on construction activity, city tax base and annual budgets.
His community services include working against domestic violence through the Theresa’s Fund and supporting the Marine Corps families through the Marine Raiders Foundation.
Stephen’s focus has been the successful integration of the water systems for the town and developing effective drivers for economic development.
His community services include working against domestic violence through the Theresa’s Fund and supporting the Marine Corps families through the Marine Raiders Foundation.
Stephen’s focus has been the successful integration of the water systems for the town and developing effective drivers for economic development.
Michael (Mike) Johnson is a California Bay Area native who has lived in Carefree since 2005 and became a permanent resident in 2013. He is married with five children and four grandchildren. Mike holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Accounting from California State University Hayward and an Associate of Arts Degree from Chabot College Hayward. He is a Certified Public Accountant (Inactive) who started his career in 1978. The majority of his almost 40 year career was spent as a Chief Financial Officer and Controller working in technology startups, public and fortune 500 companies that created jobs and helped build the internet infrastructure. He managed fast growth, mergers and acquisitions, financial and SEC reporting, budgeting, forecasting, treasury, spending, systems and raised capital from Initial Public Offerings, Institutions and Venture Capital. Companies Mike worked in included Baron Data Systems, Ascend Communications (Sold to Lucent), Cacheflow, Amber Networks (Sold to Nokia), Trapeze Networks and Innovalight (Sold to DuPont).
Although Mike says his first love is technology; he was able to take a break from “Silicon Valley” and work for the Oakland Tribune as Chief Financial Officer and then Chief Accounting Officer for Itel Rail.
Mike was appointed to the Carefree Town Council in September of 2021 and has worked with the town on various projects since he became a permanent resident such as the rezoning of Carefree’s Northeast Corner, The Carefree Water Consolidation Project and Traffic Safety.
Councilman Mike Johnson
Although Mike says his first love is technology; he was able to take a break from “Silicon Valley” and work for the Oakland Tribune as Chief Financial Officer and then Chief Accounting Officer for Itel Rail.
Mike was appointed to the Carefree Town Council in September of 2021 and has worked with the town on various projects since he became a permanent resident such as the rezoning of Carefree’s Northeast Corner, The Carefree Water Consolidation Project and Traffic Safety.
Councilman Mike Johnson
I fell in love with Carefree in 1988 and have lived here since 1998. Before retiring, I spent 30+ years in advertising. I worked on the introduction of Acura in 1989 and worked on Orville Redenbacher’s Popcorn, Polaroid, Gallo Wines, Porsche Cars and the ‘Got Milk’ campaigns.
I have a strong marketing and communication background that qualifies me to work very closely with the Town’s communication’s marketing staff on messaging, tourism and economic and business development.
I have volunteered for local organizations serving on the auxiliary board of Scottsdale Healthcare and the board of The Arizona Institute for Breast Health and as a team leader for many years at the Foothills Foodbank every Wednesday.
I have been honored to serve on Carefree’s Town Council. I take my role very seriously. I make sure that I know know both sides of all key issues so that I can make informed, well-thought out decisions. I hope that my experience and work to-date qualifies me to continue service to our Town.
During my free time, I enjoy golfing, yoga, bridge, movies and walking my Golden Retreiver, Biff.
If I am re-elected I will:
* Continue to make our Town vibrant, viable and livable for the years to come
* Ensure all Town residents have access to a quality water supply
* Secure sources of revenue that can provide for top-rate fire and police services
* Make our roadways safe for pedestrians
* Improve way-finding, including uniform signage throughout Town
* Continue leadership of the new Town Ambassador program
* Continue to provide input for Town marketing initiatives
𝐖𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 - 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞.
Here at Dynamic Appliance Repair, we work together as a team to achieve a common goal. We have enthusiasm to encourage employee growth through paid education, training, and vast resources. If you know of our reputation in the industry, you would be proud to work for our company. We have an excellent track record and a strong example of leadership in the industry.
