(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Photo by Rianna Riego
And here is your bonus round from Herbert:
And here is your bonus round from Herbert:
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
Be in the know. . . Emergency Preparedness Presentation
Thursday, June 27, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Please join Carefree’s Fire Chief and officials from Maricopa County Emergency Management Office on Thursday, June 27 at 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers (33 Easy Street) to learn how you can better prepared for and protect your family and assets from emergencies such as flash floods, wildfires and extreme heat. This meeting is free to attend, and open to all Carefree residents, as well as members of the Desert Foothills community.
Excerpted from COINS
The History of the Carefree Sundial
In 1955, Town founders K. T. Palmer and Tom Darlington were looking for ways to market their newly acquired 2,200 acres of land. Not only did they select the name “Carefree”, but went on to name streets with a combination of whimsy and humor. It is doubtful that one can find Ho Hum Road anywhere but Carefree. Their creativity is now legendary, including the construction of SkyRanch airpark, the nation’s first airport where prospective homeowners could fly in to preview sites. (Note: The Town’s elevation of 2,568 feet above sea level was measured at the eastern end of the runway.)
The current sundial, built in 1959, with its 62 ft gnomon is the largest sundial in the western hemisphere, was designed by Joe B. Wong* of the architectural firm of Wong Associates of Scottsdale. The plaza measures 90 feet in diameter and the tip of the gnomon is 35 feet above grade. A forgotten item of interest is that the original construction included radiation absorbing painted tubes that circulated water, heated from the sun’s rays, to the Darlington and Palmer Building, designed by solar engineer John Yellot. The building, at that time, was the real estate sales office and included a small café where food was served to prospective clients. The building is now the Carefree Town Hall. Sadly, the solar heated water system was not as efficient as had been hoped and was discontinued.
The Carefree Sundial is a ‘working’ sundial. To achieve this recognition, the gnomon must point directly to the North Star with consideration given to latitude and longitude of its location. Hour markers (1 through 12) are equally carefully positioned. On four days of the year, the gnomon’s shadow is accurate with Mountain Standard Time. Depending on the sun’s orbit, adjustments can be made using a plaque fixed at the base.
In 1976, the Kiwanis Club of Carefree acquired the Sundial and, along with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic-minded individuals refurbished it at a cost of $10,000 and subsequently donated it to the Town. The Sundial has received periodic levels of maintenance, the most recent in 2011 when it was powder-coated and given new LED lighting, thanks in part to additional donations from the Kiwanis Club and Carefree-based Let There Be Light, LLC.
February 14, 2012
*Joseph Bing Wong was born in Clifton, AZ on August 17, 1921 and passed away in Scottsdale, AZ on March 12, 2011
Arthur Gimson
The residents of our community never cease to amaze me. What a great idea this is.
Now, wouldn't it be cool if someone in the Solar energy business would step up and honor the Sundial by restoring the solar energy component of the Sundial to working condition as it was designed by Joe Wong and his partners when first installed?
Carefree was at the cutting edge of solar technology when our town was created. It's part of our towns DNA and it's living legacy.
Congrats to all involved.
Phil Corso
Dear Lyn,
Please convey our appreciation to Kevin for his part in seeing that the sundial will be restored to its original beauty.
Pam DiPietro
I just finished reading Lyn Hitchon's latest issue of Carefree Truth, which included your suggestion that the Sundial be restored with its "sunburst". Great idea and I hope that it makes its way through the bureaucratic maze.
It brought back memories of my days as a Member of the Carefree Town Council. The State of Arizona was getting ready to celebrate its centennial (February 14, 2012) and communities were asked to do something to join in the commemorative celebrations. Carefree buried a time capsule, purchased at great expense (not really) and it was buried under the number 12 of the Sundial clock. There is (if it's still there) a plaque on the end of the pony wall with the date of burial.
Below is something that I wrote up about the event.
ArthurCarefree Sundial Centennial Time Capsule
Carefree residents and business owners are invited to submit items to be placed in a time capsule to be placed near the number 12 on the Sundial’s Plaza on Arizona Statehood Day, Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 12 noon.
Items for consideration should relate to Carefree and can include written documents, photographs, textiles, non-ferrous metals, glass and pottery, subject to space considerations. Below is the criteria established by the committee, comprising of former mayor Wayne Fulcher (Chair) and former mayors David Dennison and Hugh Stevens along with current mayor David Schwan.
OBJECTIVE: To provide the citizens of Carefree in 2059, an engaging snapshot of the daily life of Carefree in 2012 and the aspirations of today’s citizens for the future of Carefree.
IMPLEMENTATION: Engage a wide selection of the Carefree community in developing items to be included in the capsule while focusing on selections that will be both interesting and self explanatory. In this process we will use the iconic Carefree Sundial to generate media interest and citizen participation.
