(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Cardinal among the Soleri Bells
Photo by Jane Ceasor
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Jane Ceasor
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Lupe playing with her brother Ozzie (Yes, they actually are siblings!)
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here's your bonus video from Herbert: This is takes you to Kevin's wonderful Carefree Christmas concert that was written up in Carefree Truth, Issue #880.
Here's your bonus video from Herbert: This is takes you to Kevin's wonderful Carefree Christmas concert that was written up in Carefree Truth, Issue #880.
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Hi Lyn!
Can't thank you enough for sharing the video and can't thank Herbert enough for filming my show! I had such and amazingly good time that night as I could absolutely feel the good will flowing from everyone who showed up, including the Venues crowd outside.
Thank you both for all you do for the community. We are truly blessed.
Kevin Glenn
Simply beautiful! A Happy & Healthy New Year to you as well!!
Natalie Baxter
(Lyn's note: Kevin's concert)
Amazing!!! Happy, Happy New Year to you both. Hope we get all of our
freedoms back soon!!! Not too sure about that either!
Have fun and enjoy everything.
Jan Kelly
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Hi Lyn!
Can't thank you enough for sharing the video and can't thank Herbert enough for filming my show! I had such and amazingly good time that night as I could absolutely feel the good will flowing from everyone who showed up, including the Venues crowd outside.
Thank you both for all you do for the community. We are truly blessed.
Kevin Glenn
Simply beautiful! A Happy & Healthy New Year to you as well!!
Natalie Baxter
(Lyn's note: Kevin's concert)
Amazing!!! Happy, Happy New Year to you both. Hope we get all of our
freedoms back soon!!! Not too sure about that either!
Have fun and enjoy everything.
Jan Kelly
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