PLEASE 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
Kathy Slipek
Managing Director
Dynamic Appliance Repair
(480) 590-3533
Visit Our Website
Here at Dynamic Appliance Repair, we work together as a team to achieve a common goal. We have enthusiasm to encourage employee growth through paid education, training, and vast resources. If you know of our reputation in the industry, you would be proud to work for our company. We have an excellent track record and a strong example of leadership in the industry.
PLEASE 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
Kathy Slipek
Managing Director
Dynamic Appliance Repair
(480) 590-3533
Visit Our Website
Non profit Info:
American Legion Post 34 is located at 6272. E. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek, Ariz. The American Legion, formed in 1919, supports and advocates on behalf of veterans, active military and their families. The 501(c)(19) also supports the initiatives and programs of the American Legion while fostering patriotism and responsible citizenship. American Legion Post 34 is a non-secular, non-political organization.
Cave Creek Museum prepares History Wing for a 2022 fall opening
Cave Creek Museum staff and volunteers are working feverishly on the non-profit’s History Wing, a capsule that spans 1863 to present day. The museum’s many unique exhibits are being updated and readied for the museum’s new season, which begins October 1, 2022.
According to interim executive director Evelyn Johnson, the exhibits will introduce visitors to artifacts from Cave Creek Mining District’s early days.
“As we prepare for our season opening, we are creating exhibits featuring the gold strike in Cave Creek in the mid-1800s,” says Johnson. “It all began with the discovery of the precious metal in the hills and mountains surrounding Cave Creek.”
As part of the summer remodel and enhancements, the western museum will display the challenges people experienced with regard to mining farming, ranching and just plain living. During the state’s early years, people had to learn – the hard way – how to live in the rugged Sonoran desert foothills, heat and with wildlife. Their life decisions were centered on the various types of rugged desert terrain statewide, long distances from one point to another, being able to transport oneself to other locations and the overall daily struggle for water.
Johnson says other exhibits under expansion include the story, in 2000, about how people in the Town of Cave Creek led a fight to keep a former dude ranch from being developed into a planned community.
“The History Wing also will showcase the Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area, which because of its ongoing care, thrives with abundant flora, fauna and many pre-history archaeological sites that have been saved into perpetuity,” adds Johnson. “Guests will be amazed by all they will learn and understand about our special ecological area in Arizona.”
Cave Creek Museum is looking for volunteers to work with exhibits, like those in the History Wing, as well as joining in activities that are planned throughout the summer and upcoming season. Call 480.488.2764 for more information.
Cave Creek Museum prepares History Wing for a 2022 fall opening
Cave Creek Museum staff and volunteers are working feverishly on the non-profit’s History Wing, a capsule that spans 1863 to present day. The museum’s many unique exhibits are being updated and readied for the museum’s new season, which begins October 1, 2022.
According to interim executive director Evelyn Johnson, the exhibits will introduce visitors to artifacts from Cave Creek Mining District’s early days.
“As we prepare for our season opening, we are creating exhibits featuring the gold strike in Cave Creek in the mid-1800s,” says Johnson. “It all began with the discovery of the precious metal in the hills and mountains surrounding Cave Creek.”
As part of the summer remodel and enhancements, the western museum will display the challenges people experienced with regard to mining farming, ranching and just plain living. During the state’s early years, people had to learn – the hard way – how to live in the rugged Sonoran desert foothills, heat and with wildlife. Their life decisions were centered on the various types of rugged desert terrain statewide, long distances from one point to another, being able to transport oneself to other locations and the overall daily struggle for water.
Johnson says other exhibits under expansion include the story, in 2000, about how people in the Town of Cave Creek led a fight to keep a former dude ranch from being developed into a planned community.
“The History Wing also will showcase the Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area, which because of its ongoing care, thrives with abundant flora, fauna and many pre-history archaeological sites that have been saved into perpetuity,” adds Johnson. “Guests will be amazed by all they will learn and understand about our special ecological area in Arizona.”
Cave Creek Museum is looking for volunteers to work with exhibits, like those in the History Wing, as well as joining in activities that are planned throughout the summer and upcoming season. Call 480.488.2764 for more information.
