"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1090, June 27, 2024
Issue #1090, June 27, 2024
Please publish the attached letter of support for Council Member Vince D’Aliesio, and my support for your and and Herbert’s comments regarding the “OurCarefree PAC.”
At many Town meetings in recent years, a relatively consistent group of roughly 25 - 30 residents which has included members of “OurCarefree” (less than 1% of the total number of residents of Carefree) frequently have made belittling or insulting comments and direct criticisms relative to the people who worked or are currently working on projects which could benefit the Town and its residents. Their criticisms of individuals are met with clapping and “atta boys” from the other group members. The stronger or the more derogatory and insulting their criticism, the stronger the support the speaker has received from the other members of their group.
Their uninformed insults of the Town Staff have had a very negative impact on the Staff's morale. An additional issue is that the people making these derogatory comments are ill-informed relative to the particulars of the subject under discussion. Their statements and actions have demonstrated only a shallow understanding of the project particulars and applicable State Statutes and requirements placed upon municipal governments, and they have frequently slowed down and in some instances seriously delayed various projects.
The people associated with OurCarefree have not ever generated sufficient support among Carefree voters to have been elected, so the tactics they and others associated with them have been to try to persuade previous Carefree Mayors and Town Council members to follow their demands through other means. Unable to marshal facts to support their demands, the behavior just described is their most recent tactic. I am hopeful that the current Mayor and Council members are smart enough to see through this group’s most recent tactic, and to respond appropriately for the benefit of the real majority of Carefree residents who choose not to get involved in the circus that Carefree Town meetings have become.
Les Peterson
Carefree Mayor 2015 - 2022