"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
The new set up is not the least bit unsightly in my opinion: the new plants are going to be lovely when full grown, and we will have done something for the long term outlook of our community.
Gail Thiele
(Lyn's note: I agree, and I even think the new wall that hides the equipment is stylish. As for the plants, one of the problems people face when using landscapers is that many of them plant plants to make it look perfect when they are finished. They don't tend to take into account what happens when the plants grow, at which point some have to be removed or it looks like George of the Jungle lives there.)
I think you are correct about plants. I was glad to see them plant what looked like plants with potential to grow.
As well as the candidate forum, sponsored by the Carefree/Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce, I strongly advocate for an additional candidate debate, in order for the Carefree voters to be able to ask questions to ascertain exactly how much each candidate knows about the issues and history, and what steps they would take to implement and fund their vision of Carefree's future, taking into account the vast changes in the Desert Foothills area during the years since Lyn and I built our house and moved into it in 1991, after moving here in 1988.
The number of Desert Foothills residents has grown exponentially since that time, and the development has grown to support those residents. Scottsdale's and Phoenix's residential and commercial development, rather than being a half an hour away, have long since grown to border Carefree and Cave Creek.
Cave Creek's commercial development has also grown away from their town core to extend down Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road. Carefree is now in stiff competition with the other communities commercial developments for the sales tax revenue needed to support Carefree's larger population and the expected services that accompany that growth. I am not hearing answers to those questions from those who are throwing out the warm and fuzzy sound bytes.
Herbert Hitchon
Gail Thiele
(Lyn's note: I agree, and I even think the new wall that hides the equipment is stylish. As for the plants, one of the problems people face when using landscapers is that many of them plant plants to make it look perfect when they are finished. They don't tend to take into account what happens when the plants grow, at which point some have to be removed or it looks like George of the Jungle lives there.)
I think you are correct about plants. I was glad to see them plant what looked like plants with potential to grow.
As well as the candidate forum, sponsored by the Carefree/Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce, I strongly advocate for an additional candidate debate, in order for the Carefree voters to be able to ask questions to ascertain exactly how much each candidate knows about the issues and history, and what steps they would take to implement and fund their vision of Carefree's future, taking into account the vast changes in the Desert Foothills area during the years since Lyn and I built our house and moved into it in 1991, after moving here in 1988.
The number of Desert Foothills residents has grown exponentially since that time, and the development has grown to support those residents. Scottsdale's and Phoenix's residential and commercial development, rather than being a half an hour away, have long since grown to border Carefree and Cave Creek.
Cave Creek's commercial development has also grown away from their town core to extend down Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road. Carefree is now in stiff competition with the other communities commercial developments for the sales tax revenue needed to support Carefree's larger population and the expected services that accompany that growth. I am not hearing answers to those questions from those who are throwing out the warm and fuzzy sound bytes.
Herbert Hitchon
Dear OurCarefree,
Thanks for sharing this video. What I saw was our 2017 elected representatives and Town staff openly discussing a vision for a sustainable Town of Carefree future during a workshop (not a public hearing, like it or not). And the emails you share are unsurprising back-and-forths between negotiating parties, the reality of what Town leaders and staff typically go through, whether it's Carefree or elsewhere, while working through legal due process with property owners and developers. Unless I missed something, this is hardly the conspiracy you attempt to paint. If you have some actual damning evidence of malfeasance, please share it, but trying to spin up a nefarious sounding conspiracy theory seems regrettable.
You've made it clear that you disagree with the vision shared in the attached video, but what I don't hear from you is any clear, actionable alternative vision. You're against a lot of things -- aren't we all!? -- but what are you for? What's your vision for Carefree's future, specifically, and how do you propose we achieve that vision? For example, you've promoted "keep Carefree pristine," which I agree sounds very nice, but what does that really mean, and how would or could that be achieved? Good leadership requires actionable vision. Obstruction is a divisive strategy, which is sometimes valid, but it's not a vision.
I'm not trying to be difficult, or holier-than-thou, but I think your divisive approach is ineffective, and I challenge you to explain your vision for Carefree, and how that vision can realistically be achieved, citing long and short term objectives, including funding.
Also, the irony is thick when an anonymous group calls for transparency and integrity while making innuendos, accusations and personal attacks against others who've shared their visions, goals and actions in the public forum. I'm not necessarily defending them, but the anonymity is ringing hollow, as it is for other anonymous local sources I'm aware of.
In the interest of furthering open, honest and productive discussion in our small Town, I'm copying this message to a few other parties who've demonstrated an interest in Carefree's future. As corny as it sounds, we'd be better off working together than we will by working apart.
Thanks for listening,
Peter Budnick
Carefree Resident
Thanks for sharing this video. What I saw was our 2017 elected representatives and Town staff openly discussing a vision for a sustainable Town of Carefree future during a workshop (not a public hearing, like it or not). And the emails you share are unsurprising back-and-forths between negotiating parties, the reality of what Town leaders and staff typically go through, whether it's Carefree or elsewhere, while working through legal due process with property owners and developers. Unless I missed something, this is hardly the conspiracy you attempt to paint. If you have some actual damning evidence of malfeasance, please share it, but trying to spin up a nefarious sounding conspiracy theory seems regrettable.
You've made it clear that you disagree with the vision shared in the attached video, but what I don't hear from you is any clear, actionable alternative vision. You're against a lot of things -- aren't we all!? -- but what are you for? What's your vision for Carefree's future, specifically, and how do you propose we achieve that vision? For example, you've promoted "keep Carefree pristine," which I agree sounds very nice, but what does that really mean, and how would or could that be achieved? Good leadership requires actionable vision. Obstruction is a divisive strategy, which is sometimes valid, but it's not a vision.
I'm not trying to be difficult, or holier-than-thou, but I think your divisive approach is ineffective, and I challenge you to explain your vision for Carefree, and how that vision can realistically be achieved, citing long and short term objectives, including funding.
Also, the irony is thick when an anonymous group calls for transparency and integrity while making innuendos, accusations and personal attacks against others who've shared their visions, goals and actions in the public forum. I'm not necessarily defending them, but the anonymity is ringing hollow, as it is for other anonymous local sources I'm aware of.
In the interest of furthering open, honest and productive discussion in our small Town, I'm copying this message to a few other parties who've demonstrated an interest in Carefree's future. As corny as it sounds, we'd be better off working together than we will by working apart.
Thanks for listening,
Peter Budnick
Carefree Resident
On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 2:30 PM Our Carefree wrote:
The OurCarefree vision is the same as the overwhelming majority of Carefree residents.
It is reflected in the General Plan Hearing Draft published a couple weeks ago. The team at OurCarefree worked alongside other Carefree residents from day one to support the process and to take part in all the workshops and surveys.
We spent time in front of the post office to help other residents understand what a General Plan is and how important it is to our town's future.
So if you want to know what the OurCarefree team's vision is, please read the General Plan hearing draft. https://carefree.org/carefree-general-plan-update
The OurCarefree vision is the same as the overwhelming majority of Carefree residents.
It is reflected in the General Plan Hearing Draft published a couple weeks ago. The team at OurCarefree worked alongside other Carefree residents from day one to support the process and to take part in all the workshops and surveys.
We spent time in front of the post office to help other residents understand what a General Plan is and how important it is to our town's future.
So if you want to know what the OurCarefree team's vision is, please read the General Plan hearing draft. https://carefree.org/carefree-general-plan-update
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list. Please support our Carefree merchants.
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list. Please support our Carefree merchants.