The 51-year-old museum’s mission is to preserve the artifacts of the prehistory, history, culture and legacy of the Cave Creek Mining District and the Cave Creek/Carefree foothills area through education, research, and interpretive exhibits. The Cave Creek Museum is located at 6140 E. Skyline Drive in Cave Creek, Ariz., 480.488.2764. Open October through May.
PO Box 831
Carefree, AZ 85377
Thanks to you, we had an amazing outcome for our first-ever Silent Auction Virtual Event! After five days of bidding on packages, we're excited to announce that our Silent Auction raised $30,066!
We were granted 501c3 status, and our name is now the Varsity Media Foundation. Below is the link to the promo announcing the change which means that donations are now tax deductible! Thanks
click here: https://youtu.be/P81JPgHP75A
Vince D'Aliesio
Interested in learning some computer basics?
Desert Foothills Library and Tech4Life have partnered to offer you a 6 part Tech Series.
Register for up to six different sessions.
Desert Foothills Library and Tech4Life have partnered to offer you a 6 part Tech Series.
Register for up to six different sessions.
Desert Foothills Library
JULY 2022 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All programs are free and do not require registration unless otherwise noted.
Oceans of Possibilities: Summer Reading Program
June 1st – August 1st
Celebrate reading this summer with our annual Summer Reading Program! The theme this year is Oceans of Possibilities, so you will see plenty of ocean related programs – including pirates, mermaids, sea creatures, sea mythology, and water-based exploration. Utilize Summer Reading to counteract the summer slide with your kiddos or use it as a way to track your own reading and earn fun prizes along the way! The program is open to all ages and you can register at https://maricopacountyreads.org/ or at the library.
These are programs that individual people or outside groups pay to host at the library and are not a reflection of the library’s values or views.
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
eBook and Online Database Help
Tuesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks can be easy through the library’s digital collection! Each week there will be an informal drop-in class for anyone with questions about Libby, Cloud Library, or any of the apps the library offers. We will show you how to download the apps to your phone or tablet and how to navigate the digital collection. No question is too small! Please bring your device and have your library card ready! For Apple users your Apple ID will be needed.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
International Film Noir Series with Gary Zaro
Fridays, 2-5pm; Starting June 10th
Film Noir is one of the most dynamic, compelling, and enduring styles of cinema ever developed. Inspired by the films of German Expressionism and the popular pulp fiction novels in America, Film Noir thrived in the 1940s and 1950s. Fueled by the pessimism of World War II and later the Cold War, it will create some of the greatest films of all time. Its thematic and stylistic power will transcend to international cinema, where many countries will adapt the Film Noir style to their own unique cultural milieus without losing the power, drama, intrigue and intensity of the Noir style. It is a style that remains popular today, and you will no doubt recognize many Film Noir motifs that are prevalent in today's cinema. So cool off this summer with some intriguing and exciting films!
July films: Le Doulos, Death of a Cyclist, Story of a Love Affair, Rififi
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Jubilate Conservatory of Music Summer Semester Classes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday – Summer Semester Starts June 18th
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, begins in-person music classes in September. The Fall Semester lasts fourteen weeks. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition.
This is a class through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided. If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147 or jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org.
MahJongg 101: Brain Healthy Fun!
Mondays, July 11-August 1, 1-4pm
Learn the foundations of how to play this stimulating rummy-like tile game. Fun, challenging, and addictive it helps to improve memory, decision-making skills and patience. Instructor provides individual attention in a small-group friendly setting and guides students in understanding MahJongg and how the game is played. Join in the fun. The 2021 Mahjongg Card is required & available at www.nationalmahjonggleague.org. Class limited to 8 students.
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $90.00
Puzzle Exchange
Friday, July 29, 9:00-5:00 pm
Are you sick of your puzzles at home because you have completed all of them multiple times? Come drop off your gently used puzzles and pick out a new one for free! Leave a puzzle, take a puzzle! Offered on the last Friday of every month. All ages and skill levels encouraged!
