"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1007, April 15, 2022
Issue #1007, April 15, 2022
(Lyn's note: During the April meeting, the microphone at the podium was malfunctioning and several of the speakers could not be understood. Mr. Milstone, Mr. Mattes, and Ms. Amoroso in this issue of Carefree Truth were not able to be understood. The Town was not aware of this issue at the April meeting and is working on correcting the problem.)
At the April 5th meeting, Mark Milstone made his final presentation and asked if there were any questions from the Council. Vice Mayor John Crane noted that the items earmarked for the first year were not mandated to be done, and each must come before the Council for approval prior to implementation.
John Mattes asked where the money was coming from, questioning the Town's ability to pay for the proposed projects and referred to the CIP as a budget. Mr. Mattes had strongly suggested reducing the staff and making some of the full time employees half time to save money.
Councilman Tony Geiger explained that the 5 year CIP is not a budget; it is a planning document that potentially, year to year, rolls into the budget. It is a road map of what the Town feels are critical projects that must get done. There are also grants listed, and some of the money will come from that. Some will come from the County. But there is no guarantee that all the money will be spent. Mr. Geiger said that in his experience in both business and in government, it is standard operational procedure to have a capital improvement plan, then if you can afford it, based on need or ability to pay, it rolls into a budget on an annual basis.
Sheila Amoroso, speaking towards Mr. Mattes, said the money is coming from the Capital Improvement Fund. She noted that the Town has been very fiscally responsible.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio asked Gary Neiss how many years he has been with the Town of Carefree. Mr. Neiss replied that he has been with the Town for almost 20 years. Mr. D'Aliesio asked, over that period, with road maintenance, a recession, and a pandemic, at what point during those 20 years is Carefree at its highest point in the cash reserves, and what are the cash reserves right now? Mr. Neiss replied that the current cash reserves "are north of $14 million".
Mr. D'Aliesio asked if these were the highest cash reserves in the 20 years that Mr. Neiss has been here. Mr. Neiss confirmed it and noted that it's interesting to note that this is bookmarked between two generational downturns in the economy, the Great Recession and the Covid shutdowns, and the reserves are at an all time high because of conservative financial management. Mayor Peterson added Carefree has been doing that and shows every sign of doing that in the future.
Mr. Neiss reported that during those 20 years, the Town bought land, built a fire station on it, and built a fire program. Carefree built the Town Center Gardens. Carefree bought the building that houses the Council Chambers and made the improvements to it, rather than renting Chambers as had been done in the past. The building that houses the Town offices was bought and improved. It was the original building of the development offices that build Carefree. Millions of dollars were spent on street projects.
Mr. D'Aliesio thanked Mr. Neiss. He told Mr. Mattes that he read Mr. Mattes' letter, and that Mr. Mattes had cornered him and accused Mr. D'Aliesio of a failure to respond. He noted that Mr. Mattes had never asked him to respond. Mr. D'Aliesio said the Carefree Town staff is one of the best in Arizona. They wear "multiple hats". Carefree is a small town with a working Council. He did not believe that any staff positions could be eliminated. The staff is already stretched, and they work extremely hard. Mr. D'Aliesio said he took extreme offense to what Mr. Mattes put in his letter about downsizing the staff. The Council and the staff are very fiscally responsible. "You are more than welcome to come in any time and talk to any of us, and not grandstand." Come in and talk to staff. Come to meetings. Be informed."
Mayor Peterson moved the meeting on to accept a motion.
The Council unanimously approved acceptance the CIP.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
At the April 5th meeting, Mark Milstone made his final presentation and asked if there were any questions from the Council. Vice Mayor John Crane noted that the items earmarked for the first year were not mandated to be done, and each must come before the Council for approval prior to implementation.
John Mattes asked where the money was coming from, questioning the Town's ability to pay for the proposed projects and referred to the CIP as a budget. Mr. Mattes had strongly suggested reducing the staff and making some of the full time employees half time to save money.
Councilman Tony Geiger explained that the 5 year CIP is not a budget; it is a planning document that potentially, year to year, rolls into the budget. It is a road map of what the Town feels are critical projects that must get done. There are also grants listed, and some of the money will come from that. Some will come from the County. But there is no guarantee that all the money will be spent. Mr. Geiger said that in his experience in both business and in government, it is standard operational procedure to have a capital improvement plan, then if you can afford it, based on need or ability to pay, it rolls into a budget on an annual basis.
Sheila Amoroso, speaking towards Mr. Mattes, said the money is coming from the Capital Improvement Fund. She noted that the Town has been very fiscally responsible.
Councilman Vince D'Aliesio asked Gary Neiss how many years he has been with the Town of Carefree. Mr. Neiss replied that he has been with the Town for almost 20 years. Mr. D'Aliesio asked, over that period, with road maintenance, a recession, and a pandemic, at what point during those 20 years is Carefree at its highest point in the cash reserves, and what are the cash reserves right now? Mr. Neiss replied that the current cash reserves "are north of $14 million".
Mr. D'Aliesio asked if these were the highest cash reserves in the 20 years that Mr. Neiss has been here. Mr. Neiss confirmed it and noted that it's interesting to note that this is bookmarked between two generational downturns in the economy, the Great Recession and the Covid shutdowns, and the reserves are at an all time high because of conservative financial management. Mayor Peterson added Carefree has been doing that and shows every sign of doing that in the future.
Mr. Neiss reported that during those 20 years, the Town bought land, built a fire station on it, and built a fire program. Carefree built the Town Center Gardens. Carefree bought the building that houses the Council Chambers and made the improvements to it, rather than renting Chambers as had been done in the past. The building that houses the Town offices was bought and improved. It was the original building of the development offices that build Carefree. Millions of dollars were spent on street projects.
Mr. D'Aliesio thanked Mr. Neiss. He told Mr. Mattes that he read Mr. Mattes' letter, and that Mr. Mattes had cornered him and accused Mr. D'Aliesio of a failure to respond. He noted that Mr. Mattes had never asked him to respond. Mr. D'Aliesio said the Carefree Town staff is one of the best in Arizona. They wear "multiple hats". Carefree is a small town with a working Council. He did not believe that any staff positions could be eliminated. The staff is already stretched, and they work extremely hard. Mr. D'Aliesio said he took extreme offense to what Mr. Mattes put in his letter about downsizing the staff. The Council and the staff are very fiscally responsible. "You are more than welcome to come in any time and talk to any of us, and not grandstand." Come in and talk to staff. Come to meetings. Be informed."
Mayor Peterson moved the meeting on to accept a motion.
The Council unanimously approved acceptance the CIP.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.