1.) Targeted date of retrieval February 14, 2059 (100th anniversary of the Sundial)
2.) Time Capsule to include:
a.) Pictures of everyday life in Carefree supplied by Carefree citizens.
b.) Letters from the following segments of the community: Citizen, Elected Government, Town Administration, Community Service, First Responders, Business, to outline aspirations and predictions for Carefree.
c.) Representative Items: Carefree Resort, Sky Ranch Airport and Desert Forest Golf Club.
d.) Sun Dial items/history.
Deadline for the submission of items for consideration is Thursday, February 3, 2011, and must be delivered to the Town hall located at 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree, AZ. during regular business hours. Items are not returnable.
The committee will review submissions that will be included in the 19” L x 18” W x 10” D composite capsule. The committee will take into consideration originality and potential historical value as well as space considerations.
About Carefree
Carefree, Arizona has a population of 3,400 (2010 census) and is located in the northern foothills of the Valley of the Sun. The southern and eastern borders are Scottsdale and its western boundary is the Town of Cave Creek.
It was incorporated as a Town in 1984.
It is world famous for its street names, especially Ho Road, Hum Road and Ho Hum Road!
Thank you very much for your support!
As long-time residents I imagine that we both may have acquired a certain "pride of place" in our town. I'm also pretty certain that there are many others who feel the same way.
From the perspective of our shared history and legacy I believe rejoining
the sunburst to the sundial is the correct and appropriate think to do. We owe it to the founders, to the incorporators, to ourselves as current custodians, and to all those who will follow us.
Kevin Tully
Looks delish! Want to visit on my next visit. Jan would love this place. I love eclectic stuff and your purse is wonderful. Becky Fenger and I used to shop at Egal Rags and My Sister’s Closet when they first opened. I am NOT a clothes shopper but those kinds of places are fun and painless 😊
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: Laurie saw the ad for Bags & Rags in Carefree Truth. It is a fun clothing boutique on Easy Street. The purse I carry is one I got from Rose. I get a lot of compliments on it. She has neat stuff.)
When will we actually have Carefree water? And how do we even know if it's true? How can we be so shafted and just have to “accept” poor quality. I have children whom I love more than anything and they deserve the best. And we deserve to know everyone is safe. That's why we came to Carefree.
Bobbi Stumpf
(Lyn's note: Carefree Mayor Les Peterson has been moving it ahead for nearly a year. It is approximately a 2 year endeavor. There is an IGA between Carefree and Cave Creek, signed by the administrations of both towns, that spells it out. It will happen, despite resistance from Cave Creek's current administration.)
Hi Lyn,
The filter was changed two months ago. Within a few weeks it was this color.
Nancy K.
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
Be in the know. . . Emergency Preparedness Presentation
Thursday, June 27, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Please join Carefree’s Fire Chief and officials from Maricopa County Emergency Management Office on Thursday, June 27 at 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers (33 Easy Street) to learn how you can better prepared for and protect your family and assets from emergencies such as flash floods, wildfires and extreme heat. This meeting is free to attend, and open to all Carefree residents, as well as members of the Desert Foothills community.
Excerpted from COINS
The History of the Carefree Sundial
In 1955, Town founders K. T. Palmer and Tom Darlington were looking for ways to market their newly acquired 2,200 acres of land. Not only did they select the name “Carefree”, but went on to name streets with a combination of whimsy and humor. It is doubtful that one can find Ho Hum Road anywhere but Carefree. Their creativity is now legendary, including the construction of SkyRanch airpark, the nation’s first airport where prospective homeowners could fly in to preview sites. (Note: The Town’s elevation of 2,568 feet above sea level was measured at the eastern end of the runway.)
The current sundial, built in 1959, with its 62 ft gnomon is the largest sundial in the western hemisphere, was designed by Joe B. Wong* of the architectural firm of Wong Associates of Scottsdale. The plaza measures 90 feet in diameter and the tip of the gnomon is 35 feet above grade. A forgotten item of interest is that the original construction included radiation absorbing painted tubes that circulated water, heated from the sun’s rays, to the Darlington and Palmer Building, designed by solar engineer John Yellot. The building, at that time, was the real estate sales office and included a small café where food was served to prospective clients. The building is now the Carefree Town Hall. Sadly, the solar heated water system was not as efficient as had been hoped and was discontinued.
The Carefree Sundial is a ‘working’ sundial. To achieve this recognition, the gnomon must point directly to the North Star with consideration given to latitude and longitude of its location. Hour markers (1 through 12) are equally carefully positioned. On four days of the year, the gnomon’s shadow is accurate with Mountain Standard Time. Depending on the sun’s orbit, adjustments can be made using a plaque fixed at the base.
In 1976, the Kiwanis Club of Carefree acquired the Sundial and, along with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic-minded individuals refurbished it at a cost of $10,000 and subsequently donated it to the Town. The Sundial has received periodic levels of maintenance, the most recent in 2011 when it was powder-coated and given new LED lighting, thanks in part to additional donations from the Kiwanis Club and Carefree-based Let There Be Light, LLC.