Books to Die For: A Murder Mystery Book Club
Wednesday, July 27, 3-4pm
Here at Desert Foothills Library, we're booked on crime! Join us for the inaugural meeting of the Books to Die For Murder Mystery Book Club! This book club is for lovers of all forms of mystery novels. We will explore the genre in depth, eventually coming up with the perfect plan for murder (wink, wink). Light refreshments will be provided.
July: Murder on Astor Street by Victoria Thompson
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Desert Foothills Library
JULY 2022 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All programs are free and do not require registration unless otherwise noted.
Oceans of Possibilities: Summer Reading Program
June 1st – August 1st
Celebrate reading this summer with our annual Summer Reading Program! The theme this year is Oceans of Possibilities, so you will see plenty of ocean related programs – including pirates, mermaids, sea creatures, sea mythology, and water-based exploration. Utilize Summer Reading to counteract the summer slide with your kiddos or use it as a way to track your own reading and earn fun prizes along the way! The program is open to all ages and you can register at https://maricopacountyreads.org/ or at the library.
Tuesdays: Toddlers, ages 18 months to 3 years
Thursdays: Preschoolers, ages 4 to 6 years
Every Other Friday: Babies, ages 0 to 18 months
Splash into summer by spending 45 minutes in storytime with Miss Heather! Each storytime will feature movement, songs, and stories, of course, followed by a craft! All summer long, storytimes will be based on a topic related to the overall Summer Reading theme: Oceans of Possibilities! Expect ocean explorations, water-related tales, mermaid stories, pirate adventures, and more! Each storytime session is aimed at a different age group, as detailed above.
If You Read A Kid A Book
Mondays, 10-11am
Dive into a good book with us! Every Monday this summer in the Imagination Lab, Miss Heather will be reading aloud from a chapter book to share her love of reading and a fun story. She will be doing voices to the best of her ability! Related coloring sheets will be provided to have something to do while listening to the book.
This program is open to all children but is specifically aimed at ages 8-11.
LEGO: Build Your Own Adventure – Unsupervised
Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30pm
The Imagination Lab is OPEN! Come on in and use your imagination to build an ocean of possibilities with the library’s supply of LEGO bricks and minifigures. Building with LEGOs is a great way for children to hone their fine motor skills as well as explore physics and creativity. There will be no staff supervision, so participants must be accompanied by an adult.
This program is intended for ages 6-11.
Crafternoon – Unsupervised
Fridays, 11am-4pm
Drop into the Imagination Lab to craft to your heart’s content! Craft supplies will be made available for any children and teens who need to express their creativity. There will be no staff supervision, so participants need to be accompanied by an adult.
This program is intended for ages 2-18.
Jubilate Music Classes
Summer Semester Starting June 18th
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, presents in-person music classes at Desert Foothills Library. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition. These classes are through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians Book Club
Thursday, July 28, August 18, September 9, 3:30-4:30pm
Journey through the Percy Jackson series and Greek myths set in modern times with this book club! Every three weeks we will read the next installment in the series. At each meeting we will discuss the book, the myths from which it references, and do a variety of crafts and activities. The series follows the adventures of Percy Jackson, a 12-year-old boy finds out he is a demi-god. Dangerous quests and adventures ensue with the help other demi-gods where they encounter villains and monsters of Greek mythology in modern times. Copies of the books are available for checkout in the library – please read the book before the meeting.
This program is intended for ages 8-11.
The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles Activity
Wednesday, July 27, 3:30-4:30pm
Soak up this beautiful story of oceans and community where a man spreads kindness by delivering messages in a bottle. After reading the story, Miss Heather will guide participants in making and decorating their own messages of kindness in a bottle to hide around the library for community members to stumble across.
This program is intended for ages 7-10.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Robot Soldering Workshop with Eric Ose
Thursday, July 28, 1-3pm
Join us for a hands-on make and take soldering project. You will make your own fun robot figure that lights up when you touch its heart. This robot is a great demonstration of how transistors work to boost the signals from a sensor. No experience necessary. Don't miss the fun!
