"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #875, December 4, 2020
Issue #875, December 4, 2020
Shorty before the meeting was called to order, Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked why the Christmas tree had been relocated. Gary Neiss explained that the Town is in the process of restoring a newly made copy of the iconic sunburst ornament that originally hung underneath the Sundial. They thought it would be completed by now, but it was delayed due to Covid. The tree sat on a wood platform under the Sundial but the wood had rotted so, rather than buy new wood for just one year, the decision was made to move the tree to the new location now. It has worked out nicely at that location. The target date for the sunburst installation is within the next couple of months.
During Current Events, Mayor Les Peterson announced that the Chanuka Celebration will be taking place in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion from December 10th-17th each night at 5:30 PM. The attendance has been building each year.
The "Sound of Music was a roaring success. Social distancing was observed, the performances were excellent, and the weather mostly held.
Long term members of the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) Scott Sperl and Dick Tatlow expressed that, while they had enjoyed their time on P&Z, they had other commitments going forward so they tendered their resignations. The Mayor also received a call from P&Z Chairman Al Mascha to say the he too was ready to move on now that there were several excellent candidates willing to volunteer their services. Mayor Peterson expressed his deep appreciation for their contributions over the years, and to Chairman Mascha for his fine leadership. He asked the Council members to review the list of candidates in preparation for interviews. The candidates will introduce themselves at the January Council meeting and the Council members will vote on the replacements. Continuing to serve on P&Z are Tom Cross, Heather Burgett, Lyn Hitchon and Dan Davee, 4 excellent people.
The Christmas tree is up and lit and the Gardens are lit for the holidays. It is a beautiful place to walk around in the evening.
During the fall, an off season Bike Week was held, delayed from the spring due to Covid-19. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) brought up people from around the Valley and had a DUI van. Their increased presence was noted by those attending Bike Week, and it was very effective. The magnitude of attendees, even with the reduced numbers due to the off-season execution, made believers out of MCSO's leadership. MCSO will have an even greater presence during Bike Week this spring.
The Mayor, Vice Mayor John Crane, Councilman Vince D'Aliesio, and Gary Neiss have been meeting with MCSO to discuss photo radar. They will be back to the Council with more information and a recommendation soon. Photo radar can be very effective in slowing speeders.
Carefree has done many things in concert with Scottsdale. The wastewater goes to Scottsdale and the Carefree Water Company's water is treated in Scottsdale. There has been a change in leadership. Mayor Peterson will be meeting with Mayor David Ortega on December 9th to get acquainted. The goal is to renew and strengthen the existing bonds. Scottsdale has been very cooperative in the past. Both Gary Neiss and Greg Crossman came to Carefree from the Scottsdale training ground and system.
Mayor Peterson asked if anyone else had any announcements.
Vice Mayor Crane noted that December 19th is "Wreaths Across America Day". The Tribute Riders, a motorcycle group in N. Scottsdale, puts flags and wreaths on the graves of veterans in the Carefree cemetery and cleans up the cemetery occasionally. He said they are a great group of people.
Councilman D'Aliesio announced that he will be live-streaming the Menorah lighting taking place every evening at 5:30 PM on the Pavilion stage from December 10th-17th, for those who are unable to attend but who wish to see the event. He will be creating separate links for each evening. The links will be archived on Carefree's website. www.carefree.org
During Current Events, Mayor Les Peterson announced that the Chanuka Celebration will be taking place in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion from December 10th-17th each night at 5:30 PM. The attendance has been building each year.
The "Sound of Music was a roaring success. Social distancing was observed, the performances were excellent, and the weather mostly held.
Long term members of the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) Scott Sperl and Dick Tatlow expressed that, while they had enjoyed their time on P&Z, they had other commitments going forward so they tendered their resignations. The Mayor also received a call from P&Z Chairman Al Mascha to say the he too was ready to move on now that there were several excellent candidates willing to volunteer their services. Mayor Peterson expressed his deep appreciation for their contributions over the years, and to Chairman Mascha for his fine leadership. He asked the Council members to review the list of candidates in preparation for interviews. The candidates will introduce themselves at the January Council meeting and the Council members will vote on the replacements. Continuing to serve on P&Z are Tom Cross, Heather Burgett, Lyn Hitchon and Dan Davee, 4 excellent people.
The Christmas tree is up and lit and the Gardens are lit for the holidays. It is a beautiful place to walk around in the evening.
During the fall, an off season Bike Week was held, delayed from the spring due to Covid-19. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) brought up people from around the Valley and had a DUI van. Their increased presence was noted by those attending Bike Week, and it was very effective. The magnitude of attendees, even with the reduced numbers due to the off-season execution, made believers out of MCSO's leadership. MCSO will have an even greater presence during Bike Week this spring.
The Mayor, Vice Mayor John Crane, Councilman Vince D'Aliesio, and Gary Neiss have been meeting with MCSO to discuss photo radar. They will be back to the Council with more information and a recommendation soon. Photo radar can be very effective in slowing speeders.
Carefree has done many things in concert with Scottsdale. The wastewater goes to Scottsdale and the Carefree Water Company's water is treated in Scottsdale. There has been a change in leadership. Mayor Peterson will be meeting with Mayor David Ortega on December 9th to get acquainted. The goal is to renew and strengthen the existing bonds. Scottsdale has been very cooperative in the past. Both Gary Neiss and Greg Crossman came to Carefree from the Scottsdale training ground and system.
Mayor Peterson asked if anyone else had any announcements.
Vice Mayor Crane noted that December 19th is "Wreaths Across America Day". The Tribute Riders, a motorcycle group in N. Scottsdale, puts flags and wreaths on the graves of veterans in the Carefree cemetery and cleans up the cemetery occasionally. He said they are a great group of people.
Councilman D'Aliesio announced that he will be live-streaming the Menorah lighting taking place every evening at 5:30 PM on the Pavilion stage from December 10th-17th, for those who are unable to attend but who wish to see the event. He will be creating separate links for each evening. The links will be archived on Carefree's website. www.carefree.org
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.