(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
(Blue Host finally resolved their issues and we are fully operational again!)
(Blue Host finally resolved their issues and we are fully operational again!)
Photo by Louise Short
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
This link is that amazing purple sunset from last week. We have never seen anything like it.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
This link is that amazing purple sunset from last week. We have never seen anything like it.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
A retired N.Y.C. cop sent this to me, and it was so lovely that I wanted to share it with all of you.
No instruments, no microphones, no special effects, just 3 young siblings (Erika, Delaney, and Zachary) singing the anthem as originally written, right in their own living room. Click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QEGlsHS6tSQ
Carefree: Season For Caring
With all the hustle and bustle in the month of December, the true meaning of the season is sometimes overlooked. There are many in need; those less fortunate than us who we seldom see or realize their challenges. This holiday season the Town of Carefree has partnered with the Foothills Caring Corps to address those needs with a new Carefree tradition – Season For Caring.
Participation is simple - Season For Caring donation jars are available at a number of Carefree businesses, with retailers encouraging patrons to make a donation to this worthy cause during the season. The Kiwanis Club of Carefree will match all monetary donations collected up to $5,000, and the jars will be in prominent locations in participating businesses through December 20.
The Town is also sponsoring an “Angel Tree” located in the Town Hall offices, where residents, businesses and visitors can select and sponsor a local Foothill Caring Corps beneficiary, providing them with a much-needed gift of holiday cheer. Persons wishing to support the “Angel Tree” program should have their wrapped gifts returned to Town Hall no later than December 16, in order to have them distributed to the beneficiaries prior to the Christmas holidays.
To sign up your business as a Donation Jar location or to sponsor an "Angel" from the tree, contact Vicki@Carefree.org or call 480-488-3686.
We are fortunate to live the lives we lead. Season For Caring is a wonderful opportunity to support a friend or neighbor in need this holiday season and give back to the community.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah and look forward to seeing you about town.
John Crane
Vice Mayor, Town of Carefree
Hi Lyn,
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. This is such valuable content, I am going to use it as marketing material for the 2020 race. With this and all my lessons learned I have high hopes for another successful event. You and Herbie have been a catalyst and I am going to keep riding the momentum!
I am forever grateful.
Kelsie Hughes
(Lyn's note: Kelsey was an organizer for the AT&T 3 Miler Charity Race in Carefree the Saturday before Veterans Day. The event raised money to help vets and their families. Herbert took pictures of it and also did videos. AT&T had a photographer arranged who failed to show up. But as always, Herbie was there, camera in hand, so they still got great footage of their event. If you missed it before, here's the link again. It was a fun event for a great cause.) http://aneyeonyouproduction.com/111019-first-veterans-day-3-miler-race.html
Thank you for sending this! Makes me smile all over again!!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!!
Debbi Burdick
(Lyn's note: "Carefree Cares" CCUSD Excellence Awards)
Last weekend, one of the toilets was not flushing. I needed a replacement fill valve, not a big deal, $7.98 from Lowes with a 5-year warranty. My house was built as received its certificate of completion in December 2002.
When installing the new valve, I found the bottom of the tank to have a layer of small sand. The toilet happens to be the one closest to the supply coming in to the house. I am seriously thinking about getting a plumber to look at the possibility of adding a bypass loop with an inline filter, after the shut-off valve. Perhaps with an opportunity to remove, clean or replace the filter. While it will not help with TOCs and THMS, it may keep the bits and pieces out…I drink tap water!
I, too, will be very happy when we are on Carefree Water.
Arthur Gimson
Hey Lyn,
Did you hear or see that coyote. I think he was stalking my dogs. He was right by our grill looking right at us howling loudly. I tried to shoo and scare him away and he actually stood up. Do you know if they can jump the fence? I put my dogs on a leash to go potty in our back yard , just in case I need to get them in quickly.
Bobbi Stumpf
(Lyn's note: Coyotes can jump fences and walls. Bobbi is smart to keep her dogs on their leashes in case she needs to pull them out of harm's way quickly. Small pets are tasty snacks for the coyotes.)
Coyotes, interesting as we're having serious problems with coyotes decimating our wild turkey and deer population.
Larry Holland
(Lyn's note: Michigan's Upper Peninsula.)
Thanks Lyn and Herbie! Hope to see you at the the Tree Lighting. I appreciate all you both do for the Town businesses and our community. Your consistent work to promote the businesses takes a lot of time and effort and you never ask for anything.
A howl goes out to Angel and the gang too.
Gina Kaegi
It was a pleasure spending time with you this afternoon. I look forward to viewing Alberto’s site and visiting his restaurant soon.
Enjoy the rest of your day And thanks again for your support.
Warm regards,
Paul Keeler
(Lyn's note: Owner of Keeler's Neighborhood Steakhouse in Spanish Village. We were there for Sunday brunch. Yum!)