This program is intended for ages 13-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, July 30, 1:00-3:00pm
Interested in Dungeons & Dragons but don’t know how to get started? Love D&D but don’t have a group? Join Librarian Heather as she leads adventurers through a campaign, explaining the basics along the way. Both seasoned players and people new to RPGs are welcome! If you are able, please come with a filled out character sheet (blank ones will be available in the library). There will also be premade characters available on the day of. If you missed the last meeting – don’t worry! We’ll find a way to introduce your character to the party.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.
JULY 2022 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All programs are free and do not require registration unless otherwise noted.
Oceans of Possibilities: Summer Reading Program
June 1st – August 1st
Celebrate reading this summer with our annual Summer Reading Program! The theme this year is Oceans of Possibilities, so you will see plenty of ocean related programs – including pirates, mermaids, sea creatures, sea mythology, and water-based exploration. Utilize Summer Reading to counteract the summer slide with your kiddos or use it as a way to track your own reading and earn fun prizes along the way! The program is open to all ages and you can register at https://maricopacountyreads.org/ or at the library.
These are programs that individual people or outside groups pay to host at the library and are not a reflection of the library’s values or views.
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
eBook and Online Database Help
Tuesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks can be easy through the library’s digital collection! Each week there will be an informal drop-in class for anyone with questions about Libby, Cloud Library, or any of the apps the library offers. We will show you how to download the apps to your phone or tablet and how to navigate the digital collection. No question is too small! Please bring your device and have your library card ready! For Apple users your Apple ID will be needed.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
International Film Noir Series with Gary Zaro
Fridays, 2-5pm; Starting June 10th
Film Noir is one of the most dynamic, compelling, and enduring styles of cinema ever developed. Inspired by the films of German Expressionism and the popular pulp fiction novels in America, Film Noir thrived in the 1940s and 1950s. Fueled by the pessimism of World War II and later the Cold War, it will create some of the greatest films of all time. Its thematic and stylistic power will transcend to international cinema, where many countries will adapt the Film Noir style to their own unique cultural milieus without losing the power, drama, intrigue and intensity of the Noir style. It is a style that remains popular today, and you will no doubt recognize many Film Noir motifs that are prevalent in today's cinema. So cool off this summer with some intriguing and exciting films!
July films: Le Doulos, Death of a Cyclist, Story of a Love Affair, Rififi
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Jubilate Conservatory of Music Summer Semester Classes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday – Summer Semester Starts June 18th
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, begins in-person music classes in September. The Fall Semester lasts fourteen weeks. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition.
This is a class through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided. If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147 or jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org.
MahJongg 101: Brain Healthy Fun!
Mondays, July 11-August 1, 1-4pm
Learn the foundations of how to play this stimulating rummy-like tile game. Fun, challenging, and addictive it helps to improve memory, decision-making skills and patience. Instructor provides individual attention in a small-group friendly setting and guides students in understanding MahJongg and how the game is played. Join in the fun. The 2021 Mahjongg Card is required & available at www.nationalmahjonggleague.org. Class limited to 8 students.
RSVP at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: $90.00
Puzzle Exchange
Friday, July 29, 9:00-5:00 pm
Are you sick of your puzzles at home because you have completed all of them multiple times? Come drop off your gently used puzzles and pick out a new one for free! Leave a puzzle, take a puzzle! Offered on the last Friday of every month. All ages and skill levels encouraged!
Books to Die For: A Murder Mystery Book Club
Wednesday, July 27, 3-4pm
Here at Desert Foothills Library, we're booked on crime! Join us for the inaugural meeting of the Books to Die For Murder Mystery Book Club! This book club is for lovers of all forms of mystery novels. We will explore the genre in depth, eventually coming up with the perfect plan for murder (wink, wink). Light refreshments will be provided.
July: Murder on Astor Street by Victoria Thompson
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Desert Foothills Library
JULY 2022 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All programs are free and do not require registration unless otherwise noted.
