"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1097, July 15, 2024
Issue #1097, July 15, 2024
Response to Baseless Criticism of the Carefree Town Staff
For many years, the dedicated and professional Carefree Town Staff has been one of the Town’s primary assets. They have been instrumental in holding the Town together during periods when the Town Council has been consumed in considerable strife. They are dedicated, professional, and effective people, and they work well with the residents. Carefree could not function properly without the loyalty and experience of our Staff.
As a part of their election rhetoric, however, Town Council Candidates Diane Roth and Lon Johnson have been strongly criticizing the Town Staff and expressing their viewpoints that, if elected, they would quickly initiate terminations. Their statements are particularly offensive given the stellar contributions of the Staff compounded by these candidates’ lack of any meaningful work experience with them.
As an 11-year member of the Carefree Town Government, serving on P&Z, Vice Mayor, and Mayor of Carefree (2015 - 2022), I worked closely with the Carefree Town Staff. During that time I had numerous benchmarks from other municipalities against which to assess the performance of our own Town Staff. While small in numbers, Carefree’s Staff approached every assignment with the same high level of professionalism and dedication as any of their counterparts.
Consider the following before you vote: Assume that you are a member of a Board of Directors interviewing a prospective manager for your business. Ask yourself what you would think of the person you are interviewing if they: 1) had no comparable experience, 2) repeatedly stated baseless criticisms regarding how the business was managed, 3) never expressed any rational plan for the future, 4) made statements which indicated that they didn’t understand how the business operated and, 5) stated that as one of their priorities, they were going to terminate key employees. Now think about Ms. Roth’s and Mr. Johnson’s qualifications and statements, and if you want to vote for them to become Carefree Council members.
Les Peterson
As a part of their election rhetoric, however, Town Council Candidates Diane Roth and Lon Johnson have been strongly criticizing the Town Staff and expressing their viewpoints that, if elected, they would quickly initiate terminations. Their statements are particularly offensive given the stellar contributions of the Staff compounded by these candidates’ lack of any meaningful work experience with them.
As an 11-year member of the Carefree Town Government, serving on P&Z, Vice Mayor, and Mayor of Carefree (2015 - 2022), I worked closely with the Carefree Town Staff. During that time I had numerous benchmarks from other municipalities against which to assess the performance of our own Town Staff. While small in numbers, Carefree’s Staff approached every assignment with the same high level of professionalism and dedication as any of their counterparts.
Consider the following before you vote: Assume that you are a member of a Board of Directors interviewing a prospective manager for your business. Ask yourself what you would think of the person you are interviewing if they: 1) had no comparable experience, 2) repeatedly stated baseless criticisms regarding how the business was managed, 3) never expressed any rational plan for the future, 4) made statements which indicated that they didn’t understand how the business operated and, 5) stated that as one of their priorities, they were going to terminate key employees. Now think about Ms. Roth’s and Mr. Johnson’s qualifications and statements, and if you want to vote for them to become Carefree Council members.
Les Peterson