"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1096, July 13, 2024
Issue #1096, July 13, 2024
The block wall, or as Carefree Town Council candidate Diane Roth refers to it, "a fort", surrounding the equipment seen from Tom Darlington Drive, was done using textured brown block rather than bare concrete. Statutes require that the gauges and controls be above ground to protect the workers, and the Water Company put these closest to Tom Darlington to minimize disturbance to the residents to the east when Water Company trucks come by periodically to check the gauges and controls. There was no rendering from the west side (east facing view) that Ms. Roth called a "fort". Renderings from the Tom Darlington side were never done because the North Boulders HOA never made that the big issue.
The iron railing on the Boulders side of the section of the water storage tank that is above ground, covered with soil, and landscaped, was placed there so anyone climbing up on it would be protected from falling, just like the railings installed outside at residences if there is a drop that could cause injuries in the case of a fall, in accordance with the International Building Code.
The important point is that the North Boulders HOA was complaining almost exclusively about the view from the Boulders. That's also the view in the photograph taken this week (see below). And that's why the Town hired someone to do renderings from that side.
The renderings from the Water Company were the renderings and plans as they existed on Feb 6, 2022, when Diane Roth was still on the HOA Board. The Town's Planning Department told the Water Company that a brick or block wall would be required to be added around the equipment on the west side to screen it from the view on Tom Darlington. They discussed this wall with the North Boulders HOA later in 2022, but by that time Ms. Roth had already lost her election and was no longer on the HOA Board.
The photo is from nearly the same spot (the edge of the Ryans' lot, eye level, or 5.5 feet off the ground, closest to the Ryans' home). The edge of the Ryans' lot was selected because it was the closest residential property in the Boulders to the water tank site, and closer than any roads. The angle chosen is the one that was "promised" by the Town. The graphic rendering of the water tank was how it would look from the east, where the residents lived who were doing a lot of complaining that the water tank was going to totally obscure their view of Black Mountain. The “Fort” photo from Ms. Roth is what the water tank looks like from the west side facing the road.
The foliage closest to the Ryans' lot has grown considerably over the past three years and screens the view from their lot more than was anticipated. Foliage closer to the tank hasn't really grown in yet. The flora they are adding around the tank will mature 2-3 years from now, further screening the tank.
The iron railing on the Boulders side of the section of the water storage tank that is above ground, covered with soil, and landscaped, was placed there so anyone climbing up on it would be protected from falling, just like the railings installed outside at residences if there is a drop that could cause injuries in the case of a fall, in accordance with the International Building Code.
The important point is that the North Boulders HOA was complaining almost exclusively about the view from the Boulders. That's also the view in the photograph taken this week (see below). And that's why the Town hired someone to do renderings from that side.
The renderings from the Water Company were the renderings and plans as they existed on Feb 6, 2022, when Diane Roth was still on the HOA Board. The Town's Planning Department told the Water Company that a brick or block wall would be required to be added around the equipment on the west side to screen it from the view on Tom Darlington. They discussed this wall with the North Boulders HOA later in 2022, but by that time Ms. Roth had already lost her election and was no longer on the HOA Board.
The photo is from nearly the same spot (the edge of the Ryans' lot, eye level, or 5.5 feet off the ground, closest to the Ryans' home). The edge of the Ryans' lot was selected because it was the closest residential property in the Boulders to the water tank site, and closer than any roads. The angle chosen is the one that was "promised" by the Town. The graphic rendering of the water tank was how it would look from the east, where the residents lived who were doing a lot of complaining that the water tank was going to totally obscure their view of Black Mountain. The “Fort” photo from Ms. Roth is what the water tank looks like from the west side facing the road.
The foliage closest to the Ryans' lot has grown considerably over the past three years and screens the view from their lot more than was anticipated. Foliage closer to the tank hasn't really grown in yet. The flora they are adding around the tank will mature 2-3 years from now, further screening the tank.
Further disinformation concerns the total cost of the consolidation of all residential and commercial accounts in Carefree, which included bringing all of the residential and business accounts on the west side of town into the Carefree Water Company system, the water storage reservoir (tank) and about $4 million for system improvements like enlarging water lines in some areas so that they would be a least 4” diameter so as to enable fire fighters to hook their hoses up directly to the water system instead of having to use tanker trucks. Fire hydrants were also installed in parts of Carefree that were already on the Carefree Water system but which lacked hydrants.
Through the misguided efforts of the North Boulders HOA, of which Diane Roth was a member of the Board at the time, trying to stop the construction of the water reservoir, approximately $1.5 million of what had been intended to be expended for system improvements benefiting Carefree residents had to be expended defending against the Boulders futile lawsuits and appeals. The actual cost was approximately $18.5 million, not the $18.5 million plus interest costs over 30 years (fixed at 2.8%) for the $32 million mentioned in her ad.
It's just dishonest to say, "We were promised this", and compare it with a photo of something from the opposite side of the property. Diane Roth lied about the water tank. Ms. Roth continues to spread deception, so why would anyone trust anything she says?
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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