Oceans of Possibilities: Summer Reading Program
June 1st – August 1st
Celebrate reading this summer with our annual Summer Reading Program! The theme this year is Oceans of Possibilities, so you will see plenty of ocean related programs – including pirates, mermaids, sea creatures, sea mythology, and water-based exploration. Utilize Summer Reading to counteract the summer slide with your kiddos or use it as a way to track your own reading and earn fun prizes along the way! The program is open to all ages and you can register at https://maricopacountyreads.org/ or at the library.
Tuesdays: Toddlers, ages 18 months to 3 years
Thursdays: Preschoolers, ages 4 to 6 years
Every Other Friday: Babies, ages 0 to 18 months
Splash into summer by spending 45 minutes in storytime with Miss Heather! Each storytime will feature movement, songs, and stories, of course, followed by a craft! All summer long, storytimes will be based on a topic related to the overall Summer Reading theme: Oceans of Possibilities! Expect ocean explorations, water-related tales, mermaid stories, pirate adventures, and more! Each storytime session is aimed at a different age group, as detailed above.
If You Read A Kid A Book
Mondays, 10-11am
Dive into a good book with us! Every Monday this summer in the Imagination Lab, Miss Heather will be reading aloud from a chapter book to share her love of reading and a fun story. She will be doing voices to the best of her ability! Related coloring sheets will be provided to have something to do while listening to the book.
This program is open to all children but is specifically aimed at ages 8-11.
LEGO: Build Your Own Adventure – Unsupervised
Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30pm
The Imagination Lab is OPEN! Come on in and use your imagination to build an ocean of possibilities with the library’s supply of LEGO bricks and minifigures. Building with LEGOs is a great way for children to hone their fine motor skills as well as explore physics and creativity. There will be no staff supervision, so participants must be accompanied by an adult.
This program is intended for ages 6-11.
Crafternoon – Unsupervised
Fridays, 11am-4pm
Drop into the Imagination Lab to craft to your heart’s content! Craft supplies will be made available for any children and teens who need to express their creativity. There will be no staff supervision, so participants need to be accompanied by an adult.
This program is intended for ages 2-18.
Jubilate Music Classes
Summer Semester Starting June 18th
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, presents in-person music classes at Desert Foothills Library. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition. These classes are through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians Book Club
Thursday, July 28, August 18, September 9, 3:30-4:30pm
Journey through the Percy Jackson series and Greek myths set in modern times with this book club! Every three weeks we will read the next installment in the series. At each meeting we will discuss the book, the myths from which it references, and do a variety of crafts and activities. The series follows the adventures of Percy Jackson, a 12-year-old boy finds out he is a demi-god. Dangerous quests and adventures ensue with the help other demi-gods where they encounter villains and monsters of Greek mythology in modern times. Copies of the books are available for checkout in the library – please read the book before the meeting.
This program is intended for ages 8-11.
The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles Activity
Wednesday, July 27, 3:30-4:30pm
Soak up this beautiful story of oceans and community where a man spreads kindness by delivering messages in a bottle. After reading the story, Miss Heather will guide participants in making and decorating their own messages of kindness in a bottle to hide around the library for community members to stumble across.
This program is intended for ages 7-10.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Robot Soldering Workshop with Eric Ose
Thursday, July 28, 1-3pm
Join us for a hands-on make and take soldering project. You will make your own fun robot figure that lights up when you touch its heart. This robot is a great demonstration of how transistors work to boost the signals from a sensor. No experience necessary. Don't miss the fun!
This program is intended for ages 13-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, July 30, 1:00-3:00pm
Interested in Dungeons & Dragons but don’t know how to get started? Love D&D but don’t have a group? Join Librarian Heather as she leads adventurers through a campaign, explaining the basics along the way. Both seasoned players and people new to RPGs are welcome! If you are able, please come with a filled out character sheet (blank ones will be available in the library). There will also be premade characters available on the day of. If you missed the last meeting – don’t worry! We’ll find a way to introduce your character to the party.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.