February 14, 2012
*Joseph Bing Wong was born in Clifton, AZ on August 17, 1921 and passed away in Scottsdale, AZ on March 12, 2011
Arthur Gimson
The residents of our community never cease to amaze me. What a great idea this is.
Now, wouldn't it be cool if someone in the Solar energy business would step up and honor the Sundial by restoring the solar energy component of the Sundial to working condition as it was designed by Joe Wong and his partners when first installed?
Carefree was at the cutting edge of solar technology when our town was created. It's part of our towns DNA and it's living legacy.
Congrats to all involved.
Phil Corso
Dear Lyn,
Please convey our appreciation to Kevin for his part in seeing that the sundial will be restored to its original beauty.
Pam DiPietro
I just finished reading Lyn Hitchon's latest issue of Carefree Truth, which included your suggestion that the Sundial be restored with its "sunburst". Great idea and I hope that it makes its way through the bureaucratic maze.
It brought back memories of my days as a Member of the Carefree Town Council. The State of Arizona was getting ready to celebrate its centennial (February 14, 2012) and communities were asked to do something to join in the commemorative celebrations. Carefree buried a time capsule, purchased at great expense (not really) and it was buried under the number 12 of the Sundial clock. There is (if it's still there) a plaque on the end of the pony wall with the date of burial.
Below is something that I wrote up about the event.
ArthurCarefree Sundial Centennial Time Capsule
Carefree residents and business owners are invited to submit items to be placed in a time capsule to be placed near the number 12 on the Sundial’s Plaza on Arizona Statehood Day, Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 12 noon.
Items for consideration should relate to Carefree and can include written documents, photographs, textiles, non-ferrous metals, glass and pottery, subject to space considerations. Below is the criteria established by the committee, comprising of former mayor Wayne Fulcher (Chair) and former mayors David Dennison and Hugh Stevens along with current mayor David Schwan.
OBJECTIVE: To provide the citizens of Carefree in 2059, an engaging snapshot of the daily life of Carefree in 2012 and the aspirations of today’s citizens for the future of Carefree.
IMPLEMENTATION: Engage a wide selection of the Carefree community in developing items to be included in the capsule while focusing on selections that will be both interesting and self explanatory. In this process we will use the iconic Carefree Sundial to generate media interest and citizen participation.
1.) Targeted date of retrieval February 14, 2059 (100th anniversary of the Sundial)
2.) Time Capsule to include:
a.) Pictures of everyday life in Carefree supplied by Carefree citizens.
b.) Letters from the following segments of the community: Citizen, Elected Government, Town Administration, Community Service, First Responders, Business, to outline aspirations and predictions for Carefree.
c.) Representative Items: Carefree Resort, Sky Ranch Airport and Desert Forest Golf Club.
d.) Sun Dial items/history.
Deadline for the submission of items for consideration is Thursday, February 3, 2011, and must be delivered to the Town hall located at 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree, AZ. during regular business hours. Items are not returnable.
The committee will review submissions that will be included in the 19” L x 18” W x 10” D composite capsule. The committee will take into consideration originality and potential historical value as well as space considerations.
About Carefree
Carefree, Arizona has a population of 3,400 (2010 census) and is located in the northern foothills of the Valley of the Sun. The southern and eastern borders are Scottsdale and its western boundary is the Town of Cave Creek.
It was incorporated as a Town in 1984.
It is world famous for its street names, especially Ho Road, Hum Road and Ho Hum Road!
Thank you very much for your support!
As long-time residents I imagine that we both may have acquired a certain "pride of place" in our town. I'm also pretty certain that there are many others who feel the same way.
From the perspective of our shared history and legacy I believe rejoining
the sunburst to the sundial is the correct and appropriate think to do. We owe it to the founders, to the incorporators, to ourselves as current custodians, and to all those who will follow us.
Kevin Tully
Looks delish! Want to visit on my next visit. Jan would love this place. I love eclectic stuff and your purse is wonderful. Becky Fenger and I used to shop at Egal Rags and My Sister’s Closet when they first opened. I am NOT a clothes shopper but those kinds of places are fun and painless 😊
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: Laurie saw the ad for Bags & Rags in Carefree Truth. It is a fun clothing boutique on Easy Street. The purse I carry is one I got from Rose. I get a lot of compliments on it. She has neat stuff.)
When will we actually have Carefree water? And how do we even know if it's true? How can we be so shafted and just have to “accept” poor quality. I have children whom I love more than anything and they deserve the best. And we deserve to know everyone is safe. That's why we came to Carefree.
Bobbi Stumpf
(Lyn's note: Carefree Mayor Les Peterson has been moving it ahead for nearly a year. It is approximately a 2 year endeavor. There is an IGA between Carefree and Cave Creek, signed by the administrations of both towns, that spells it out. It will happen, despite resistance from Cave Creek's current administration.)
Hi Lyn,
The filter was changed two months ago. Within a few weeks it was this color.
Nancy K.